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Not being paid

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I do not make to many comments on this site ,but your surgestion that the players are making to much fuss about payment show how some fans are removed from reality.

Perhaps they are concerned about more than just some players being paid a bit late!?
Their are so many “alternative facts” flying around on here I have no idea what is happening- but I clearly remember seeing something about these staff would be paid next Tuesday

Can someone provide a link to where Ron said they were actually already paid?

I think without posters validating statements it’s almost impossible to regard the thread as a source of information..

It’s bad enough without any temptation to exaggerate or suggest things are even worse unless it’s clearly true.

I suspect stewards will get paid as the sum involved would be relatively small.

As an example of shoddy reporting of information even by the professionals BBCEssex have just posted something effectively saying all players have not been paid- from what we know from other sauces at worst only some players remain unpaid.

So it seems even paid “professionals” who are there to provide facts can’t get it right so to be fair to us on hear why should we be held to a higher standard?

SOUTHEND United chairman Ron Martin has explained why members of the Shrimpers squad are still waiting to be paid for December.

The players were due to be paid on New Year’s Eve.

But Martin insisted it was not an issue and expected everyone to receive their salaries today.

“There was a shortfall in accounts just before Christmas,” Martin told TalkSport.

“I couldn’t get the paperwork together in time to get it transferred until the lawyers returned yesterday.

“They’re being paid today.

“I think it’s five or six (players).

“I’m not sure how many but it’s not an issue.

“It just goes to show the club are totally reliant on me.

"If I’d had earlier notice I’d have been able to deal with it sooner."

Echosport also understands that members of the backroom staff have also yet to receive their wages.

Perhaps they are concerned about more than just some players being paid a bit late!?
This situation happened before but some fans think this should not have an impact on performance, I would not turn up for work if I was not being paid and I would not be the only one.
Sol must have been convinced by Ron that there was no chance of this happening - I'm sure he would never have joined having been in this situation at Macclesfield.
No, it’s not an issue Ron. Not paying players is no big deal, neither is your manager being undermined, neither is the fact we have 9 points in the league. It’s all good Ron. The place is ship shape. Big fuss over nothing.
As replied elsewhere I was talking about the stewards wages but thanks- let’s just hope for some clarity tomorrow..

We have been here before when the background staff had to wait weeks for payment, so it's not new news. They were patient last time, who knows what will happen this time.
Ron Martin needs to go this time! Fed up of this ****!
I do not make to many comments on this site ,but your surgestion that the players are making to much fuss about payment show how some fans are removed from reality.

No, I'm fully aware of the reality. The reality faced by previous Southend squads (this is not new) and the reality faced by players at other clubs who have been through the same thing without downing tools.

I'm also aware of the reality that the club needs to play the game to raise revenue and that striking is therefore going to be counterproductive if they want to be paid.

I'm also aware of the reality that this is the worst performing side in the history of the club, a team contending for the worst performing side in football league history. It looks terrible to be threatening to strike. Go and play Saturday's game, go and win - or at least try your hardest - and then you'll get people's sympathy for a strike, maybe they'll even have a whip round after the game. Striking Saturday won't further their cause, it won't generate sympathy. This is a bigger PR disaster for the team than going out for a soft drink after the Dover match. A team already perceived to be shirkers to be seen to be downing tools.
No, I'm fully aware of the reality. The reality faced by previous Southend squads (this is not new) and the reality faced by players at other clubs who have been through the same thing without downing tools.

I'm also aware of the reality that the club needs to play the game to raise revenue and that striking is therefore going to be counterproductive if they want to be paid.

I'm also aware of the reality that this is the worst performing side in the history of the club, a team contending for the worst performing side in football league history. It looks terrible to be threatening to strike. Go and play Saturday's game, go and win - or at least try your hardest - and then you'll get people's sympathy for a strike, maybe they'll even have a whip round after the game. Striking Saturday won't further their cause, it won't generate sympathy. This is a bigger PR disaster for the team than going out for a soft drink after the Dover match. A team already perceived to be shirkers to be seen to be downing tools.
To become a pro footballer in the first place takes a lot of dedication,effort and sacrifice they do not just become (shirkers)
News of what happens within a club and how it is managed is NEVER fully released to the public unless it is positive.
Can’t believe people are suggesting a whip round, most of this team earn more than the majority of SZ posters!!

Don’t get me wrong they have a contract and should be paid on time, but they are not going to lose their house or car if they are paid a week or two late.
This screams like the players are looking at excuses to their awful awful awful performances this season “don’t blame us for being dogsh!t it’s because the stewards haven’t been paid”

To be honest I couldn't care less anymore, if there's a game I'll go if not I'll just go fishing instead
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