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Coronavirus (Non-Politics)

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We start our vaccinations today and up until now people have been really positive in being called to have it
My M in L is having hers at Rochford surgery and my neighbour is getting hers at Valkyrie Road clinic.
Their timings are very precise with instructions of "2.07 PM, not 2.06 or 2.08 but at 2.07 and ready for the vaccine ".
Both have planned and prep the journey, times and apparel to make it smooth running.
My M in L is having hers at Rochford surgery and my neighbour is getting hers at Valkyrie Road clinic.
Their timings are very precise with instructions of "2.07 PM, not 2.06 or 2.08 but at 2.07 and ready for the vaccine ".
Both have planned and prep the journey, times and apparel to make it smooth running.
My grandparents are getting their first dose tomorrow at Audley Mills. Exciting that it's starting to ramp up.
My grandparents are getting their first dose tomorrow at Audley Mills. Exciting that it's starting to ramp up.

That's great ! Just for the fact they got an appointment at Audley mills! Normally you have to offer some sort of sacrifice to get seen there!
Thought it was funny on news last night, two people said No
One because God protects her and the other because whilst injecting you they put a chip in at the same time to monitor you lol

I've heard this as well! Its funny really why would they put a chip in it? When we already carry around one in a mobile phone that knows your movements and collects vast amount of data on you. I'm sure GCHQ can tap into that easily enough.
My M in L is having hers at Rochford surgery and my neighbour is getting hers at Valkyrie Road clinic.
Their timings are very precise with instructions of "2.07 PM, not 2.06 or 2.08 but at 2.07 and ready for the vaccine ".
Both have planned and prep the journey, times and apparel to make it smooth running.
We are being very particular with timings due to the amount we need to get through and the fact we have to observe for 15 mins following injection.
Logistically it is a nightmare but, we will get through it and after a while will be able to fine tune it better as this is all new to us too.
My grandparents are getting their first dose tomorrow at Audley Mills. Exciting that it's starting to ramp up.

I keep getting texts from my surgery saying please don't contact them regarding the vaccine, and that they'll contact me when necessary.

They must be getting fed up with the amount of calls they're getting.
Most of the South East now shoved into tier 3. No real surprise.
No surprise at all.
I have just done weekly shop at Sainsbury, from Mrs G's list, and still there are groups, family shopping as a crowd, usual mask below nose and no maskers. Many just browsing as if it was their entertainment outing, others touching this, that and whatever but not putting it in their trolley. Leaning over, bunching, no spacing etc.
Not the majority But is it that hard? Really?
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Seems you can only move 'up' a tier and not down one... Manchester, which has had restrictions for months, still in tier 3 despite cases below the national average.

Also been revealed today that hospitals are quieter on average than they were this time last year (it was hidden away in a BBC article, so you probably won't hear about it), and that's with beds taken out for distancing.

Enjoy Christmas because we'll all be in lockdown again in January anyway.
Seems you can only move 'up' a tier and not down one... Manchester, which has had restrictions for months, still in tier 3 despite cases below the national average.

Also been revealed today that hospitals are quieter on average than they were this time last year (it was hidden away in a BBC article, so you probably won't hear about it), and that's with beds taken out for distancing.

Enjoy Christmas because we'll all be in lockdown again in January anyway.
Hmm. Not quite the full picture imo.

Herefordshire has gone from 2 to 1 today.

Certain areas of hospitals are quieter as operations and follow ups are much reduced. BUT ICU and A&E are swamped here in SE Essex.

Yes, lockdown will continue until most over 65s are vaccinated as they are 80+% of the high risk of serious illness statistics, and of hospital admission.
Seems you can only move 'up' a tier and not down one... Manchester, which has had restrictions for months, still in tier 3 despite cases below the national average.

Also been revealed today that hospitals are quieter on average than they were this time last year (it was hidden away in a BBC article, so you probably won't hear about it), and that's with beds taken out for distancing.

Enjoy Christmas because we'll all be in lockdown again in January anyway.
It would have been pretty strange to downgrade GM just before Christmas while trying to tighten things across much of the country. While the numbers are improving I think they could still do with coming down further, especially if we expect things to go back up after the Christmas break. I don't think any of us up here are surprised we're still in Tier 3.
I've heard this as well! Its funny really why would they put a chip in it? When we already carry around one in a mobile phone that knows your movements and collects vast amount of data on you. I'm sure GCHQ can tap into that easily enough.

Some of the conspiracy stuff is hilarious.

I saw something on Twitter a while back which pretty much ends the whole “Bill Gates Microchip” theory. It essentially goes like this;

- Your birth was registered.
- Your school was allocated by dint of your location
- You’ve had a National Insurance number since you were 16
- HMRC know where you work & how much you earn (if you’re legit)
- The Council knows where you live
- The DVLA know where you live & how good a driver you are
- Your Passport knows where you were born, who your relatives are, and where you’ve travelled to
- Your Social Media accounts know what you look like, who your friends are, what places you visit and - in some cases - what you had for dinner last night
- The utility companies know where you live
- Your doctor has a complete record of your health since birth
- Your face is captured on CCTV around 300 times per day
- The GPS in your mobile phone can pinpoint your exact location to within inches
- Your debit/credit card transactions track not just your purchases, but your movements too.
- Your supermarket loyalty card knows your shopping habits, what you like & how often you buy it
- Your Phone company know who you call, how often you call them & for how long
- Your internet activity is monitored to the point that adverts can actually be tailored to suit your preferences
- Every laptop, tablet, computer, TV & mobile phone has cameras built into them, which can be remote accessed from a third party to actually watch and listen to you.

But yeah, Bill Gates has engineered a “vaccine“ that contains microchips, just so he can track you.
Some of the conspiracy stuff is hilarious.

I saw something on Twitter a while back which pretty much ends the whole “Bill Gates Microchip” theory. It essentially goes like this;

- Your birth was registered.
- Your school was allocated by dint of your location
- You’ve had a National Insurance number since you were 16
- HMRC know where you work & how much you earn (if you’re legit)
- The Council knows where you live
- The DVLA know where you live & how good a driver you are
- Your Passport knows where you were born, who your relatives are, and where you’ve travelled to
- Your Social Media accounts know what you look like, who your friends are, what places you visit and - in some cases - what you had for dinner last night
- The utility companies know where you live
- Your doctor has a complete record of your health since birth
- Your face is captured on CCTV around 300 times per day
- The GPS in your mobile phone can pinpoint your exact location to within inches
- Your debit/credit card transactions track not just your purchases, but your movements too.
- Your supermarket loyalty card knows your shopping habits, what you like & how often you buy it
- Your Phone company know who you call, how often you call them & for how long
- Your internet activity is monitored to the point that adverts can actually be tailored to suit your preferences
- Every laptop, tablet, computer, TV & mobile phone has cameras built into them, which can be remote accessed from a third party to actually watch and listen to you.

But yeah, Bill Gates has engineered a “vaccine“ that contains microchips, just so he can track you.
Guaranteed they’re all on Facebook these people, who really don’t see the irony. Like those who think it was “rushed through too quick”. Why would you rather wind up in ICU with Covid than get a vaccine that has a few (potential) minor side effects.
Some of the conspiracy stuff is hilarious.

I saw something on Twitter a while back which pretty much ends the whole “Bill Gates Microchip” theory. It essentially goes like this;

- Your birth was registered.
- Your school was allocated by dint of your location
- You’ve had a National Insurance number since you were 16
- HMRC know where you work & how much you earn (if you’re legit)
- The Council knows where you live
- The DVLA know where you live & how good a driver you are
- Your Passport knows where you were born, who your relatives are, and where you’ve travelled to
- Your Social Media accounts know what you look like, who your friends are, what places you visit and - in some cases - what you had for dinner last night
- The utility companies know where you live
- Your doctor has a complete record of your health since birth
- Your face is captured on CCTV around 300 times per day
- The GPS in your mobile phone can pinpoint your exact location to within inches
- Your debit/credit card transactions track not just your purchases, but your movements too.
- Your supermarket loyalty card knows your shopping habits, what you like & how often you buy it
- Your Phone company know who you call, how often you call them & for how long
- Your internet activity is monitored to the point that adverts can actually be tailored to suit your preferences
- Every laptop, tablet, computer, TV & mobile phone has cameras built into them, which can be remote accessed from a third party to actually watch and listen to you.

But yeah, Bill Gates has engineered a “vaccine“ that contains microchips, just so he can track you.

I had someone at work tell me that there was something in the vaccine that was going to reduce male fertility as a way to control future population. If that was the case I'm sure there are more covert ways to deliver it! I'm convinced that they just watched 'Utopia' recently and thats where the idea came from!
I had someone at work tell me that there was something in the vaccine that was going to reduce male fertility as a way to control future population. If that was the case I'm sure there are more covert ways to deliver it! I'm convinced that they just watched 'Utopia' recently and thats where the idea came from!

Again, it’s funny how the human mind works. If you’ve ever;

- drank one of those cheap energy drinks,
- not washed your vegetables before eating them,
- implemented the 5 second rule
- sniffed cocaine,
- drank from a public water fountain
- used sweeteners in your tea/coffee
- vaped
- done a Mitzy/PS2 double drop
- sucked all the moisture out of a bath flannel
- gone minesweeping in a club
- had a protein shake
- eaten complimentary bar snacks
- not changed your bed sheets in six months
- touched a door handle in your GP’s surgery without washing your hands afterwards
- eaten at an all-you-can-eat buffet
- touched the sink and/or taps in the men’s bog of The West Stand...

do not worry about what’s in the vaccine.
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