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National League statement - 24 June 2024

Exactly how it reads to me.
Yes, but what are the consequences if he doesn’t pay or doesn’t sell? The council still need their houses and Ron still owns the land. I don’t see any council saying that they won’t allow housing to be built because the landowner ****ed over the football club. This is an unnecessary and irresponsible move by the NL. They have been consistently harsh to SUFC. And I reiterate - **** the NL.
Agree with all comments above.
This for me sums up the NL, they have no idea and the reason they are held in such low regard.
I think this is the leagues way of trying to bring this sorry saga to a close one way or the other, they are trying to force both sides into a corner to complete a deal before there is nothing left to argue over.
I genuinely don’t think they can do that. They are just protecting the integrity of the league, nothing more.
Would open a proper can of words if they started getting mixed up in the politics of individual member club problems
I read that as - if Ron sells to the JR et al, then we won’t have the pay for £1m bond and we all can move on. I read it as forcing the Rats hand?
The issue now is that how many times have we said something has forced the Rats hand? I've lost count. He couldn't give a flying ****, he's after his money from the properties, whether that takes the club down or not doesn't matter. Maybe this is the straw that breaks the camels back, but it's easy to see why so many go immediately to the pessimism of us being ****ed.
Why only us? Why not Halifax who can't even give their manager a permanent contract?

Why not every team in the league that hasn't broken even? Why not just every team?

The NL make things up as they go along, Covid showed that.

For me I think this is the final nail in the coffin, the club is going to die with a whimper.
I will call them out.

They make their own rules as they go along.

Have you ever heard of or seen this issued to any other club?
There’s a few actually.

Wrexham and Gateshead are two clubs off the top of my head that also had to pay a “bond” to the NL.

Wasn’t a £million though!
Last season we were in that position, outside of the WUP what evidence is there that we wouldn’t be able to fulfil fixtures and pay staff? Correct me if I am wrong but all wages are currently up to date!
Yes we were in that position last year and one would have hoped that a year on, the club would be in a better place. It really isn't.

The wages being up to date will be irrelevant to the league if the people funding the club walk away. There are strong possibilities of that without the leagues sanctions today. I reiterate, they want some guarantees just like COSU do.
Yes we were in that position last year and one would have hoped that a year on, the club would be in a better place. It really isn't.

The wages being up to date will be irrelevant to the league if the people funding the club walk away. There are strong possibilities of that without the leagues sanctions today. I reiterate, they want some guarantees just like COSU do.
It’s a hell of a lot better than a year ago. There was no concrete buyers at the start of last season. We had just enough players to field a team, had to have players on non contract terms and staff and players missing wages.