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Coronavirus (Non-Politics)

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I had someone at work tell me that there was something in the vaccine that was going to reduce male fertility as a way to control future population. If that was the case I'm sure there are more covert ways to deliver it! I'm convinced that they just watched 'Utopia' recently and thats where the idea came from!

Nothing more stranger than folk. Some think logical and look at the whole picture, then some, well, I just don't know how they think, which is illogical.
My parents were sent letters inviting them to call in to arrange their vaccinations up here in Yorkshire, both are in their late eighties.

When they called the surgery, they were told that all the doses available had already been allocated and they will be contacted again in the new year.

Vaccination is going to be a long drawn out process, even for those people who are supposedly first in the queue.
I had someone at work tell me that there was something in the vaccine that was going to reduce male fertility as a way to control future population. If that was the case I'm sure there are more covert ways to deliver it! I'm convinced that they just watched 'Utopia' recently and thats where the idea came from!

So are they only giving men the vaccine?

Again, it’s funny how the human mind works. If you’ve ever;

- drank one of those cheap energy drinks,
- not washed your vegetables before eating them,
- implemented the 5 second rule
- sniffed cocaine,
- drank from a public water fountain
- used sweeteners in your tea/coffee
- vaped
- done a Mitzy/PS2 double drop
- sucked all the moisture out of a bath flannel
- gone minesweeping in a club
- had a protein shake
- eaten complimentary bar snacks
- not changed your bed sheets in six months
- touched a door handle in your GP’s surgery without washing your hands afterwards
- eaten at an all-you-can-eat buffet
- touched the sink and/or taps in the men’s bog of The West Stand...

do not worry about what’s in the vaccine.

You missed out eaten a pear. One of the thing anti-vaxxers go on about is all the stuff in a vaccine, formaldehyde being one of them. What they miss is that there is more formaldehyde in a pear than in a vaccine...

Mind you if they're right then I'm up **** creek: I eat at least one pear a day!
Thought it was funny on news last night, two people said No
One because God protects her and the other because whilst injecting you they put a chip in at the same time to monitor you lol

The MSM are not going to interview Dr Mike Yeadon former CSO of Pfizer.

Nor will they show you the clip from Canada, where the chief medical adviser and another doctor don't realise they have a 'hot mike' situation and are being recorded. Basically they are confirming with each other they don't even read the data just say what they are told to say.

You can laugh at people who trust in God yet so many of you trust in Gates.
The MSM are not going to interview Dr Mike Yeadon former CSO of Pfizer.

Nor will they show you the clip from Canada, where the chief medical adviser and another doctor don't realise they have a 'hot mike' situation and are being recorded. Basically they are confirming with each other they don't even read the data just say what they are told to say.

You can laugh at people who trust in God yet so many of you trust in Gates.

1) Mike Yeadon still uses his Pfizer credentials even though he hasnt worked there for 9 years. He has got a lot wrong.
2) The MSM have shown it - its on the Toronto Sun website -and not hard to find on twitter. https://torontosun.com/news/provincial/warmington-top-ontario-doctors-hot-mic-moment-spreading-fast it looks to me like banter.
1) Mike Yeadon still uses his Pfizer credentials even though he hasnt worked there for 9 years. He has got a lot wrong.
2) The MSM have shown it - its on the Toronto Sun website -and not hard to find on twitter. https://torontosun.com/news/provincial/warmington-top-ontario-doctors-hot-mic-moment-spreading-fast it looks to me like banter.

He has got a lot wrong, but I love the fact we use some mistakes to blanket a whole opinion on him. But when we then point out the mistakes that the Gov's hired scientists make, we get hit with the few things they may have got right to create the blanket narrative that they are right.

We must welcome and debate all opinions from across the board, all these scientists who are offering alternative views on lockdown/covid can't all be wrong, that's just silly.
He has got a lot wrong, but I love the fact we use some mistakes to blanket a whole opinion on him. But when we then point out the mistakes that the Gov's hired scientists make, we get hit with the few things they may have got right to create the blanket narrative that they are right.

We must welcome and debate all opinions from across the board, all these scientists who are offering alternative views on lockdown/covid can't all be wrong, that's just silly.
But you could use that same argument across anything.

The facts are quite clear even if the scientists disagree with the solutions because they’re mainly political or economic in nature.
But you could use that same argument across anything.

The facts are quite clear even if the scientists disagree with the solutions because they’re mainly political or economic in nature.


I agree the facts on Covid are clear, but I don't think anything is clear when it comes to lockdowns. I have to remind myself that there are two ways of coming at this, covid issues and lockdown issues.
The MSM are not going to interview Dr Mike Yeadon former CSO of Pfizer.

Nor will they show you the clip from Canada, where the chief medical adviser and another doctor don't realise they have a 'hot mike' situation and are being recorded. Basically they are confirming with each other they don't even read the data just say what they are told to say.

You can laugh at people who trust in God yet so many of you trust in Gates.
Mike yeadon is a quack who’s got multiple things wrong. He was never the CSO of Pfizer. He was relatively senior within a fairly small subdivision in Pfizer.
But you could use that same argument across anything.

The facts are quite clear
even if the scientists disagree with the solutions because they’re mainly political or economic in nature.

They are not. So called scientists wont even say it 100% comes from bats. In fact the media never mention bats anymore as far to many don't believe that story.

A pandemic that people have to have a test to know they have it. Children and footballers cant be ill with it.....The facts are anything but clear.
They are not. So called scientists wont even say it 100% comes from bats. In fact the media never mention bats anymore as far to many don't believe that story.

A pandemic that people have to have a test to know they have it. Children and footballers cant be ill with it.....The facts are anything but clear.

Okay then, since you‘re so obviously THE expert on all things Covid-related where does it come from, and while we’re at it what are your medical and/or scientific qualifications regarding pandemics?
They are not. So called scientists wont even say it 100% comes from bats. In fact the media never mention bats anymore as far to many don't believe that story.

A pandemic that people have to have a test to know they have it. Children and footballers cant be ill with it.....The facts are anything but clear.
Children and footballers can be ill with it. It’s rare, but perfectly possible and does happen. Stop spreading misinformation.
I worry about the numbers regarding vaccines. In the UK we have upwards of 66 million people. In the first week of vaccinations, the government reported we managed 137,000 jabs, that's way less than 1% of the population. Even if we can do a million vaccinations a week, it will take over a year to vaccinate everyone.

The figures suggest maybe it will take over four years to get everyone inoculated.
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I worry about the numbers regarding vaccines. In the UK we have upwards of 66 million people. In the first week of vaccinations, the government reported we managed 137,000 jabs, that's way less than 1% of the population. Even if we can do a million vaccinations a week, it will take over a year to vaccinate everyone.

The figures suggest maybe it will take over four years to get everyone inoculated.
At the moment all is quite new but given time things will be fine tweaked and then the NHS can roll it out.
The biggest issues we are having is the vaccine itself and the method of storage and transportation and I think once the Oxford one comes on board things will be a lot easier for us. Secondly the other issue is the distancing and observation after but, hopefully with now doing it some of these can be reviewed
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