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How would you feel if the club signed Luke McCormick?

  • Total voters
Are you saying you have??! I can honestly say I have never driven a car after having a drink never mind being drunk! :stunned:

I don't drive so no I don't. I know plenty of people who have drunk too much and drive. Some occasionally, some regularly. I tell one of my mates who does it all the time that he's an idiot but what can you do? Fair play to you if honestly no one you know has ever driven whilst over the limit.
i remember him being a pretty decent championship keeper but because of what he did I don't think i would ever want him in our team. It will attract a huge negative reponse from fans around the country and i wouldn't want it affecting the team so i would so no.

I also don't think however long he's been in prison is long enough. it can't have been much more than 5 years. 2 kids are dead because of him and he swans back into a pro footballers life.
i remember him being a pretty decent championship keeper but because of what he did I don't think i would ever want him in our team. It will attract a huge negative reponse from fans around the country and i wouldn't want it affecting the team so i would so no.

I also don't think however long he's been in prison is long enough. it can't have been much more than 5 years. 2 kids are dead because of him and he swans back into a pro footballers life.

The guy who left the front doors open on the Herald didnt spend a day in prison. His mistake caused greater loss of life than 2. Admittedly I don't think he then went on to a career in pro football though.
Incidentally, to clarify the situation, McCormick was found to be over twice the drink drive limit when he was charged...
I wouldn't see the problem, yeah he made a massive mistake and has paid for that his served his time whether that was long enough is another argument and also people say he does that and walks into pro football but that's his career he can't help that if you were a plumber and committed that crime you would go back to so have not got s problem with this what so ever. The only argument there should be is, is he better than Morris?
Is it me, or do you find that whilst your knee-jerk reaction to something may be black-and-white, the more you think about something, the more you realise that life is made up of shades of grey?

There are people who sit in parliament - there are even high court judges - who have drink-drive convictions. How many on this site can say with all the certainty of Angell Delight that they've never driven whilst over the drink-drive limit? Not many, I'd wager.

I suspect the key to this is remorse, and genuine remorse at that. The fact that he has committed a crime and made a mistake are, to some extent, immaterial to the question of whether it would be right to sign him; more important, perhaps, is the question of whether he is genuinely sorry and remorseful for what he has done, and whether he is committed to repaying society for his crimes.

If these rumours have any substance to them, then I'd hope that the Echo might do some serious investigative journalism (for once!) by finding the victim's family, by finding out how they feel about McCormick, by finding out what McCormick has done to say sorry to them, by finding out what McCormick has done in order to pay back some of his debt to society. Frankly, time in stir doesn't really even begin to pay back that debt - instead, it's about time and effort given towards speaking to other young men about the perils of drinking and driving; about time and effort spent making the lives of road-crash vicitms better.

If he is genuinely remorseful, and has genuinely started to pay back his debt to society, then he should simply be judged on his merits.

If, on the other hand, he has done nothing to mend his ways and has demonstrated no tangible regret or remorse for what he did, then he's unlikely to be made of the right stuff for our football club. Besides, I'd still rather see us bring Bentley on...

I'm pretty sure that McCormick is and will be punishing himself every day, so the fact his custodial sentence may be ending soon doesn't mean he will stop paying for this then.
I'm pretty sure that McCormick is and will be punishing himself every day

Not wishing to be funny or 'owt, but on what basis do you say that? How do you know?

There are plenty of young men (and some young women) who have committed crimes and who genuinely don't give a f*** about what they have done. We don't know for sure whether or not that's the case with McCormick, unless you're about to tell us that you're a registered prison visitor and that he is one of your mentees...?
Not wishing to be funny or 'owt, but on what basis do you say that? How do you know?

There are plenty of young men (and some young women) who have committed crimes and who genuinely don't give a f*** about what they have done. We don't know for sure whether or not that's the case with McCormick, unless you're about to tell us that you're a registered prison visitor and that he is one of your mentees...?
I don't know of course, but a man who behaved as he did at the scene of the accident would seem to me to be someone that will feel the effects of his actions for a long time. Don't we all beat ourselves up about things we've done sometimes?
I don't know of course, but a man who behaved as he did at the scene of the accident would seem to me to be someone that will feel the effects of his actions for a long time.

or conversely was the actions of someone who was p****d.
Havent we all been sorrowful at some times when we have had a skinfull
If these rumours have any substance to them, then I'd hope that the Echo might do some serious investigative journalism (for once!) by finding the victim's family and hacking their phones, by finding out how they feel about McCormick, by finding out what McCormick has done to say sorry to them

Sorry MtS, but none of that counts as serious investigative journalism and I'm horrified that you could think so.

The real scandal of the phone-hacking affair wasn't the illegal methods used by all newspapers, but rather the stories they employed them on. Family upset about death of child isn't in anyway newsworthy.

Leave the victims alone. There's no need to re-open old wounds. If they want to go public it's not exactly difficult to pick up the phone and call the paper. Raking over it is despicable and it's why those journalists are IMHO the lowest of the low.

The stuff about McCormick and whether he's changed would be fair enough, but in all probability the journalist will just be churning out what the PR people tell them to say and he'll release/read out a statement expressing his remorse and he'll go along to a couple of a charity events: it'll be the equivalent of a player kissing the shirt.
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Unfortunately the strains of local newspapers mean there is no time for investigative journalism. Reporters are expected to write about 10 stories a day, every day, otherwise the paper doesn't come out.

Personally on this issue, I'm firmly in the "we don't need him anyway" camp. I think we're far better off avoiding this issue altogether by not signing him.
The b*****d killed two little kids, I hope he has a sh** life. Why would anyone even think of giving him a second chance?
The parents of the poor little kids will never have a second chance of life with thier kids.:angry:
Unfortunately the strains of local newspapers mean there is no time for investigative journalism. Reporters are expected to write about 10 stories a day, every day, otherwise the paper doesn't come out.

Personally on this issue, I'm firmly in the "we don't need him anyway" camp. I think we're far better off avoiding this issue altogether by not signing him.

Can't agree with that. If by any chance we get promoted and it co-incides with this guy being released we're going to need a keeper upgrade. Morris is a decent keeper at this level, but I'm almost certain he'll be found out a league or two above. If there was a keeper available with the qualities of the pre-incident McCormack then problem solved. Obviously a lot of ifs there, but thats my view.

I haven't voted. Whilst I can't say I'd be delighted if he were to join, I need an option for "I have no problem with him joining if he improves the team"

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