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How would you feel if the club signed Luke McCormick?

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I believe (although I may have got LM mixed up with someone else) that he was only slightly over the drink/drive limit, and that the reason was he didn't realise the two pints he had consumed were of a high strength lager.

Apparently he was so distraught by what he had done he didn't know what to do with himself. All the people I spoke to (including his agent) said that he is a genuinely nice guy who made an awful mistake, unlike people such as Hughes who people don't actually like.

According to this he was drinking beers and knocking back Sambuca before driving like a muppet.
He killed a ten year old and a eight year old, "He didn't mean it"
You dont enter a car drunk, also he was driving with no insurance. But on that everyone deserves a second chance in life, and and I heard he was good.
I'm sure he's remorseful, so why not. He's done his time and so why ruin another persons career/life, let him pay back to society by what he does best
completely agree with c'mon you blues:

I think killing 2 youngsters and maiming their father who I believe is still in a wheelchair when drunk and extremely tired is as bad as it gets. However if he is a normal human being, not a day will or should go by without him remembering and regreting that day. I've very mixed feelings but feel on balance if he's served his time and is truly remorseful he might just deserve a chance. But there again I'm not that sure it should be with us.
We always build ourselves up to be a family club. IF he did end up here, the chants would be pretty shocking I would expect. Anyone have children of their own, they'd like to bring along to a game to hear that?? What kind of role model would he be for our children?? What would you say to your kids when they ask where was LM before he signed for us? LM was a really good keeper, but his history would be far to damaging for a family club, like Southend!!
We always build ourselves up to be a family club. IF he did end up here, the chants would be pretty shocking I would expect. Anyone have children of their own, they'd like to bring along to a game to hear that?? What kind of role model would he be for our children?? What would you say to your kids when they ask where was LM before he signed for us? LM was a really good keeper, but his history would be far to damaging for a family club, like Southend!!

Spot. On. And I won't support a player who's done what he's done I'm afraid. If he wants to carry on his career then fine, but not at this club.
None of us can condone the consequences of their thoughtless actions and while they are culpable, they did not set out that evening to do the things that happened. But they have been publicly tried and convicted and have and will continue to pay the price. How many of us can truely say we have not acted in some way that could have easily ended in similar consequences. I think a few of us could remember the saying, "But for the grace of God go I." Or perhaps,"They who are without sin can throw the first stone." All you need to do is just live long enough to realize how easy it is for life to stuff up. Just ask these fellas, their families and most importantly the families of those have lost so much. Surely it is to now appropriate to move forward and allow all people to do the same and rebuild from ashes, so that maybe something good can come out of so much bad.
We always build ourselves up to be a family club. IF he did end up here, the chants would be pretty shocking I would expect. Anyone have children of their own, they'd like to bring along to a game to hear that?? What kind of role model would he be for our children?? What would you say to your kids when they ask where was LM before he signed for us? LM was a really good keeper, but his history would be far to damaging for a family club, like Southend!!

I agree with all you say on this matter TS, and I would think very carefully (if I was involved in the club) about allowing a child killer(make no bones about it, that is what he is) to be employed by me
I agree with all you say on this matter TS, and I would think very carefully (if I was involved in the club) about allowing a child killer(make no bones about it, that is what he is) to be employed by me
But he's not a "child killer" in the sense of Huntley and Brady and Hindley is he? He could just as easily have killed an adult, the fact that it was unfortunate enough to be the two children is rather secondary to the actual act. It was an accident, not a premeditated act, therefore anyone who died did so by accident. The fact that he was under the influence of drink was the defining fact in the case, not the number or age of people he killed. The fact it was children is what makes it more emotive.

And I ask all of you out there, how many people do you know who have driven when over the limit or under the influence of drugs? There are plenty that do, even if it's only by having that second pint. I'd trust to Sturrock's judgement on this if and when the time comes, no point arguing about something that's entirely gossip at this moment in time.
And what if Ricky Otto was on offer? Would we really turn him down? We've had loads of ex-cons sign for us. A few players got arrested whilst playing for us - Darryl, Jamie Stuart, Tes...

Not to say I'd welcome him, but I think we're being a bit hypocritical...
And what if Ricky Otto was on offer? Would we really turn him down? We've had loads of ex-cons sign for us. A few players got arrested whilst playing for us - Darryl, Jamie Stuart, Tes...

Not to say I'd welcome him, but I think we're being a bit hypocritical...

But whatever they did, none of them got behind a wheel over the limit and took young lives. Yes he's done his time (allegedly) paid for the crime, but if he can have a career away from football, or if not, definitely far away from us. No thanks.
But whatever they did, none of them got behind a wheel over the limit and took young lives. Yes he's done his time (allegedly) paid for the crime, but if he can have a career away from football, or if not, definitely far away from us. No thanks.

Tes got behind a wheel while drunk - and maybe if he did crash, then who knows. That part of the crime follows on from the drunk, it wasnt exactly premeditated. Whereas someone like Ryan Hall, or Jamie Stuart, actually did attack someone.
But whatever they did, none of them got behind a wheel over the limit and took young lives. Yes he's done his time (allegedly) paid for the crime, but if he can have a career away from football, or if not, definitely far away from us. No thanks.

So Armed robbery is OK is it? Surely there's intent to harm there?? There was no intent on LM's behalf, he just made very bad decisions. Had he just driven home pished, swerved a few times and left the car in a ditch without injuring anyone I'm sure the vast majority of people would get over that. There seem to be a lot of people on very high horses here...maybe we should take up Polo.
So Armed robbery is OK is it? Surely there's intent to harm there?? There was no intent on LM's behalf, he just made very bad decisions. Had he just driven home pished, swerved a few times and left the car in a ditch without injuring anyone I'm sure the vast majority of people would get over that. There seem to be a lot of people on very high horses here...maybe we should take up Polo.

Spot on. :clap:
This thread is exactly why Shrimperzone should be more careful about the topics that are debated, because I honestly don't think some people on here have the maturity to handle it.

LM did a very silly thing, which I am sure many people on here, hand on heart, have also done but got away with. He didn't get away with it, and the consequences were very, very serious, not least of course for the two people whose lives his carelessness inadvertently ended. If we are to 'label' him, he was a drink-driver - far less likely than most of us to ever drink then drive again after what he has experienced. He was NOT a 'child killer' (jeepers) in the sense that that inflammatory label suggests, which should be reserved for the Ian Huntleys of this world.

The society we are all part of deems that what he did means he has to pay a price, and that price is determined to be a custodial sentence. Once he's served that sentence, he's a free man. He's paid his dues. He's done his time.

Once he's done his time, why should we make him pay for it again, over and over? Just as he has to accept his punishment, we have to accept him when he's served it. I could understand friends and family of the two people whose lives he accidentally ended might find it emotionally hard to forgive him, but it's frankly wrong of us not to do so.

If Luggy wants to sign him, it's not up to us to judge him in any respect other than as a footballer. If he's up to the grade, then use him. If his own personal emotional scars from his experiences compromise his ability to do his job as a footballer, then drop him (and help him deal with them, like we are doing with Bil, like we did With Ryan Hall last season - and look at the dividends he's paying off now).

But don't refuse to employ him as a footballer, or to accept him as a person, simply because he's done time. That's just letting society down and contributing to an inevitable downward spiral for someone who could otherwise still make a positive contribution to this world. God knows, he's probably up for turning things around more than anyone.

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