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Coronavirus (Non-Politics)

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I guess this was inevitable but I just find it cruel to do so so close to Christmas, crushing the hopes of many who had planned and been taking sensible precautions, to be with loved ones this Christmas.

Now you've got people with no plans going to be forced into shops to try and salvage their own Christmases.

You still see people in shops with masks not over their noses and plenty with none at all - no presence on the door in many shops to question. If you're exempt you should have to show evidence perhaps then those idiots choosing not to wear them might be flushed out.
I guess this was inevitable but I just find it cruel to do so so close to Christmas, crushing the hopes of many who had planned and been taking sensible precautions, to be with loved ones this Christmas.

Now you've got people with no plans going to be forced into shops to try and salvage their own Christmases.

You still see people in shops with masks not over their noses and plenty with none at all - no presence on the door in many shops to question. If you're exempt you should have to show evidence perhaps then those idiots choosing not to wear them might be flushed out.

It beggers belief people not wearing masks, I just don't get it. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing my own selfishness could kill someone.

Shops need to crack down on this.

It has a feel outside of last April, it's very quiet.
I haven't looked on the Government website but I'm guessing tier 4 is more like we had in April eg.

The Government must be worried about this new strain to introduce it from tomorrow.
The cynic in me says the emphasis on the new strain is PR spin, I don't remember such a big fuss being made when D614G became the predominant strain (and that was 10 times more infectious than the original version of Covid), we just adjusted regulations and carried on. There have been calls from experts for well over a week saying that the Christmas bubbles were a bad idea which the government dismissed. Only a few days ago Boris was calling Kier Starmer a grinch for highlighting these reports.

Now that that the government has finally conceded that the bubbles need to be scrapped they need an excuse as to why they weren't wrong for ignoring the calls to scrap the bubbles previously. The 'new' strain (which has actually been going around since September, meaning we already had plenty of data to see how infection and hospitalisation rates have changed because of it) is a convenient excuse to make it seem like the government couldn't possibly have realised scrapping the bubbles was necessary until yesterday.
I guess this was inevitable but I just find it cruel to do so so close to Christmas, crushing the hopes of many who had planned and been taking sensible precautions, to be with loved ones this Christmas.

Now you've got people with no plans going to be forced into shops to try and salvage their own Christmases.

You still see people in shops with masks not over their noses and plenty with none at all - no presence on the door in many shops to question. If you're exempt you should have to show evidence perhaps then those idiots choosing not to wear them might be flushed out.
That's what I find so annoying; it really didn't have to be this way. While the people of Wuhan will be ushering in the New Year with friends and families or out at nightclubs, we'll all be sat at home just waiting for the third wave to come and claim thousands more lives.
The cynic in me says the emphasis on the new strain is PR spin, I don't remember such a big fuss being made when D614G became the predominant strain (and that was 10 times more infectious than the original version of Covid), we just adjusted regulations and carried on. There have been calls from experts for well over a week saying that the Christmas bubbles were a bad idea which the government dismissed. Only a few days ago Boris was calling Kier Starmer a grinch for highlighting these reports.

Now that that the government has finally conceded that the bubbles need to be scrapped they need an excuse as to why they weren't wrong for ignoring the calls to scrap the bubbles previously. The 'new' strain (which has actually been going around since September, meaning we already had plenty of data to see how infection and hospitalisation rates have changed because of it) is a convenient excuse to make it seem like the government couldn't possibly have realised scrapping the bubbles was necessary until yesterday.
Agree 100%. Whitty said tier 3 wasn't going to be enough back in October, they knew then that they were going to have to do a U-turn on their Xmas relaxation.
They might want to rethink the travel restrictions. We are being asked not to leave a tier4 area, I could drive to Milton Keynes and not leave a tier 4 area.
I guess this was inevitable but I just find it cruel to do so so close to Christmas, crushing the hopes of many who had planned and been taking sensible precautions, to be with loved ones this Christmas.

Now you've got people with no plans going to be forced into shops to try and salvage their own Christmases.

You still see people in shops with masks not over their noses and plenty with none at all - no presence on the door in many shops to question. If you're exempt you should have to show evidence perhaps then those idiots choosing not to wear them might be flushed out.
Iceland in Leigh was a free for all this morning, even though they were doing the “one in one out” the store was way too busy. Stay safe people.
wife went for a run around the local park - she said the childrens play area was packed with families
wife went for a run around the local park - she said the childrens play area was packed with families

Families with young children are in a very difficult position. As long as they are outside and being reasonably cautious with other measures such as sanitiser then that should be fine.

Also as these people will now not be seeing anyone vulnerable over Christmas because they are not allowed to, that will remove the danger of them spreading it to Granny
Popped out to pick up prescriptions for elderly relatives and you wouldn't believe we were in tier four.

Where were they all going? I thought everything was shut?

We went out to walk our freinds dog this morning, she is unwell and doesnt want to leave the house to we do this for her on Sundays. We saw quite a few poeple out walking/running but all being sensible with keeping distance etc.
Not been mentioned here in Spain.But the numbers are still high.

I hear on the news, countries are cancelling flights from the UK. Do they know something we don't, I'm guessing it's this new strain which is a bit worrying if it's just the UK who are experiencing it.
It beggers belief people not wearing masks, I just don't get it. I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing my own selfishness could kill someone.

Shops need to crack down on this.

Don't you have to be in close contact with someone for at least 15 minutes to spread it? So not wearing a mask while you wander around Tesco for a few minutes is not going to kill anyone...

Seriously, if cancelling Christmas isn't the straw that breaks the camel's back, the point where people say enough is enough, I don't know what will be. Ask yourself: is this all really worth it?
Don't you have to be in close contact with someone for at least 15 minutes to spread it? So not wearing a mask while you wander around Tesco for a few minutes is not going to kill anyone...

Seriously, if cancelling Christmas isn't the straw that breaks the camel's back, the point where people say enough is enough, I don't know what will be. Ask yourself: is this all really worth it?

You obviously know more than I do. I would have thought it can be spread in seconds which I'm pretty sure I'm right about.
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