That's crazy! Couldn't even believe that was last night.
That's crazy! Couldn't even believe that was last night.
Why so many people on Westminster Bridge they can't all live in cardboard boxes on the Embankment.
I see that Norman Hunter has just died after contracting Covid 19. For you young 'uns: Norman very scary player playing for the very scary Leeds United team from long ago ....
I doubt there is enough masks for us all in the UKI . The cheap ones are really only good for a short while anyway.
That's the question I would like answered by the ones proposing that we should all be wearing masks every time we go out.
The population of the UK is 66.65 million as at 2019, now, working on the basis that not everyone is going out let's say, for the sake of argument, 55 million are going out twice a week that's a demand for 110 million masks per week. That equates to a rate of around 5.5 billion masks a year; 3M's yearly production is about 400 million masks and they are ramping up to produce 1 billion this year. That means we would need the entire production of five 3M's to provide masks for the UK population.
On top of that you have the small issue of the NHS and frontline care workers struggling to source masks so the general population will be in direct competition with the people who's need is really essential.
There is then the small matter of logistically getting them to the population, at present it seems that the NHS, even with the assistance of the Army, are finding it difficult and it's their day job...
At the other end of the chain we've then got the issue of disposing of all those billions of, potentially contaminated, masks in a responsible manner, they also contain plastic fibres...
Judging by how difficult it became to get paracetamol, latex gloves, hand sanitiser, eggs, toilet rolls, pasta, rice, baked beans, etc., we'll all be either infected or out the other side of this before Joe Public will be able to get hold of a mask.
I knew her boyfriend, was a year below me at Tommy Moore (I was at Southend High but still knew some of the Tommy Moore boys). Didn't know him well but it's an absolute tragedy. My heart goes out to him and the child.Anyone know Salina Shaw? Died 8 days after giving birth, just 37. Terrible. RIP Salina.
UK woman dies from coronavirus eight days after giving birth
Death of 37-year-old diabetic prompts calls for greater protection of pregnant
Hearing that we estate agents may be one of the first allowed back. Makes sense as people still need to move and we can exercise a certain amount of sensible procedures - also expect people will be making their own drinks which is good news for me!
Can anyone clear this up ?
Is it not a fact that the vast majority of care homes in this country are privately run businesses charging a fortune? Do they not have their own people to buy PPE for their staff? So why is the government coming under so much fire for them not having enough ?
I risk being bitten here but why should the NHS pay for PPE in these homes? Surely it is down to the owners to ensure they supply the right protective equipment for their staff and ensure that they have a reasonably safe working environment.
The local authorities no longer have any care homes within the Southend and Rochford, Rayleigh Castle Point area and all of these homes are indeed private businesses.
I risk being bitten here but why should the NHS pay for PPE in these homes? Surely it is down to the owners to ensure they supply the right protective equipment for their staff and ensure that they have a reasonably safe working environment.
I fully understand that PHE, the local CCG and local authority should try and help and provide support where needed - which I know for a fact they have been doing.
Most homes within this area have fees anything from £700 - £1500 for residential care with nursing homes charging more. Some local homes are 60+ beds so that is a substantial amount.
For the record some of our local homes are actually managing very, very well
China ups it's figures by 50% but no one knows how much ours will go up by when non hospital deaths are added on.China "ups" it's death figures by 50% over night?
What can be believed from them? And how realistic are their figures? The virus would have ripped thru their slave work camps and that certainly won't be in any figures.
Africa, India, South America are just getting started on the virus.
Maybe, just, Europe and UK will get a handle on this for the next few months but elsewhere it is going to get hellish pdq for millions or 100s of millions.
There has been some recent noises and words on collaboration between pharma companies AND a further push down this tie up is sharply needed, internationally,
Any firm that does find the vaccine must know that they will do well out of it BUT they won't have a monopoly patent right.
As the Health Secretary it does lay at his door. He makes public announcements about what his department is going to do, then he is responsible for making it happen. That's the whole point in having someone in charge - oversee, big picture, take responsibility, make it happen.And I risk the same here but isn’t there supposed to be someone in charge of buying in the PPE working within the hospital?
Lots of people in the chain here, can’t lay it all at Matt Hancock’s door.