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Post-Match Thread and Ratings Dagenham & Redbridge 0-2 Southend United

Any news on Dagenham's 22, Ibie after GSM's brutal Tyson Fury to his jaw? Amazing as it was to see him back on his feet and running some two minutes after the 'incident', surely there'll be some knock-on effects, maybe a concussion, long-term brain injury, broken jaw or even a fractured pelvis. You know how these thinks can be linked. One simply doesn't run off that kind of blow. Obvious thoughts and prayers going out to the 6'6' powerhouse.
Any news on Dagenham's 22, Ibie after GSM's brutal Tyson Fury to his jaw? Amazing as it was to see him back on his feet and running some two minutes after the 'incident', surely there'll be some knock-on effects, maybe a concussion or even a broken jaw or pelvis. You simply don't run off that kind of blow. Thoughts and prayers to the 6'6' powerhouse.
It’s not often I’m on my feet shouting but that was ridiculous. Should’ve been booked for ****housery.
I’ve just got on a train from Dagenham to Barking and all of sudden King Kevs got on. I was building myself up to get a photo expecting for him to get off at Barking and I was going to get a photo. He didn’t . I’ve then accidentally got on a train back to Dagenham whilst checking platforms when trying to head west. Right balls up!!!!

Blues were brilliant, great support, didn’t get my photo 😂
No worse than Powell spending the whole game lying and rolling about on the floor, horses for courses.
1-1 on floor rollers then. I reckon the refs have got Powell down as a diver and ignore more than they give. That said, your lad's writhing, pretending he had been punched in the face was a acting joy to behold.
We were great for half an hour. Wave upon wave of attack, working space, threading balls between the lines. The goal was made by Fonguck working his two on one and cleverly delaying and delaying his pass until he’d drawn the man inside leaving Bridge outside in space to fire in a cross-shot which Cardwell slid in, in front of the travelling faithful.

Soon after Cardwell nearly made it two but Justham saved his header and the rebound was blocked and if that had gone in Dagenham would have been looking at damage limitation.

Instead the lack of preseason showed: we were no longer first to everything, instead of passing the ball around tired legs meant tired minds and we knocked the ball long and couldn’t dominate possession as comprehensively as we did for the first hour. Defensively we were sound although Dagenham offered little. Last year I thought them more a footballing side with the likes of Mo Sagaf, this season they had a lot of height and not much guile. We began to play more conservatively and without the legs to get forward (or to get forward and then back) our football didn’t flow as well.

A tiring Fonguck lasted only an hour but he was excellent for the first half hour of it. Alongside him Noor was on song. Repeatedly nipping in to win the ball, the quick feet to dance around opponents or to flick it past them. He’s such a crucial player for us. Miley was Miley: he keeps the moves ticking, dives in to win the ball when it’s there to be won. Up front Cardwell led the line working so hard but faded. Powell works hard but has no guile about him. There’s no attempt to put the defender off balance before trying to go past him, or setting up the shot so they get blocked a lot. His job is to tire defenders out. I’m not sure that was the reason for our second though, more Dagenham complacency as they expected Mooney to take the ball to the corner flag, instead Mooney squared it to Coker who was remarkably given the freedom of the middle of the pitch. He then showed Powell how to do it disguising the shot so that Justham didn’t even bother diving at a shot from 20 yards. We knew he was tidy on the ball but but goalscoring form is a bonus I don’t think any of us expected.

Clean Sheet Collin was assured as ever at the back. His record is quite remarkable. Ralph was solid once more, Taylor’s comfort at stepping into midfield really helps us play out from the back, Kensdale sharper than he looked last week. Gus didn’t have one of his better games but his engine and character are so important to us. Bridge got yet another assist but do don’t see much of the ball second half before being replaced late on by Demi.

Dagenham were poor - they offered so little going forward and I was shocked by how much space they left us - so it’s difficult to tell exactly where we are as a side but the team spirit is good, the players well coached and a world away from the Brown mess that Maher inherited. Chris Phillips’ article on where Maher’s first side are now was revealing as so many of those had not just dropped down a level or two but more often than not bombed out of that side too. Recruitment now is so much better (not that we’ve been able to recruit for a year). There’s barely been a misstep there which is fortunate as with a squad of 16 there isn’t space for it and contracts we regret. And we’re doing this combined with bringing through our own young players. Three of the famous 14 played for our youth team.
Home now, knackered but elated. Was going to add my 5 pennyworth but Yorky has done it for me. Great post Yorky, and in time honoured fashion.....Wot he said!!

As an aside, I thought @Suffolk Shrimper In Dorset was sitting in front of me, so I introduced myself in the second half and it was him. The look on the poor bloke's face said it all though, 'who is this old chap chatting to me?'. Well, I was the old chap. Good to meet you.
Home now, knackered but elated. Was going to add my 5 pennyworth but Yorky has done it for me. Great post Yorky, and in time honoured fashion.....Wot he said!!

As an aside, I thought @Suffolk Shrimper In Dorset was sitting in front of me, so I introduced myself in the second half and it was him. The look on the poor bloke's face said it all though, 'who is this old chap chatting to me?'. Well, I was the old chap. Good to meet you.
It’s good to talk.
To Me they didn't look a threat at all!
My worry was a set piece! Open play easy today well done all great result 👍
Over the moon we beat them, horrible club with some weird fans who are obsessed with us.

Who needs Justham and Ling, wouldn't get into our squad :Smile: