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I remember last season when we were struggling to get another player in, then, at the absolute death, Theo Robinson joined us (for a rumoured £45k with those nasty Cowley boys sniggering in the background). What a signing he was eh?.
Happy with a striker who has only scored TWO GOALS in 9 months if that's the case we are in serious trouble..

Jesus. Has Chris Powell not been working for Spurs this season? He'll be in a far better position than any of us to judge whether Harrison can be an asset to the side. And give Powell a break, yes we may not have made any signings yet but he's been in the job a WEEK - Brown had MONTHS to target signings and also three weeks of this window to get players in....

Last weekend was a great win against a top side at this level, Powell needs time and I sincerely hope he gets it from the supporters. Certainly the older generation (I'm 37) will be right behind him and he should be judged on NEXT season, not this.
Well said. Too many blo**y managers on here thinking they know best. Wish they would give us a break. COYBB.
Wait till CP loses his first game

He will be in charge of defeats but, as long as the performances have heart, the majority will accept it, particularly considering the time he was appointed, the ***** we were in and the limited opportunity to change things up. I am not a seer but I believe we will stay up, make progress during the remainder of the season and be in a good position to build for next season.
Jesus. Has Chris Powell not been working for Spurs this season? He'll be in a far better position than any of us to judge whether Harrison can be an asset to the side. And give Powell a break, yes we may not have made any signings yet but he's been in the job a WEEK - Brown had MONTHS to target signings and also three weeks of this window to get players in....

Last weekend was a great win against a top side at this level, Powell needs time and I sincerely hope he gets it from the supporters. Certainly the older generation (I'm 37) will be right behind him and he should be judged on NEXT season, not this.
Right with you until the end - no idea what your age has to do about getting behind the manager! And also when did being in your 30s make you a member of the older generation!?
He will be in charge of defeats but, as long as the performances have heart, the majority will accept it, particularly considering the time he was appointed, the ***** we were in and the limited opportunity to change things up. I am not a seer but I believe we will stay up, make progress during the remainder of the season and be in a good position to build for next season.

Of course we will stay up. The fun will start for CP next summer. Lets hope you lot don't turn on him when we have the same problem signing players.
Aint that the truth. It seems that there are people on here willing him to fail.

Not for me. Some of the posts I have seen appear to put CP on this massive pedestal like it is the coming of christ and that none of his decisions are even allowed to be questioned without being lynched by a pitch-fork yielding mob. He is a good appointment in my opinion, he has had a good start, he is a club legend as a player - NOT a manager yet. I hope, as I'm sure everyone does on here, that he does the business and becomes both a legend as player AND manager, but the reality is that he is a LONG way from being the latter at this present moment in time.

For me, he gets the same recognition as Brown, Sturrock, Tilson, Webb, Fry and all the rest of them before and in-between when they first wandered through the gates of Roots Hall and starts on the first rung of the ladder. Fan respect needs to be earned and every fan is within their right to question any managerial decision. Forums are built for opinions, if you don't like them, then a forum is not the place for you to visit.

I realize I quoted your post B-A1, but this is more a general point than specifically directed at you.
Of course we will stay up. The fun will start for CP next summer. Lets hope you lot don't turn on him when we have the same problem signing players.

I don't believe we will have the same problem signing players now that there is different management in charge.
This is always a problem, following an fairly established manager, CP has been elevated to something close to the savior of the club, by members of anyone except Brown club. We have one day left on the transfer window, and no real information on what's the actual situation with new players for what most agree is a very poor defense this year
Not for me. Some of the posts I have seen appear to put CP on this massive pedestal like it is the coming of christ and that none of his decisions are even allowed to be questioned without being lynched by a pitch-fork yielding mob. He is a good appointment in my opinion, he has had a good start, he is a club legend as a player - NOT a manager yet. I hope, as I'm sure everyone does on here, that he does the business and becomes both a legend as player AND manager, but the reality is that he is a LONG way from being the latter at this present moment in time.

For me, he gets the same recognition as Brown, Sturrock, Tilson, Webb, Fry and all the rest of them before and in-between when they first wandered through the gates of Roots Hall and starts on the first rung of the ladder. Fan respect needs to be earned and every fan is within their right to question any managerial decision. Forums are built for opinions, if you don't like them, then a forum is not the place for you to visit.

I realize I quoted your post B-A1, but this is more a general point than specifically directed at you.

Well that's where we differ as fans and as people. A manager doesn't have to start on the first rung just like people don't. To borrow a scale from another thread on match ratings. On a scale from 2-10, the manger should walk in with a 6 and some respect. Just like anyone arriving at any job. They go up or down from there depending on how they perform or how they treat you etc

For me CP starts on a 6 but has the bonus of all ready having a 9 on the respect scale.

Forums are not just built on opinions about facts they are built on rumour, gossip and 95% guess work. Many people have an agenda and will fit their ideology into every thread.

Sadly in some cases posters have been driven off of the zone because some of you won't let others have their opinion.

As you say superblue24 this is not aimed at you just a general point.
A lot of new managers are put on a pedestal at every club*, mainly because the previous bloke had lost the fans and a lot of matches, but time eventually calls on whether they are respected as a manager by those same fans.

SCP already has the plus of being a bit of a cult hero, so I think we'll be more forgiving, but ultimately he'll be judged on results.

That said, I've never wanted a fella to succeed here more than him.

*except Graham Westley and Steve Evans
That said, I've never wanted a fella to succeed here more than him.

I've seen this comment from a few people. I know what you mean, just seems funny that you would want one Southend manager to succeed more than another. I would have thought the optimism of any new manager coming in brings with it the hope that they will take us to the top of the Premiership and Champions League honours :smile:
I think it's degrees 'mcrabb'.

I'd want any manager here to succeed, primarily for us, but I think with SCP, it's also about wanting him to succeed for himself, as well, because he is a genuinely likeable fella and feels our club helped him greatly in his own career.

A kind of more mutual bonding than, say, with PB, for example.
Kevin van Veen sold by Scunny to Northampton. Would have done us very well. Amazing that Scunny have sold him and Paddy Madden this month. Both scored against us this month too!