Another Surrey Shrimper
Life President
Are you referring to Nigel Farage? Obviously we know he is a moaner but his level of moaning about the Brexit stage 1 outcome today has made him the King of Moans.As was said on QT last time. It's always the same. The one's that don't get their way in any decision making process are always the ones to scream, shout and stamp their feet the most. I keep an eye on what's going on in here but refrain from posting now as it's all so predictable and if I'm honest I don't feel the need. I'm confident that Brexit will happen. I'm also confident hat we'll get there in the long run and that we'll all be better off for it.
Has anything about Brexit surprised me to date? No not really. I was always fully aware of how hard the obstacles would be up until now and how difficult they're going to be going forward. What has surprised me however is the constant bleating and whining on here from the same old faces. As if any of it is going to make one iota of difference. It's not. Example, quite some time ago BoJo made a silly throw away remark about the EU could whistle for their divorce settlement and now, weeks and weeks later, the fact we are now going to pay a divorce bill (something all intelligent people knew we would have to do anyway) and he was wrong it's brought up on here and made out to be some devastating lie bigger than the Profumo affair that should kill off the government. Daft, silly and unprofessional yes. Worth crying into your Cornflakes over? No. I'm all for debate but it's not really that is it. It's just moaning and moaning about decisions that have been made that are totally out of your control. Pointless.
Come on people. Enough now. After 2019/20/21 and we're all out of jobs, the NHS has collapsed, the bins haven't been emptied for weeks and the pound in your pocket is worth about 30p then by all means come back and crow on and on to your hearts content about how you all told us so. Until then just get on with enjoying and loving life and those around you and let those that can, do. All you're doing now is making yourselves look like bitter and twisted old lefties :winking:
Oh, and a Merry Shrimper Xmas to you all. Even the Socialists :smile:
You keep an eye on this thread but don't get involved. Apart from this essay. And 2nd December. And 26th November and 25th, 23rd, 19th.....Prodigal Son!