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Not being paid

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We can utilise the huge sums amassed by the Trust over the past ten years in preparation for these circumstances.

Why do you think the Trust has "amassed" funds in preparation over 10 years? That's not the purpose of the Trust. The "fighting funds" from the previous campaign are still earmarked within the accounts, but we've certainly not raised dedicated funds for it since.
This is the first time the team have shown any togetherness or fight for each other all season. Perhaps if they’d have bothered to have done that on the pitch then attendances wouldn’t have dropped and they’d have been paid.
I’m beginning to think this is a case of “Won’t”, not “can’t”

I think Ron has come to the same conclusions many of us have, which is that the players are not worth their wages. Obviously that statement doesn’t extend to the non-players, and I’m not suggesting that this is the right way to handle the situation.

I think he is doing this to run players out of the club to get a clean slate for next season. He has a track record for this.
There is a proud history of trade unionism on Merseyside so I would be disappointed if Tranmere don't come out in support of their brothers and sisters at SUFC this weekend.
Having a whip round for this lot is the last thing anyone should be thinking about. I don’t agree with how Ron is handling affairs, but I also don’t sympathise with these players. None of them have earned their wages all season with the exception of a couple of youngsters.
I don’t mind having a whip round for the non playing staff but certainly certainly not the players, they effectively went on strike around a season ago, and now their chickens have well and truly come home to roost
hspplily stick some money in a bucket for all the hard working dedicated back room staff .
I’m beginning to think this is a case of “Won’t”, not “can’t”

I think Ron has come to the same conclusions many of us have, which is that the players are not worth their wages. Obviously that statement doesn’t extend to the non-players, and I’m not suggesting that this is the right way to handle the situation.

I think he is doing this to run players out of the club to get a clean slate for next season. He has a track record for this.

The club cannot sign contracts with players and then fail to fulfil its obligations to them. If the players have not performed, the buck stops with the Chairman and his management team.
Why do you think the Trust has "amassed" funds in preparation over 10 years? That's not the purpose of the Trust. The "fighting funds" from the previous campaign are still earmarked within the accounts, but we've certainly not raised dedicated funds for it since.

Is Arthur Fowler on the committee?

Joke BTW...
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The players should have a bloody whip round for us to give us a bit of season ticket money back.

Absolute disaster of a situation though. It’s like watching an old, much loved relative slowly die. If this club were an animal we’d have been put out of our suffering years ago.

If this fixture doesn’t go ahead I’m genuinely terrified of what may happen next.
I’ve always quietly been a fan of Ron. He turned it around post 2010, backed managers, got us promoted, got us within touching distance of the L1 playoffs.

However this season and where we stand now is entirely his fault. No CEO, poor appointment of Bond, taking 45+ days to appoint a manager whilst gallivanting around Stockholm, awful transfer dealings, high wages on shocking players, dream of the stadium no closer than in 2006 when we boldly told us Maher will play his testimonial in the first game.

Relegation happens and is part of any competitive sport and I can accept that. However, the running of the club off the pitch is a disgrace and we are seriously close to Macclesfield and Bolton...

The big problem is the only stop after those two clubs is Bury... God help us
I’m beginning to think this is a case of “Won’t”, not “can’t”

I think Ron has come to the same conclusions many of us have, which is that the players are not worth their wages. Obviously that statement doesn’t extend to the non-players, and I’m not suggesting that this is the right way to handle the situation.

I think he is doing this to run players out of the club to get a clean slate for next season. He has a track record for this.

Well if he can’t pay 7 quid an hour stewards no wonder the Stadium is out of his League!
I’ve always quietly been a fan of Ron. He turned it around post 2010, backed managers, got us promoted, got us within touching distance of the L1 playoffs.

However this season and where we stand now is entirely his fault. No CEO, poor appointment of Bond, taking 45+ days to appoint a manager whilst gallivanting around Stockholm, awful transfer dealings, high wages on shocking players, dream of the stadium no closer than in 2006 when we boldly told us Maher will play his testimonial in the first game.

Relegation happens and is part of any competitive sport and I can accept that. However, the running of the club off the pitch is a disgrace and we are seriously close to Macclesfield and Bolton...

The big problem is the only stop after those two clubs is Bury... God help us

And if you can read accounts, the similarities with Bury are alarming, which is why we need to be careful about seeking the end of the Martin era - whether we like the bloke or not. For me, he is the devil we know. My concern is that he sells somebody the club for £1, exits the building. And within a few months we’ve collapsed.
im not so sure anyone has suggested a whip round for the players. However if Stewards get just £7 an hour, and havent been paid and need to be there for the game to go ahead and until paid after the game, some like me would give anything to keep the club afloat, including the massive £21 for 3 hours worth, Seems better than whinging on
The club cannot sign contracts with players and then fail to fulfil its obligations to them. If the players have not performed, the buck stops with the Chairman and his management team.

I fear this is exactly what some of the players actually do think- I am playing like a park player and put zero effort in but of course its not my fault, no its the managers, its the chairmans, its the groundsman's.... players own their own performance they are professionals. The manager owns the team performance.

I suspect Sol's attitude to the players is "understand that but we need to worry about ourselves as professionals, no-one else, and for now focus on training and winning on Saturday, nothing else, then we can worry about other stuff."
I don't care about the prospect of any of these players having not been paid. They lost any right to sympathy when they downed tools 18 months ago, and didn't look back. I'm more concerned about Ron's ability to bankroll the club until the end of the season.

Take the 15 point deduction now and use a CVA to get the club back on a more sustainable footing. Clear the decks of this squad of mercenaries and eternal crocks, and bide time in League 2 until we have a definitive business case and associated funding for a new stadium.

A CVA is not the answer. Our debts are (other than the late wages) intra-group. The current issue is cash flow and cancelling what we owe various Ron companies doesn’t increase cash flow.
Considering buying a programme and some food in the ground tomorrow for about the first time in 20 years.

Admittedly not happy that a percentage will go to the likes of Milligan and Ridgewell but what else can we do really?
Can anyone in the know tell me if the fat bloke who randomly prods the pitch with a fork at half time has been paid?
Im probably being completely naive and also a bit stupid, but does the fact that Sol has been discussing to various sources ( echo, bbc essex ) their pursuing of new signings not show that it cant be quite as bad as it seems. I realise staff have not been paid but this has happened before with Rons shady financing.
Or is it a case of Sol just giving the generic cliche answers when he is being asked about new signings ?
What I am getting at is, if it really is as bad as it seems then Sol literally cant be looking at getting new players in.
Hope you know what i mean !
A CVA is not the answer. Our debts are (other than the late wages) intra-group. The current issue is cash flow and cancelling what we owe various Ron companies doesn’t increase cash flow.

Absolutely correct. The only meaningful creditor he could avoid is HMRC and although our case is adjourned to 22nd apparently (BBC reporting Ron- I know, I know) that has been paid.
He maybe would exit a bunch of players contracts- but most he would want rid of expire in the summer anyway- so a lot of risk and effort for that. Plus even further reputational damage.

Everything he has ever done suggests he will do everything to keep the club afloat. Which is why I suspect this will again pass. Again his biggest issue (of many no doubt) is liquid funds- he finds money but not without further security/contractual arrangements and it always takes time..
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