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Coronavirus (Non-Politics)

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Seems we may be heading that way or he may say the 5 day easing of restrictions over Xmas won’t be easing

I have just been speaking to a colleague of mine who reports some of the care homes across Southend, Castle Point, Rochford & Rayleigh have all seen a significant increase in positive cases with both the residents and care staff

It's this new strain they keep going on about which the scientist are worried about. Let's hope it's not something this new vaccine wouldn't protect against.
Totally agree. We are supposedly in Tier 3 but to be honest it doesn’t feel like any restrictions other than not going to football or the pub.
Maybe he should take a lead out of Italy whereby you are not allowed to leave your home other than medical, shopping (one person only) or if you are in a key worker job
Not try Australia ,not a single case in Melbourne
Try again ,y not try Australia ,not a single case in Melbourne last time I checked
Tier 4 on it's way, announcement at 4 today. Itll be fir london and southeast. Southend basildon and broomfield hospitals are at capacity. I think it may be this new strain running riot. I hope we see some light at the end of this tunnel
Tier 4 on it's way, announcement at 4 today. Itll be fir london and southeast. Southend basildon and broomfield hospitals are at capacity. I think it may be this new strain running riot. I hope we see some light at the end of this tunnel

Tier 3 is doing nothing and quite frankly looking no different.

Yes I'm hearing the hospitals are at full max, sadly an A&E nurse from Southend hospital died the other day.

I hate to say it, we need to lock down hard this time.
So are you suggesting that when ever you interact with people forever more we will be covering our faces?

Utter nonsense, it's nothing to do with being selfish it's being sensible

Not at all, I'm saying be sensible which you don't seem to be understanding.
Not at all, I'm saying be sensible which you don't seem to be understanding.

I just don't understand why, when this horid virus is hopefully fully under control, you still think that masks are necessary?

They haven't been for the last few thousand years so not sure why now? Thinking that we can control the spread of viruses is a losing battle. Nature will see to that
I would imagine tier 4 would see not essential shops shutting as well as gyms. If you haven't finished your christmas shopping hurry up.
I just don't understand why, when this horid virus is hopefully fully under control, you still think that masks are necessary?

They haven't been for the last few thousand years so not sure why now? Thinking that we can control the spread of viruses is a losing battle. Nature will see to that

Frankly I don't understand why so many people in the UK are against the wearing of masks.
I just don't understand why, when this horid virus is hopefully fully under control, you still think that masks are necessary?

They haven't been for the last few thousand years so not sure why now? Thinking that we can control the spread of viruses is a losing battle. Nature will see to that

Who said it will be fully under control? I'm not sure it ever will be.
Who said it will be fully under control? I'm not sure it ever will be.

It will hopefully be under control in the same way the flu is under control but that still kills around 10k vulnerable people evey year.

Why weren't we all wearing a mask before Covid to protect those people?

I'm sure, and hopeful, that some of the personal hygiene recommendations will be adhered to in the long term. That can only be a good thing.
Or washing their hands!

Because when you overwash your hands you start killing away vital bacteria that is needed to keep your immune system strong. I know this first hand as I had severe OCD in my early teens where I persistently washed my hands which caused untold amount of problems for myself.

Our hands and fingernails come into contact with thousands of different types of germs/bacteria and overwashing will deplete your immune system. A bit like if you use too much shampoo you wash away vital oils which keep hair follicles strong.

A balance has to be met.
It will hopefully be under control in the same way the flu is under control but that still kills around 10k vulnerable people evey year.

Why weren't we all wearing a mask before Covid to protect those people?

I'm sure, and hopeful, that some of the personal hygiene recommendations will be adhered to in the long term. That can only be a good thing.

As long as you're ok, that's all that matters.
From my limited understanding we are not looking at having to vaccinate the entire population to make thing 'safe' are we?

Once theose that are deemed vulnerable have received their two doses then the likelyhood that people will become seriously ill and hospitalised with it are vastly reduced.

Then things can start to go back to normal and the NHS will treat those unfortunate enough to still need treatment. The same way they do with every other virus about,

I pray that they are not trying to say it needs eradicating to allow us to remove our masks or return to social interaction as this is pretty much impossible since this virus is now endemic in society. I will never support that approach and will not abide by that.
I don’t know what will happen in terms of the lockdowns but yes I do expect things will be lifted a lot once the most vulnerable have been vaccinated. I expect we’ll see the full population offered the vaccine even if the lowest risk, because this is still a vaccine that can have nasty consequences and is worse than the common flu. Also reducing general transmission is important because not everyone who is vulnerable can receive a vaccine.

this graph is the best visual description of it. It shows how vaccinating the most vulnerable should massively bring down mortality (and relieve pressure on the NHS). This is about 20% of the adult population to bring the mortality rate down by 90%
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