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Coronavirus (Non-Politics)

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Out of interest, anyone know if this new 'strain' is running amok throughout Europe yet?.

I read in the paper this morning that two other countries had seen this “new strain” but, it didn’t elaborate which two countries.

I have certainly seen some extra cases this week.

My house backs onto a main road and sitting in my conservatory the traffic is as it normally is despite being upgraded to a tier 4
I read in the paper this morning that two other countries had seen this “new strain” but, it didn’t elaborate which two countries.
I have certainly seen some extra cases this week.
My house backs onto a main road and sitting in my conservatory the traffic is as it normally is despite being upgraded to a tier 4

I back onto the A13 near Thames Drive, & traffic today seems busier than most Sundays. Guess everyone going to do their 'big pre Christmas shopping?'
Don't you have to be in close contact with someone for at least 15 minutes to spread it? So not wearing a mask while you wander around Tesco for a few minutes is not going to kill anyone...

Seriously, if cancelling Christmas isn't the straw that breaks the camel's back, the point where people say enough is enough, I don't know what will be. Ask yourself: is this all really worth it?
In reply I ask you to ask yourself, can you get around Tesco in 15 minutes? Why is it so hard to wear a proper face covering when it has been a requirement for about 9 MONTHS? Is it worth the risk of infecting someone or an item passing on or getting the virus yourself?

I suspect these measures are being used as it became obvious that too many people would disregard the other reasonable restrictions and go "party mode" on top of the new strain and NHS meltdown.
You obviously know more than I do. I would have thought it can be spread in seconds which I'm pretty sure I'm right about.

It can be spread in seconds if someone sneezes or coughs on you if they are infectious.

In normal social circumstances it is deemed very low risk outside if you are 2 metres from someone even if they are infectious. For indoor activites the risk is increased due to less ventilaiton.

Even then PHE state that for contact tracing purposes it only counts if you have been in close contact (less than 2 metres) for 15 minutes or more in face to face interaction. Outside of that it's deemed that you are not classed as a close contact. This distance and time scale indoors is reduced if you are not wearing a face covering.

All of our work RAMS are based upon PHE direction so ive done a lot of work on this over the past months,
As an aside to this i'm convinced that the main form of transmission is thorugh work.

People travelling on public transport, mixing with various others in indoor environment where masks aren't required and lots of these people are travelling in from different parts, and tiers, of the region.

This is however all still permitted but you can't visit your family even if you have isolated yourself for the last few weeks in preperation.

It is this inconsistency that drives me mad. If one is deemed a danger to life the other should be banned too.
Don't you have to be in close contact with someone for at least 15 minutes to spread it? So not wearing a mask while you wander around Tesco for a few minutes is not going to kill anyone...

Seriously, if cancelling Christmas isn't the straw that breaks the camel's back, the point where people say enough is enough, I don't know what will be. Ask yourself: is this all really worth it?
You're correct that you're very unlikely to be exposed to someone long enough to be infected in Tesco, but the masks aren't there to protect you, they're to protect other people. If you've got Covid without knowing it then the mask helps to stop you passing the virus on to others.

Other shoppers are probably low risk from you since they won't be in close contact with infected people for 15 minutes whilst shopping however the staff would be at risk if no one was wearing a mask. From what I understand it doesn't necessarily need to be 15 minutes of exposure from the same person, just 15 minutes exposed to the virus. So if 30 people that unknowingly had the virus interacted with a shop assistant for a minute each and all weren't wearing masks the accumulation of the interactions would be enough to infect the assistant. If those 30 people all had masks on the risk of infection would be much lower.
You're correct that you're very unlikely to be exposed to someone long enough to be infected in Tesco, but the masks aren't there to protect you, they're to protect other people. If you've got Covid without knowing it then the mask helps to stop you passing the virus on to others.

Other shoppers are probably low risk from you since they won't be in close contact with infected people for 15 minutes whilst shopping however the staff would be at risk if no one was wearing a mask. From what I understand it doesn't necessarily need to be 15 minutes of exposure from the same person, just 15 minutes exposed to the virus. So if 30 people that unknowingly had the virus interacted with a shop assistant for a minute each and all weren't wearing masks the accumulation of the interactions would be enough to infect the assistant. If those 30 people all had masks on the risk of infection would be much lower.

Wow we have another scentist.
I hear on the news, countries are cancelling flights from the UK. Do they know something we don't, I'm guessing it's this new strain which is a bit worrying if it's just the UK who are experiencing it.

No idea but I do know a young Scottish lad (a friend of our younger daughter's flew over to Glasgow the other day to meet up with his parents there for Xmas .He has to take a PCR test but that's about it.He's due back after NYE.
Iceland in Leigh was a free for all this morning, even though they were doing the “one in one out” the store was way too busy. Stay safe people.

Just got back from Morrison's in Hadleigh, very comfortable in there. Guess most people flocked to the shops this morning?. Only item they had sold out of, was Long Life milk!.
Wow we have another scentist.
I'm not a scientist, however you don't need to be a scientist to read what the experts are saying, and that's a lot more accurate than uninformed gut feelings about how easy it is to infect someone. The CDC has got a rough rule of 15 minutes of exposure over a 24 hour period to be at high risk. Obviously that doesn't mean that you're safe at 14 minutes (that would be a bizarre probability distribution if that was the case) but it does mean the risk of catching the virus from being exposed to someone for a few seconds is very low, as I said this means whilst you aren't personally at much risk in a supermarket the workers there certainly would be if people weren't wearing masks.

I'm not a scientist, however you don't need to be a scientist to read what the experts are saying, and that's a lot more accurate than uninformed gut feelings about how easy it is to infect someone. The CDC has got a rough rule of 15 minutes of exposure over a 24 hour period to be at high risk. Obviously that doesn't mean that you're safe at 14 minutes (that would be a bizarre probability distribution if that was the case) but it does mean the risk of catching the virus from being exposed to someone for a few seconds is very low, as I said this means whilst you aren't personally at much risk in a supermarket the workers there certainly would be if people weren't wearing masks.

OK Professor, I'll take your word for it.
We went and dropped Christmas presents over to my stepdaughter and grandchildren in Southchurch today as it was also my son in law's birthday so we had a present to drop off for that for him too. We stood on the pavement while they stood in their doorway.

Was amazed at how many cars were heading towards the seafront on the way over, and drove back along it coming home. It was actually not too busy on the parked cars but plenty of people walking, and queuing at the kiosks. We also saw some guy dressed as Father Christmas strolling along by Adventure Island, waving to all the kids. Fair play to the guy - it made us smile!

This guy is interesting - a Times journalist in Brussels:

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You're correct that you're very unlikely to be exposed to someone long enough to be infected in Tesco, but the masks aren't there to protect you, they're to protect other people. If you've got Covid without knowing it then the mask helps to stop you passing the virus on to others.

Other shoppers are probably low risk from you since they won't be in close contact with infected people for 15 minutes whilst shopping however the staff would be at risk if no one was wearing a mask. From what I understand it doesn't necessarily need to be 15 minutes of exposure from the same person, just 15 minutes exposed to the virus. So if 30 people that unknowingly had the virus interacted with a shop assistant for a minute each and all weren't wearing masks the accumulation of the interactions would be enough to infect the assistant. If those 30 people all had masks on the risk of infection would be much lower.

More people are catching it in hospitals, where staff are PPE'ed up to the eyeballs, than in supermarkets...
OK Professor, I'll take your word for it.

What's with the condescending tone everytime someone posts something you either don't know about or don't agree with?

Have a little read below from recent studies, if you have something that suggests otherwise please post it as I'd like to be more informed.

It's not a case of being clever, it's just doing a bit of research.



More people are catching it in hospitals, where staff are PPE'ed up to the eyeballs, than in supermarkets...
Ermmm, aren't there lots of sick people in hospital, more susceptible to infections? Immobile but confined indoors in warm, often limited airflow wards, prolonged periods together?
Staff are working under very difficult conditions.

Or is the suggestion that the covid sick go shopping without masks for 15 minutes and the virus will spread less?
More people are catching it in hospitals, where staff are PPE'ed up to the eyeballs, than in supermarkets...

If you're in hospital as a patient you're not wearing PPE are you?

But you are still confined to an enclosed building with lots of virus present in the surroundings which means you are more likely to catch it.

What i would like to see is a breakdown between case transmission in hospital and outside. I know that may be difficult but if there are hundreds, even thousands, catching it in hospital then those numbers shouldn't count in general transmission terms when assessing lockdowns. Perhaps those numbers are negligable so don't really matter.

I have no idea
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More people are catching it in hospitals, where staff are PPE'ed up to the eyeballs, than in supermarkets...

I had a good friend who i've known for 50 years, who had a massive stroke 6 weeks ago ( Cricko probably knows him ).
He died in Hosp a week ago, not from Covid, but pneumonia & sepsis.
So the uk border is now shut, I wonder what that'll mean for the supply chain. Cue mass panic at the supermarkets, especially when people cant get their brussel sprouts!
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