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no additional facts in this Thursday story to that was publuished on Tuesday.

i don't thnk its a player giving the Mail this stuff ...

"Quote from said story"
Chris Powell would of backed us up.

implies it has come from a player.

I mean who inside the club except for players and directors have contacts with national media?
The fact that the players would meet I can fully believe and expect- the idea they are talking about striking at this stage may well be complete invention- we need to be careful about reacting as if there is any truth in it
no additional facts in this Thursday story to that was publuished on Tuesday.

i don't thnk its a player giving the Mail this stuff ...
Someone is definitely giving them information though Matt Hughes is the chief sportswriter for the Daily Mail so it’s surely true. Bad there’s such a leak
"Quote from said story"
Chris Powell would of backed us up.

implies it has come from a player.

I mean who inside the club except for players and directors have contacts with national media?[/QUOTE

If there is truth in the report (always a big if) it could easily be one of the coaches that were here under CP or even other staff. We shouldn’t assume it’s a player. The reference to those unpaid talks to 7 or more players AND staff I think?
Having just turned detective enzo , scrolling through mr cox twitter followings

he does follow the Mail sport online......

its litreallyguesswork i know ... but he doesn't follow any of the other major papers twitter feeds.
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Why surely true?
The chief sportswriter of the Daily Mail isn’t going to put his name to a story like that if the source isn’t solid?
Add to that every other piece of news the Daily Mail has wrote about us in the past 6 months has been spot on every time.
I don't care about the prospect of any of these players having not been paid. They lost any right to sympathy when they downed tools 18 months ago, and didn't look back. I'm more concerned about Ron's ability to bankroll the club until the end of the season.

Take the 15 point deduction now and use a CVA to get the club back on a more sustainable footing. Clear the decks of this squad of mercenaries and eternal crocks, and bide time in League 2 until we have a definitive business case and associated funding for a new stadium.
I don't care about the prospect of any of these players having not been paid. They lost any right to sympathy when they downed tools 18 months ago, and didn't look back. I'm more concerned about Ron's ability to bankroll the club until the end of the season.

Take the 15 point deduction now and use a CVA to get the club back on a more sustainable footing. Clear the decks of this squad of mercenaries and eternal crocks, and bide time in League 2 until we have a definitive business case and associated funding for a new stadium.

I don't think we'll have that luxury. RM is the biggest creditor; if we go into Administration I really do think it's the end of the club in it's current guise and a prospect of returning to League 2 (from the other direction) will be many years away.

I do understand the anger and frustration at the current plight - blimey, I've been supporting 50 years and I have completely lost enthusiasm - but we still have a club to watch. I'm not one to want to start again in the 7th tier of the pyramid as we probably won't get back into the league in my lifetime and if RM walks or the club folds, that's where we are headed in my opinion.
Selling the club outright at the moment is just a complete no go, unless the buying party agrees to buy out the £17m loan that is owed to Ron Martin. Even if somebody did offer to buy the club and pay back the loan, even the faintest pinprick of a possibility of the new stadium going ahead would probably mean he will still cling on to the club.

I believe - although it’s not confirmed - Martin was trying to sell the club a few months ago.

The Larsson thing, was more than just a new manager. It was a takeover.

And does anyone honestly believe that it all fell apart, because a relativey unknown coach had decided to go elsewhere? Haha
Sorry mate , many of our overpayed underperforming players drive nice cars, and they’re the worst team we’ve ever had , and they can’t be sacked until there contract runs out. Who would want to pay a few million a year to keep a football Club going out of their own money

So yes he has a dream, and he needs it to happen . But for years he’s invested his own money paying crap players inflated wages. Yes he’s made mistakes , but can’t see anyone in the queue to take over. I feel he’s always supported his managers with players

Where does anyone get the idea that Ron is dipping into his own pocket? He doesn’t have that kind of dough to put into the club.

IIRC (and I’m happy to be corrected) him and his wife take around £130k in wages, from this club, per year.

I’m not sure what wage he claims from his other companies, if any at all, but those all operate at a loss - much like SUFC.

So again, where do people think he gets all this money to pump into the bottomless pit, that is SUFC? He certainly doesn’t earn enough on the books to be putting in £1m+ into the club every year.

Why was it seemingly so simple for Ron to wipe out £6m worth of debt 3 months ago. Anyone believe that he took the money out of an ISA, for it? Or someone gave him it?

I’m not saying the man is the devil, and I’m not suggesting he’s upto any backhanded tricks... I’m just saying, think about it. It doesn’t make sense.
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Please, please let's not make a circus out of Saturday - we're supposed to be remembering and paying our respects to our former club captain and player of the year who recently and tragically took his own life.
Having just turned detective enzo , scrolling through mr cox twitter followings

he does follow the Mail sport online......

its litreallyguesswork i know ... but he doesn't follow any of the other major papers twitter feeds.

Sadly there is nothing out of the norm about a Benfleet resident reading the Daily Mail.

If he read The Morning Star then that would be unusual.

Who knows, perhaps he will be marching up and down the picket line at the weekend shouting workers rights slogans through a loudhailer?
If there were a meeting between the players and the management, given how so many on here say Cox is unliked in the squad why would they ask him to speak up for them?

But we do love a scape goat, for the record yesterday someone said that another person at the club follows the mail chief sports write or something, but i am sure many do follow some newspaper or the other
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