Tangled up in Blue
Certified Senior Citizen⭐🦐
Look up the word Claim in the dictionary.
I don't need to thanks.
Look up the word Claim in the dictionary.
The claim about having had free school meals is absolutely true.It's in the WIKI link I quoted from and I've seen her talking about it on the box.
And the other two thirds will desert them if JC doesn't back a second vote. Time for new parties - both Labour & Tory are done.
To quote a phrase you have used in the past
'Well if it's on Wikipedia it must be true'
Have I? Got any evidence for that? No,I didn't think so.
Its quoted on your Wikipedia page
Emily is one of the elite and she is in her position to look after the elite. Her father worked very high up for one of the worlds great institutions that is designed to fool the masses.....Its called the UN.
Through his connections she became a 'human rights lawyer'. Which in reality means running up a bill for £2m in legal aid fighting deportation for the likes of Abdul Hamza.
She married a barrister Sir Christopher Nugee, who is now a high court judge. That makes her lady Nugee but of course she keeps that quiet.
She ticks all the other Labour liberal elite boxes....Lives in the same place as Tony Blair, send your kids to schools that have no 'diversity'......Rent out several London houses whilst campaigning for affordable housing.
Back in the day when I still watched the BBC, I remember her on question time and they were discussing some case that involved an African who had raped a 12 year old girl or something similar. The sort of people who drive vans wanted to know why couldn't he be deported immediately after his release from prison. Understandable because of course he would end up living amongst them. His next victim would probably really live on a council estate.
Emily gave a pompus sneering speech about why the full due process of the law must take its place and why she felt he should not be deported. So would I if I lived in a £4m house and my kids education was paid in full by the 'due process of the law'
Have I? Got any evidence for that claim? No,I didn't think so.
You're saying that she's even posher than Nigel Farage then? Heaven help us.
(He even forked out for a pivate plane last week).https://www.theguardian.com/comment...ond-referendum-elitest-nigel-farage-remainers
Yeah, that's another one you use as well. All coming back now is it?
As far as i'm aware a millionaire businessman paid for it, anyway besides i don't see a problem with it whom ever paid, as long as it didn't come out of UK tax payers money who really cares.
Spoken by a supporter of this particular "man of the people" I imagine.Co-incidentally another millionare "businessman",Aron Banks,bankrolled the Vote Leave.EU campaign.
You've got form for making false claims about me which you can't back up with any evidence at all.Bog off.
Yes we have heard it all before. leave was funded by a millionaire where as remain was funded by funded by several billionaires......None them paying tax in Britain and I some cases like George Soros not even British.
Still there's a lot of that about....You know people who don't get a vote trying to sneer at the majority who voted out and won the referendum...…..Normally for some trivial and utterly selfish reason like it may, I repeat MAY cause me some slight inconvenience when I travel. The best bit is they have no shame or embarrassment making such statements on social media.
Yeah, yeah, same old same old, change the ****ing record. If you can't remember half the **** you spout on here then tough if someone else has better recall. I'm not digging through christ knows how many posts to pinpoint your past bollocks but the 'claims' and 'evidence' is out there for all to see.
People don't use #barnagetsitwrongagain for nothing.
realistically we are nearly out of time and No Deal won't be allowed by Parliament this time round, for the EU to extend A50 they'd require an actual reason so I reckon GE or new referendum, or both - based on stalemate and available time.
As far as I’m aware, if there is no deal in place by March 29 then we leave with no deal and parliament can’t do a damn thing about it. This only changes if article 50 is extended and there is definitely no guarantee of this happe.ning[/QUOTE]
On the contrary, Article 50 might well be extended.After all Mrs May has form for going back on her word.![]()