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Post-Match Thread and Ratings Dagenham & Redbridge 0-2 Southend United

No weak link for the 2nd game running. These players are trying for the club, the Manager ,the fans, and for each other. It's also a different style of attacking football so far. Absolutely brilliant and very entertaining. But also very solid at the back. Even Colin looks more confident and assured, probably as he know's he's number 1 now big Steve has gone. Fonguck was immense, and Taylor is a far better central defender than a wing back or midfielder. He's so good, we're not missing Hobson at all so far. What a start to the season. Yes, Chesterfield will be the dominant force with their quality squad, and should win the league, but we are certainly good enough to finish top 3. The big test is obviously when the injuries start arriving. But meanwhile, this team is more than capable of getting a long unbeaten run going.
Great stuff - first half in particular. They couldn’t cope with the press. After about 30 mins D&R went a bit longer and we dropped back a little making it slightly more of a game.

Collin - 7. One smart stop, but good handling / positionjng
Gus - 7
Bridge - 7
Kensdale - 8
Taylor -7
Ralph -7
Miley -8
Fonguck -8
Husin -9
Cards -8
Powell -8

Coker -8
Demi -7
Mooney -7

Ref -7

One other point. These new (or enforcement of existing) rules really suit ball playing teams. Last season I’d expect Wes to have been pulled back when we scored our first - and the ref probably wouldn’t have got a card out.
agree with all of these except the rating for Taylor who was arguably my man of the match alongside Husin.
Another excellent performance and result- remarkable!
Not 100% sure I'm correct but I think the same 3 subs replaced the same 3 players as last week ?
Wood must be a bit gutted in a squad of 15 (fit) players he's the only one not to get any game time yet.
I'm sure his time will come
While I still find it hard to truly do any kind of deep dive given the state of the squad and the restrictions kev has worked with. I did have a gripe last season with our lack of a midfielder playing really advanced....fonguck this season has been the answer...been playing further up the pitch, thus utilising his good passing more effectively.
That Ibe dive was hilarious. There was a good three seconds between him losing the challenge and then realising he could try and cheat. Absolute clown.
I think Taylor put his hand out and it scraped his face. He went down from that pretending it was an assault. I don’t think for a second Taylor meant to touch him
What an away day to remember. Atmosphere electric and the west ham boys on the home terrace had no answer.

as for the game, we went for the kill from the first whistle and it was relentless first half. 1-0 at HT didn’t do us justice, we battered Daggers and 2 or 3-0 wouldn’t have flattered us. Daggers to their credit blocked at least 3 goal bound efforts and a Justham made a couple of decent saves. But we played some lovely football first half and looked full of confidence. Second half we controlled the game and I only remember Colin making one decent save. We didn’t create loads but didn’t need to and the pleasing thing was when we needed to take control and slow the game down we did with Miley and Husin in particular outstanding. I thought second half we may tire and their 22 may take advantage but the longer the game went on he ran out ideas.

as for ratings it’s hard to pick out a mom, but fir me Taylor again was outstanding and probably gets the nod. Otherwise, Colin, defence, midfield and up top all get 8. A brilliant afternoon, incredible support as always and a team fighting for kev, the badge and us. A team to be proud of. So onto Tuesday we go, let’s fill the away end again and see what we get. Maybe bring Coker in for Wes, maybe Mooney for Powell just to freshen it up.
What an away day to remember. Atmosphere electric and the west ham boys on the home terrace had no answer.

as for the game, we went for the kill from the first whistle and it was relentless first half. 1-0 at HT didn’t do us justice, we battered Daggers and 2 or 3-0 wouldn’t have flattered us. Daggers to their credit blocked at least 3 goal bound efforts and a Justham made a couple of decent saves. But we played some lovely football first half and looked full of confidence. Second half we controlled the game and I only remember Colin making one decent save. We didn’t create loads but didn’t need to and the pleasing thing was when we needed to take control and slow the game down we did with Miley and Husin in particular outstanding. I thought second half we may tire and their 22 may take advantage but the longer the game went on he ran out ideas.

as for ratings it’s hard to pick out a mom, but fir me Taylor again was outstanding and probably gets the nod. Otherwise, Colin, defence, midfield and up top all get 8. A brilliant afternoon, incredible support as always and a team fighting for kev, the badge and us. A team to be proud of. So onto Tuesday we go, let’s fill the away end again and see what we get. Maybe bring Coker in for Wes, maybe Mooney for Powell just to freshen it up.
Not sure I’d drop Powell - although agree on giving players a breather. The style is based on the 5 central midfield and attackers pressing and pressing. For his faults, Powell is excellent at running and running
Had a nap in between the England game and a 2am kick off over here in New Zealand. The boys were relentless in the first half, some lovely football on display and a deserved goal after 18 minutes. With that Coker goal at the end I found it hard to get to sleep and woke up for work 4 hours later in a daze but oh so proud of the boys. I'd wake up at anytime for them and couldnt be happier where we sit in the table after the summer we've had. Just gone lunchtime here and I am shattered but so worth it. UTB
What a great afternoon out in sunny Dagenham, fantastic support as always. Always good to get a win against local rivals and it was thoroughly deserved 🤗

I am still buzzing that we have a football club and the last 2 games just shows what our fantastic management team and our limited squad are capable of, just imagine what they could do if their hands weren't tied behind their backs 👏

Martin 🤡 OUT

Saw somewhere that Josh Rees went into the pub after the game where Southend fans were and congratulated us and also said he would love to join us, but obvs the situ is or did prevent that in the summer. Always liked him as a player but wouldn’t swop any of ours at the moment, but would have him as a squad player no problem
Awesome performance, if we can get the embargo lifted then who knows!

Need to get Colin and Coker signed up on long term deals!

One negative was some absolute idiot and his mate, giving Anna Firth some vile abuse. Like any club we unfortunately have a few brain dead idiots who follow us, just totally embarrassing.

Onward and upwards to Dorking.