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Post-Match Thread and Ratings Dagenham & Redbridge 0-2 Southend United

Great stuff - first half in particular. They couldn’t cope with the press. After about 30 mins D&R went a bit longer and we dropped back a little making it slightly more of a game.

Collin - 7. One smart stop, but good handling / positionjng
Gus - 7
Bridge - 7
Kensdale - 8
Taylor -7
Ralph -7
Miley -8
Fonguck -8
Husin -9
Cards -8
Powell -8

Coker -8
Demi -7
Mooney -7

Ref -7

One other point. These new (or enforcement of existing) rules really suit ball playing teams. Last season I’d expect Wes to have been pulled back when we scored our first - and the ref probably wouldn’t have got a card out.
That's a good point. Only 2 games in but you'd struggle to want to replace Colin with Justham as number one.
I agree, but the save that Justham made in the first half was absolutely top drawer. I can see why the coaching team rate him.
Great day out. In the home end as left it too late to get tickets. It’s fair to say that the home fans were very quick to jump on their team. Their number 7 in particular ( who was subbed and didn’t have a good game) along with the very tall Ibie were the main targets.
We were very good in all areas and looked pretty comfortable. Not really sure what happens when we get injuries or suspensions though.
Thought Bridge was quieter today but a big difference to last year is that we are not directing everything towards him.
I thought Cardwell was great today and Powell worked very hard.
Well done SUFC who continue to astound.
What a performance that was totally dominated Daggers from start to finish.Thought Daggers would have been a stern test today but they were awful and clueless.It was a delight to be there today the atmosphere was electric long may this continue
Well done to the boys in yellow and all the travelling fans. The three amigos and whole squad have done us proud. Let's hope for some good news off the field soon, this squad and team spirit is special and doesn't come along too often.
No worse than Powell spending the whole game lying and rolling about on the floor, horses for courses.
Ah see, the difference was though, Powell was getting constantly fouled.

Your 22, on the other hand... Was it him rolling around on the touchline second half like he'd been shot in the face? Bit of a joke.
Great stuff - first half in particular. They couldn’t cope with the press. After about 30 mins D&R went a bit longer and we dropped back a little making it slightly more of a game.

Collin - 7. One smart stop, but good handling / positionjng
Gus - 7
Bridge - 7
Kensdale - 8
Taylor -7
Ralph -7
Miley -8
Fonguck -8
Husin -9
Cards -8
Powell -8

Coker -8
Demi -7
Mooney -7

Ref -7

One other point. These new (or enforcement of existing) rules really suit ball playing teams. Last season I’d expect Wes to have been pulled back when we scored our first - and the ref probably wouldn’t have got a card out.
Those ratings say it all for me. Every single player getting above average ratings. No weak links all working their chuffs off. 👍
After 5 seasons of mediocrity (at best), it has been hard to find the desire to support this club like I once did. These coaches and players put me to shame and I'm so grateful to them for keeping that spark alive, even if it's not as bright as it once was.
I'm in the same place. Swore I wouldn't attend a home game until he's gone but I've bought tickets for me and my grandson for Hartlepool. Kev and the lads deserve the support despite him.
Home now, knackered but elated. Was going to add my 5 pennyworth but Yorky has done it for me. Great post Yorky, and in time honoured fashion.....Wot he said!!

As an aside, I thought @Suffolk Shrimper In Dorset was sitting in front of me, so I introduced myself in the second half and it was him. The look on the poor bloke's face said it all though, 'who is this old chap chatting to me?'. Well, I was the old chap. Good to meet you.
Good to meet you RHB! My slightly bemused reaction was due to 1200 other Shrimpers making noise so I wasn't exactly sure what you said.
I just thought you were just another 'Roots to the 92' fan and was waiting for you to present me with a copy of the good book for me to sign for you. 😁
Had i twigged you were the legendary SZ moderator I would have immediately been more humble and apologised for all my previous merchandise advertising posts that Cricko usually scolds me for