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Coronavirus (Non-Politics)

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Yeah but there is being out for exercise or to do your essential shopping and there is being out and having complete disregard to the rules.

Maybe they are in a similar situation, but people are feeling so low at the moment. Nothing wrong with letting them get something off their chest and vent. How about just let them vent without the sarcastic and condescending comments from people?

Start of 2020 Caroline Flack took her own life and the #bekind movement began, then Coronavirus changed our lives and that was soon forgotten.
If you read my earlier post then I explain all of this. The virus doesn't distinguish between those who are completely disregarding the rules and those who are following them. There is a lot of posts on here and on social media about how busy it is, often by people who have also travelled to said place but claim they have a legitimate reason to be there. Perhaps all these other people also think they have a legitimate reason as well, and that's the problem we're facing in this.
If you read my earlier post then I explain all of this. The virus doesn't distinguish between those who are completely disregarding the rules and those who are following them. There is a lot of posts on here and on social media about how busy it is, often by people who have also travelled to said place but claim they have a legitimate reason to be there. Perhaps all these other people also think they have a legitimate reason as well, and that's the problem we're facing in this.

The point still stands that there is no need for picking at people when they want to vent and condescending posts.
The point still stands that there is no need for picking at people when they want to vent and condescending posts.
Maybe don’t jump on a small part of a post that doesn’t consider an earlier post, in a quote thread that doesn’t involve you. That in itself comes across as ‘picking on’ and ‘condescending’.

I completely appreciate it’s hard at the moment for everyone. I’ve specifically avoided making personal posts even though there have been snipey/personal posts made at me (seem to have been deleted?)
Ultimately if somewhere is that rammed I won’t go in. It’s good to know if a certain supermarket is busy as saves a trip. Same with the seafront. I’m hoping the seafront isn’t busy now as I’m off there for my daily walk.
We need a hard lock down to stop this spread. As hard as it may be on people and businesses, nothing seems to be working to control it. This tier system just isn't working, so many shops are open which I'm not sure are essential, with so many people out and about.
Ultimately if somewhere is that rammed I won’t go in. It’s good to know if a certain supermarket is busy as saves a trip. Same with the seafront. I’m hoping the seafront isn’t busy now as I’m off there for my daily walk.

Very quiet today but thats because of the weather. Will be packed over Christmas if the sun shines.
Got an email from my eldest son's school saying he has to isolate for 10 days because one of the girls in his year has returned a positive test. He actually sits next to her in one of his lessons. The self isolation is for 10 days, but is backdated to the 16th so he only has to isolate until the 26th.

We were supposed to have my mother in law over on Christmas day, but we're going to postpone to the day after (which might mean I can't watch the Southend game).

@Pubey : Can you clear something up for me as my wife and I don't agree. If we get my son tested (say, today - 5 days after his contact) and it comes back negative, does that mean he won't have to isolate and my mother in law can come over on the 25th? So far he's shown 0 symptoms.
My next door neighbors kids showed no symptoms. Had a test as the year group was sent home as about 5 kids had it. He's result came back positive. Only thing he had was a little headache which they put down to him not drinking enough.

The parents got tested and they too had it. Neither showed any symptoms, in fact both felt fine enough to go on their usual runs (until the got they found out their son had to isolate and stopped to isolate as well)

Lockdown the kids from the schools nd put learning online for a couple of weeks and you slow the virus down massively. Wonder why it dropped so much over the summer period and then picked up from September onwards. I dare say we will now see a drop over the Christmas period and everyone will start back slapping each other thinking its their policies. Its not, its because kids are off school for 2 weeks

Its like sending Bees out to from the hive to collect pollen. Keep the bees inside and you protect the rest of the hive.
That's not the point he was making and you know it, stop spinning this into something it's not.
If you're moaning about people 'out and about' while you're out, then maybe consider why you're out and wonder if they might be in a similar situation to you?

Eh?, i took his post as having a 'pop' at me for going shopping. And i dont recall moaning about other people 'out & about' on my post?.
Holland, Denmark and Italy state they had already detected new strain of virus.

Kept that quiet didn't they?

Will France close it's borders to them?

I think the Govt 'bigged' up this new variant (which was found in September) in order to 'justify' the change in rules without appearing to be backtracking. Border closures etc are probably an unintended consequence of this 'bigging' up
I think the Govt 'bigged' up this new variant (which was found in September) in order to 'justify' the change in rules without appearing to be backtracking. Border closures etc are probably an unintended consequence of this 'bigging' up
I make you right, and of course the MSM has been only to happy to go along with it, giving them a get out of jail free card.
Maybe don’t jump on a small part of a post that doesn’t consider an earlier post, in a quote thread that doesn’t involve you. That in itself comes across as ‘picking on’ and ‘condescending’.

I completely appreciate it’s hard at the moment for everyone. I’ve specifically avoided making personal posts even though there have been snipey/personal posts made at me (seem to have been deleted?)

No, it wasn’t directly aimed at me but what I am doing as a moderator is trying to stop this petty arguing and posts that are borderline bullying.

If there are snipey/personal posts made towards you and we have missed them use the report function it’s what it’s there for. All the mods have lives and stuff going on outside of SZ so stuff gets missed.
They are not. So called scientists wont even say it 100% comes from bats. In fact the media never mention bats anymore as far to many don't believe that story.

A pandemic that people have to have a test to know they have it. Children and footballers cant be ill with it.....The facts are anything but clear.
Why do the moderators on here seem to tolerate completely factually inaccurate posts? Do we not have a responsibility to stop these harmful posts/rumours propagating?

They are not. So called scientists wont even say it 100% comes from bats. In fact the media never mention bats anymore as far to many don't believe that story.

A pandemic that people have to have a test to know they have it. Children and footballers cant be ill with it.....The facts are anything but clear.

Good call out @Pubey and I personally do agree that this type of post, in the midst of a global pandemic (especially when it comes from someone who is clearly articulate and knowledgeable on other topics, is not just wrong it’s mendacious and massively, massively frustrating.

Our preferred approach is to uphold the site rules tightly, but allow the board to ‘self-moderate’ in usual conversations. That’s what we’re doing here - although we delete loads of stuff that most people don’t realise was there as it was gone before they saw it.

In this case, the post is clearly nonsense as (for a start) kids can get COVID-19 and many have - some have even died but the numbers with serious illness are low, relative to the harm done to all kids by missing school for a couple of years. There‘s lots more which has gone into the kids at school debate and decision, but it is fact that kids can get COVID-19 and it is fact that huge numbers of kids suffer long term harms both from the disease and also from missing school (some physical, such as being cooped up at home with abusive adults out of sight from many of the usual safeguarding contacts, but most educational especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds). It is ridiculous to try to claim anything else, especially coming from someone who is well informed enough to know better.

Also it was claimed that football players can’t get COVID-19? What a ridiculous thing to say. Of course they can, but like other places of work the football industry has agreed a strict regime around how squads bubble up, and how testing and cleaning is managed around the team to minimise as far as possible any spread. Are some teams claiming phantom positive tests to put off fixtures? Possibly but they would be mad to do so as they need to provide official medical evidence or could face fines or points deductions. I‘m sure that the conspiracy theorists will say that all the doctors, the FA, the EFL, media, Uncle Tom Cobbleigh and all are also in on this big hoax... thats why you can never debate with a conspiracy theorist, because they know very well that they have vacated the field of reason purely to get a bit of attention for themselves. It’s sad really, and a real stain on them as individuals.

This isn’t funny, people are really dying of this out there and many more have had their health, educational or business futures compromised. If any of us is responsible for even one person deciding against being vaccinated and that ultimately leading to either their death or someone they go on to pass COVID-19 on to, then it will be a day of huge shame and moral abhorrence on their part.
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Why do the moderators on here seem to tolerate completely factually inaccurate posts? Do we not have a responsibility to stop these harmful posts/rumours propagating?

I'm partially with you - but I also think maybe the post should stay so everyone can see what a wally the OP is. Guess it's a fine line
I'm partially with you - but I also think maybe the post should stay so everyone can see what a wally the OP is. Guess it's a fine line

And maybe readers who are uncertain can be swayed by the reponses providing the evidence that the original post was nonsense?
Good call out @Pubey and I personally do agree that this type of post, in the midst of a global pandemic (especially when it comes from someone who is clearly articulate and knowledgeable on other topics, is not just wrong it’s mendacious and massively, massively frustrating.

Our preferred approach is to uphold the site rules tightly, but allow the board to ‘self-moderate’ in usual conversations. That’s what we’re doing here - although we delete loads of stuff that most people don’t realise was there as it was gone before they saw it.

In this case, the post is clearly nonsense as (for a start) kids can get COVID-19 and many have - some have even died but the numbers with serious illness are low, relative to the harm done to all kids by missing school for a couple of years. There‘s lots more which has gone into the kids at school debate and decision, but it is fact that kids can get COVID-19 and it is fact that huge numbers of kids suffer long term harms both from the disease and also from missing school (some physical, such as being cooped up at home with abusive adults out of sight from many of the usual safeguarding contacts, but most educational especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds). It is ridiculous to try to claim anything else, especially coming from someone who is well informed enough to know better.

Also it was claimed that football players can’t get COVID-19? What a ridiculous thing to say. Of course they can, but like other places of work the football industry has agreed a strict regime around how squads bubble up, and how testing and cleaning is managed around the team to minimise as far as possible any spread. Are some teams claiming phantom positive tests to put off fixtures? Possibly but they would be mad to do so as they need to provide official medical evidence or could face fines or points deductions. I‘m sure that the conspiracy theorists will say that all the doctors, the FA, the EFL, media, Uncle Tom Cobbleigh and all are also in on this big hoax... thats why you can never debate with a conspiracy theorist, because they know very well that they have vacated the field of reason purely to get a bit of attention for themselves. It’s sad really, and a real stain on them as individuals.

This isn’t funny, people are really dying of this out there and many more have had their health, educational or business futures compromised. If any of us is responsible for even one person deciding against being vaccinated and that ultimately leading to either their death or someone they go on to pass COVID-19 on to, then it will be a day of huge shame and moral abhorrence on their part.

More children under 10 have been murdered indoors by their own parents, step father/guardian than of Covid in 2020. That includes that wonderful term "covid related"

More young "promising footballers" have been stabbed to death than have died of Covid in 2020. Turns out playing football and all it involves, contact on the pitch changing rooms and transport is much safer than walking through certain areas of London.

Those that allow that situation are the ones that should already hold their head in shame. Not the people who question our government and the MSM.

Anybody who is not going to rush out and be vaccinated at the first opportunity will do so because they have made an informed decision not because of what rigsby has said on Shrimperzone.

To suggest that they would, always comes from the same condescending we now best group on here. The ones go out of their way to insult or belittle those that don't agree and demand their posts are removed.

So to those who you who speak to me by other means. It is also your forum and many of you are well ahead when it comes to being a fan rather the part timers who bully you off these sort of threads.

To those that still come on here, then now is the time to say your piece and not suffer in silence.
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