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Not being paid

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If things are as bad as they seem surely Sol Campbell will walk away. He's been through this sort of mess once already and if Ron Martin had given him any inclination of financial woes he'd never have signed up.
The infuriating thing is I believe things are (or were) about to get better on the pitch, starting with three points against Tranmere.

Sol posted on instagram today talking about facing down negativity. Suspect he's had enough, I wouldn't blame the guy.
But, but, but Ron paid them out of his own pocket, remember?

They’ve been paid, I don’t know why they’re lying about it.

Their are so many “alternative facts” flying around on here I have no idea what is happening- but I clearly remember seeing something about these staff would be paid next Tuesday

Can someone provide a link to where Ron said they were actually already paid?

I think without posters validating statements it’s almost impossible to regard the thread as a source of information..

It’s bad enough without any temptation to exaggerate or suggest things are even worse unless it’s clearly true.

I suspect stewards will get paid as the sum involved would be relatively small.

As an example of shoddy reporting of information even by the professionals BBCEssex have just posted something effectively saying all players have not been paid- from what we know from other sauces at worst only some players remain unpaid.

So it seems even paid “professionals” who are there to provide facts can’t get it right so to be fair to us on hear why should we be held to a higher standard?
Agreed, every time Ron opens his mouth bull**** flies out. Saying he's paid all the players - blatant lie :Angry:. I kind of hope the stewards do go on strike, it's about time someone stood up to him.

If they do go strike and the match doesn’t go ahead then the club will be in an extremely perilous position that could tip it completely over the edge. The game needs to go ahead more than almost any other match in Southend’s history
If they do go strike and the match doesn’t go ahead then the club will be in an extremely perilous position that could tip it completely over the edge. The game needs to go ahead more than almost any other match in Southend’s history

Of course you're right, but I'm so angry with Ron right now.
Anyone remember Ron's statement about "having to perform financial gymnastics to get Sol and his team in" ?

Maybe Sol was paid upfront after his experience with Macclesfield and that's left Ron's purse empty
Apparently , and it may have been mentioned on here already, but here is the link, that some of the players have still NOT been paid for December and are seeking a meeting with the PFA over the issue tomorrow. Story put up on BBC website a little over half an hour ago.


I would suggest we must be under a transfer embargo as the latest HMRC winding up order has been adjourned until 22nd January.

The financial mess this club finds itself in has to look no further than Ron Martin!

I think the most interesting thing here is it says we have some players! Not seen any all season!
Their are so many “alternative facts” flying around on here I have no idea what is happening- but I clearly remember seeing something about these staff would be paid next Tuesday

Can someone provide a link to where Ron said they were actually already paid?

I think without posters validating statements it’s almost impossible to regard the thread as a source of information..

It’s bad enough without any temptation to exaggerate or suggest things are even worse unless it’s clearly true.

I suspect stewards will get paid as the sum involved would be relatively small.

As an example of shoddy reporting of information even by the professionals BBCEssex have just posted something effectively saying all players have not been paid- from what we know from other sauces at worst only some players remain unpaid.

So it seems even paid “professionals” who are there to provide facts can’t get it right so to be fair to us on hear why should we be held to a higher standard?

KB, if you look on the link I posted, in the article, if you click on the Highlighted words "did not receive wages on time" in the stand alone paragraph 2 that links to the BBC Twitter account article dated 7th Jan where on the tweet at 0746 in the morning of Tuesday 7th Jan, earlier this week, RM is reported as saying that the players were paid today.

So for those 5 or 6 players no pay during/over the Christmas period, backed up by the evidence of RM himself.

No wonder they are wanting to meet their union. Absolute chaotic state of affairs. The players have families and mortgages the same a s most of us and it would appear that they have been let down by the club.

If they get any sort of result against Tranmere, then instead of the hard time some of them have been, understandably in some cases, getting on here and elsewhere, all of them will have demonstrated character and passion for the club that should not go unnoticed in equal volumes. That is also the source of the pathetic statement, "had he had earlier notice , it would have been dealt with sooner"

So what he is inferring is no sort of communication between the Financial Director/ Department and the MD/ MD's office along the lines of....."Looks like we have a problem on the payroll, 5 or 6 players aren't going to get paid as we are short" took place.

If it didn't then why isn't Ron disciplining some personnel for gross incompetence in the finance dept! he might be you could argue, in which case why not say something along the lines of there was an internal breakdown in the internal function of the club and an investigation is taking place.... which would at least create the semblance of a responsible well run business instead of this financial mismanaged mire we find ourselves in yet again.

Or the whole thing is absolute BS and he knew all along.

I know which version I believe.
[B]BBC Essex Sport[/B]‏ @[B]BBCEssexSport[/B]
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The #Southend chairman Ron Martin has confirmed five or six players were paid late for December due to a shortfall in accounts before Christmas. Those players are being paid today. [7th Jan] He said had he had earlier notice it would have been dealt with sooner.
If it didn't then why isn't Ron disciplining some personnel for gross incompetence in the finance dept! he might be you could argue, in which case why not say something along the lines of there was an internal breakdown in the internal function of the club and an investigation is taking place.... which would at least create the semblance of a responsible well run business instead of this financial mismanaged mire we find ourselves in yet again.


Yes, he was quick enough to discipline the poor groundsman.
Sol must be looking around for Bill Murray. He’s not had the best start to his managerial career has he? We will either see a siege mentality against Tranmere with fans and players together or we will see a complete downing of tools and people losing their rag. What a shambles this season is. Fuming at Ron right now. Just pay the players and staff, stop the games!
KB, if you look on the link I posted, in the article, if you click on the Highlighted words "did not receive wages on time" in the stand alone paragraph 2 that links to the BBC Twitter account article dated 7th Jan where on the tweet at 0746 in the morning of Tuesday 7th Jan, earlier this week, RM is reported as saying that the players were paid today.

So for those 5 or 6 players no pay during/over the Christmas period, backed up by the evidence of RM himself.

No wonder they are wanting to meet their union. Absolute chaotic state of affairs. The players have families and mortgages the same a s most of us and it would appear that they have been let down by the club.

If they get any sort of result against Tranmere, then instead of the hard time some of them have been, understandably in some cases, getting on here and elsewhere, all of them will have demonstrated character and passion for the club that should not go unnoticed in equal volumes. That is also the source of the pathetic statement, "had he had earlier notice , it would have been dealt with sooner"

So what he is inferring is no sort of communication between the Financial Director/ Department and the MD/ MD's office along the lines of....."Looks like we have a problem on the payroll, 5 or 6 players aren't going to get paid as we are short" took place.

If it didn't then why isn't Ron disciplining some personnel for gross incompetence in the finance dept! he might be you could argue, in which case why not say something along the lines of there was an internal breakdown in the internal function of the club and an investigation is taking place.... which would at least create the semblance of a responsible well run business instead of this financial mismanaged mire we find ourselves in yet again.

Or the whole thing is absolute BS and he knew all along.

I know which version I believe.

i know - my comment was regarding staff and specifically the stewards. They were told they would get paid next Tuesday? At no point as far as I know did Ron say they had already been paid.

The players yes assuming some or all of those 5-6 remain unpaid I agree- but do we know for a fact they are still unpaid- we might point to the BBCEssex reporting re meeting with PFA tomorrow- but does not the very same tweet suggest ALL players have not been paid- if this as it seems is also plain wrong how can we believe statements from the same source by true without question? Of course it might be a YTS trainee working the twitter feed these days and they failed to double check the wording before posting.

I would just love there to be source that I could rely on - but there again we all wish that I guess.
If you don't have enough to pay all the players then you take the total sum available and divide it between the squad then make up the difference ASAP. To not pay 5 or 6 specific players indicates he wants them gone. It's exactly what he did before, he has form for this.
Several reports suggest the players still haven’t been paid

Yep I realise that, all I was commenting on was the original echo report with quotes from Ron that never mentioned that he had personally paid club staff (only playing staff) and that if the game did get postponed then that's another week with no matchday income for the clubs coffers (probably isn't a massive amount but is better then zero income).
No game so it would be forfeit, then a fine and then points deduction, that wouldn’t be helpful to anyone getting the money they are owed
Not sure why the players are holding a meeting tomorrow.

I'm pretty sure previous squads (with more than 1 win from 24 league matches) were paid late as well without nearly as much fuss as this lot.
Maybe they'll surprise me, maybe those who have been paid will chip in to help those who haven't and this will unite the squad ahead of Saturday's game.
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