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Conservative Leadership Contest

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got to be May. it's nothing about politics, just about who's best for the country.

Leadsom is totally out of her depth and seems to think every difficult question that involves any grasp of detail or a difficult decision can be batted away by going 'I believe in Britain'.

well i believe in it too darling but that doesn't make me fit to be PM.

and thanks to that Out win there won't actually BE a United Kingdom of Great Britain And Northern Ireland for much longer to believe in.

therefore i back May as the most competent and capable of sorting out this ****ing mess

In spite of blatant warnings of what was best for the country, the voters ignored the advice and voted for Brexit. The future of the UK is now in the hands of an incredibly small number of people.........the Conservative Party membership. Don't know anyone in this elite but I'm led to believe, most voted Brexit, are aged, grey haired and a lot of them have views rather on the right of Gengis Khan. I'm sure we can have full confidence in them to make the right choice for the country. :smile:
That's true. You didn't bring Islam into this, I did. You were banging on about the horrid Tories being hard on the shirtlifters and it struck me as incredibly disingenuous to prioritize gay rights when you won't even consider the rampant and violent bigotry of the religion of peace. And if being 'better than that' means giving you a pass on such hypocrisy, then I must confess that I am not, and I am likely to get a lot worse.

Firstly, how is it remotely disingenuous to have priorities? Don't you? I happen to prioritise tolerance and inclusiveness over intolerance and divisiveness. No doubt you will claim that Islam is all about intolerance etc. etc. the hypocrisy of which I will be sure not to 'pass on'.

Secondly, I have already clearly stated my objection towards religion in general and of course I am no fan of the attitude towards homosexuality of a significant proportion of members of the Islamic faith. However, your increasingly desperate squealing/putting words into my mouth about what I do and don't condone as you attempt to manufacture a coherent argument is fairly amusing, so do keep it up.

Thirdly, at this juncture I do have to question your refusal to even consider the rampant and violent bigotry of Christianity. Why is that? Could it possibly be that you don't mind religious bigotry, as long as the person isn't brown? Heaven (ha) forfend.

Finally, delighted to see that your charming use of the term 'shirt lifters' underlines that you actually have a great deal in common with the Middle Eastern brethren you proport to despise. Perhaps you are a closet Islamophile? Perhaps the Mods will be kind enough to change your username to the more fitting 'Rusty Shahkleford'?

And on that note, we should probably return this thread to its original topic. I will laugh my mammaries off if May obstructs Brexit when she wins.
Firstly, how is it remotely disingenuous to have priorities? Don't you? I happen to prioritise tolerance and inclusiveness over intolerance and divisiveness. No doubt you will claim that Islam is all about intolerance etc. etc. the hypocrisy of which I will be sure not to 'pass on'.

Secondly, I have already clearly stated my objection towards religion in general and of course I am no fan of the attitude towards homosexuality of a significant proportion of members of the Islamic faith. However, your increasingly desperate squealing/putting words into my mouth about what I do and don't condone as you attempt to manufacture a coherent argument is fairly amusing, so do keep it up.

Thirdly, at this juncture I do have to question your refusal to even consider the rampant and violent bigotry of Christianity. Why is that? Could it possibly be that you don't mind religious bigotry, as long as the person isn't brown? Heaven (ha) forfend.

Finally, delighted to see that your charming use of the term 'shirt lifters' underlines that you actually have a great deal in common with the Middle Eastern brethren you proport to despise. Perhaps you are a closet Islamophile? Perhaps the Mods will be kind enough to change your username to the more fitting 'Rusty Shahkleford'?

And on that note, we should probably return this thread to its original topic. I will laugh my mammaries off if May obstructs Brexit when she wins.

I am intrigued to hear about any examples you may have of the 'rampant and violent bigotry of Christianity' that have occurred in recent times. I await the obligatory references to McVeigh and Breivik with eager anticipation.

I have been quite honest about my hatred for the Islamic political project and those that enable it through their inability to be judgmental about anything that isn't white and heterosexual. I am also very honest about my antipathy towards the promotion of the LGBT agenda. As Mark Steyn once observed, 'I'm a social conservative. When the mullahs take over, I'll grow my beard a little fuller, get a couple of extra wives, and keep my head down. It's the feminists and gays who'll have a tougher time'. My suggestion that your prioritization is disingenuous is based on this apparent contradiction - if you really want tolerance for gays, you need to support politicians that are opposed to Islam, and such politicians are almost exclusively on the right.

As for 'desperate squealing' Stokesy, I'll leave that to you. When I made your acquaintance a few years back, you seemed to be a very pleasant fellow, so I can only assume that your bitterness and rancour have come about as a result of the downward spiral of the Orient. And yes, that was a cheap gag at your expense, but I don't think the Shahkleford line was one of your best either.
In spite of blatant warnings of what was best for the country, the voters ignored the advice and voted for Brexit. The future of the UK is now in the hands of an incredibly small number of people.........the Conservative Party membership. Don't know anyone in this elite but I'm led to believe, most voted Brexit, are aged, grey haired and a lot of them have views rather on the right of Gengis Khan. I'm sure we can have full confidence in them to make the right choice for the country. :smile:

Perhaps the above needs a little bit of amending in view of today's front page of The Times?


It looks as though someone has got an early vote in for Theresa May. Encouraging for everyone to know that when/if she becomes Prime Minister, Murdoch has put his foot firmly in the door of N° 10. :sad: Seems evident from this front page that Murdoch also had the dirt on Crabb ready, just in case he had progressed any further, clearly been holding on to the story for a few weeks.
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For those posters that have swerved off into theological(ish) debates. Fascinating though your arguments are, this thread is about the Conservative leadership contest. But you knew that anyway, and now it's good that you're both back on topic, isn't it?
Perhaps the above needs a little bit of amending in view of today's front page of The Times?


It looks as though someone has got an early vote in for Theresa May. Encouraging for everyone to know that when/if she becomes Prime Minister, Murdoch has put his foot firmly in the door of N° 10. :sad: Seems evident from this front page that Murdoch also had the dirt on Crabb ready, just in case he had progressed any further, clearly been holding on to the story for a few weeks.

I don't know how to embed Tweets, but Andrea Leadsom is fuming about this "untruth"

Every tweet has a code. You can find it by clicking on the time stamp next to the poster's name. In this case, it is 751531686987501570

Then click on the Twitter icon here and copy that code in to that, like so...
Thanks James, just tried doing what you said, but couldn't find what you call the "time stamp"! :dim:
Thanks James, just tried doing what you said, but couldn't find what you call the "time stamp"! :dim:

That may not be the right word for it to be fair!

If you take a look at Andrea Leadsom's page now, there is a tweet near the top about oil and gas workers.

You have 'Andrea Leadsom MP', then '@andrealeadsom', then 'Jul 7'

Click on 'Jul 7' and the tweet code should then appear in your browser's URL bar.
That may not be the right word for it to be fair!

If you take a look at Andrea Leadsom's page now, there is a tweet near the top about oil and gas workers.

You have 'Andrea Leadsom MP', then '@andrealeadsom', then 'Jul 7'

Click on 'Jul 7' and the tweet code should then appear in your browser's URL bar.

Aha! I see it now, was expecting it to appear when hovering over the date - thank you!

She should be fuming if it is an untruth. Lots of people on Twitter saying that it would be easy enough to prove as there will be recordings of the interview so they just need to be released.....

The Times have released "part" of the recordings to back up their story. Of course, the missing parts may well show the context of what she said. Disgraceful behaviour by a publication that you don't normally expect to stoop to those kind of tactics!
We don't know that as it's a secret ballot.

Just like Corbyn was nominally Remain but refused to deny he voted Leave
I know! Having followed the campaign who'd have guessed that Corbyn was campaigning for Remain but sources suggest that this was actually true.


Jeremy Corbyn MP ‏@jeremycorbyn Jun 23
I've just voted to Remain. The EU provides the best framework to meet the challenges of our time.

I wonder then how you explain the above tweet-quoted in the article you linked to?

As to your second point, JC made 10 major speeches,around the country, in favour of remain in the official 6 weeks of campaigning.

Hardly his fault if they didn't receive much coverage in the media.The Blue-on-blue Tory dogfights were deemed much more newsworthy.
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Aha! I see it now, was expecting it to appear when hovering over the date - thank you!

The Times have released "part" of the recordings to back up their story. Of course, the missing parts may well show the context of what she said. Disgraceful behaviour by a publication that you don't normally expect to stoop to those kind of tactics!

I'm not sure if that's ironic? Of course Murdoch will stoop lower than the gutter if it fits his agenda and that would appear to be the election of Mrs May. Almost as intruiging is the Crabb story. I notice they released a 'jucier' version in the Sun


I can only assume they hung onto the story and now that it is no longer important, they've released it. If you're useful to Murdoch, he'll bend over backwards to help (quid pro quo?)........if you are not with him he'll do all he can to destroy you. (and a bit of collateral damage (a family) doesn't concern him) You have to wonder at times, who is pulling the strings behind British politics?
I'm not sure if that's ironic? Of course Murdoch will stoop lower than the gutter if it fits his agenda and that would appear to be the election of Mrs May. Almost as intruiging is the Crabb story. I notice they released a 'juicier' version in the Sun
I fully expect it in The Sun, just not in The Times!
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