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Peter Taylor scoring against Brentford in 1972 at Roots Hall.


I was in the South East Paddock level with PT when he scored that
So was i Os,you never know,we may have "kissed".
Happy days...see the "KING" waiting for the rebound.
Was you on the Brother Grimms coach to the away game at Brentford? Remember a few of the Leigh comm lot getting on the coach with me..Keith.F was getting a lot of stick from the rest of the L.C. mob(as usual).
Great old photo of the South Bank 'Seventies'.

I'd date that maybe late 1960's?

Love the fact there's no advertising behind the goal. Just that small wall that was always there. I remember when we had a corner at the South Bank end, how we used to run right down to where the goal was. You could almost reach out and touch the players.

As 'Chairman Trigg' said, if we still had that banking and could extend behind the North Bank and East Bank, we could have a huge ground on the current site.

On the Peter Taylor pic, I wasn't at that match. Indeed, apart from a once a season trip at Easter with my dad, I didn't really go regularly until 1974-75.

That season, I'm sure Taylor scored the only goal for Palace in a 1-0 win I was at. Huge crowd. Friday evening and I'm sure it was over 17,000!
Probably been posted before, but was Googling something else and came across this one from the Manchester City home game. How times have changed for them :-

southend united manchester city.jpg
Yep, I'm sure it is.

I guess this must be the League Cup game around 1987.

Can't work out who the other fella is in shot. Looks a bit like Warren May.

Edit : 23rd September 1986 . 0-0 draw. Looking at the team that night, I think that must be John Gymer.

Team :


Subs : McDonough, O'Shea
So was i Os,you never know,we may have "kissed".
Happy days...see the "KING" waiting for the rebound.
Was you on the Brother Grimms coach to the away game at Brentford? Remember a few of the Leigh comm lot getting on the coach with me..Keith.F was getting a lot of stick from the rest of the L.C. mob(as usual).

Yes i was on the coach , I remeber the coach stuck in traffic on the way to the ground and a couple Leigh Comm jumped of the coach and helped themself to some cooked chickens from a butchers that had just been cooked . A bit further down the road a police car stopped the coach over the chickens .
FANTASTIC thread!!! So many memories.
One thing that strikes me, is that for me personally, whenever "KING" or THE KING" is mentioned- it can only be one player. I was very, very young when I saw THE KING play and in truth I remember many players much clearer than this particular player - yet he is still THE KING.
In 1969 my Dad took me to see us lose at home to Scunny and on the ground i found a white badge with the black & white image of a player. My dad told me who the player was..I was six and it was just a name. When I wore that badge to Westleigh School - WOW the big kids knew exactly who it was and I had as much kudos as a young kid can get.
No other Southend United hero, Spud, Spenno, Richard Cadette, Ron Pountney, Freddy or even Sir Stanley ...has come close to the hero worship that one player received...and still has.
No need for a name.
Just read (and watched) all 25 pages, fascinating ! Brings back a lot of fond memories, and some I don't remember...

Thanks to all of the contributors :Worthy:
Do love the photos of our ground "old school".The stands "PAK..ED" with fans,most standing.
Loved it when the "west side",always moved which way we were kicking.first half,we "kicked" going South,then 2nd we went normally,north.Most of our fans congregated, the way we were kicking.
Liked it when we could walk from South to North,what ever way we were kicking(behind the west stand).Before the game,i would always start up at Brother Grimms "shed",meet other young fans who traveled with "Brother",book up to the next away game or buy the last away game "prog".
Think it was after the Villa game,that changed,but not sure
So was i Os,you never know,we may have "kissed".
Happy days...see the "KING" waiting for the rebound.
Was you on the Brother Grimms coach to the away game at Brentford? Remember a few of the Leigh comm lot getting on the coach with me..Keith.F was getting a lot of stick from the rest of the L.C. mob(as usual).

Few of us from Leigh Comm were on the Grimms coach in Sept (I think) 71, including Keith F. SS, TJ, Pete Mash, about 20 at most. When we got to Brentford, as the coach was turning the corner by one of the pubs on the corner of the ground, one of their 'top boys' was outside drinking a pint. When he saw us he tipped his pint over the pavement & gestured (everyone to their own!).
We parked in a playground near their end, last time I went there, it's now houses. We stood on the open end, not many of us there in total, and 2nd half all their mob walked round & stood behind us. We thought we'd have a rough ride back to the coach, but nothing happened. Just as well because they outnumbered us easily 4 to 1.
Oh and we won 2-1!. Following season we played there in March (?) 73, again won 2-1, and that was the day we went in numbers in a convoy of motors which left from The Elms, and we had their end.
We had 13 fans nicked, which made the front page of The News of The World the following day, and that day in detail deserves a thread of it's own, not on this one.
Off thread I know.. but The Brothers Grimm were absolute legends!!!

Agreed, but not the bravest!. In 75 (?) we played Peterborough in the league cup 1st rd, 2 legged tie. Won the 1st at home 2-0, but lost up there 3-0!.
In that game the fat Brother Grimm ( who died in Scotland few years ago) was having a disagreement with Boro fan, who promptly punched him. The skinny brother ( Peter) ran off!!.