Good call out
@Pubey and I personally do agree that this type of post, in the midst of a global pandemic (especially when it comes from someone who is clearly articulate and knowledgeable on other topics, is not just wrong it’s mendacious and massively, massively frustrating.
Our preferred approach is to uphold the site rules tightly, but allow the board to ‘self-moderate’ in usual conversations. That’s what we’re doing here - although we delete loads of stuff that most people don’t realise was there as it was gone before they saw it.
In this case, the post is clearly nonsense as (for a start) kids can get COVID-19 and many have - some have even died but the numbers with serious illness are low, relative to the harm done to all kids by missing school for a couple of years. There‘s lots more which has gone into the kids at school debate and decision, but it is fact that kids can get COVID-19 and it is fact that huge numbers of kids suffer long term harms both from the disease and also from missing school (some physical, such as being cooped up at home with abusive adults out of sight from many of the usual safeguarding contacts, but most educational especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds). It is ridiculous to try to claim anything else, especially coming from someone who is well informed enough to know better.
Also it was claimed that football players can’t get COVID-19? What a ridiculous thing to say. Of course they can, but like other places of work the football industry has agreed a strict regime around how squads bubble up, and how testing and cleaning is managed around the team to minimise as far as possible any spread. Are some teams claiming phantom positive tests to put off fixtures? Possibly but they would be mad to do so as they need to provide official medical evidence or could face fines or points deductions. I‘m sure that the conspiracy theorists will say that all the doctors, the FA, the EFL, media, Uncle Tom Cobbleigh and all are also in on this big hoax... thats why you can never debate with a conspiracy theorist, because they know very well that they have vacated the field of reason purely to get a bit of attention for themselves. It’s sad really, and a real stain on them as individuals.
This isn’t funny, people are really dying of this out there and many more have had their health, educational or business futures compromised. If any of us is responsible for even one person deciding against being vaccinated and that ultimately leading to either their death or someone they go on to pass COVID-19 on to, then it will be a day of huge shame and moral abhorrence on their part.