Another Surrey Shrimper
Life President
No, I don’t blame Cameron for tackling a problem head on and offering the people of this country a say. Theresa May also hasn’t ‘made an absolute hash’ of anything, that is - with respect - utter bollocks.
Yes, you want to remain but more people voted to leave and that is what we will and must do. The withdrawal agreement needs some tweaks to the backstop and the balance of what we get in terms of a say in new rules during transition relative to the payments we will still be making to the EU.
That’s it. Then it will be absolutely fine and it’s a heck of an achievement given all those criticising the withdrawal agreement are the very same folks who all along have been saying that any agreement would be completely impossible to achieve!
Did Cameron tackle a problem head on? He presented two options to the public without any consensus of what these options meant in practice. He assumed the outcome and when his assumption turned out to be wrong he quit.
May took 2 and a half years to come up with a deal, she lost 13 members of cabinet because she refused to listen to them then she pulled her deal at the last minute and wasted another month before achieving the worst results for a Parliamentary vote on history.
That's making a hash of it surely?