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Brexit negotiations thread


I see the number of Brits.appling for an Irish passport has doubled to record numbers since the Brexit process began.Anecdotal I know. but I know 3 long term residents here (all born in in the UK) who've taken out Irish citizenship in the last 12 months or so.Frankly if I had any Irish parents or grandparents I'd do the same myself.
Why not Spainish, seeing as you live there, or French due to your wife?

I see the number of Brits.appling for an Irish passport has doubled to record numbers since the Brexit process began.Anecdotal I know. but I know 3 long term residents here (all born in in the UK) who've taken out Irish citizenship in the last 12 months or so.Frankly if I had any Irish parents or grandparents I'd do the same myself.

I've said this before but it's worth repeating. So what? They don't want to live here then fine. I think we as a country will survive.
While we're on the subject of veroufakis, I can think of at least three reasons why he's not a good advocate of the cause you espouse 1.He's pro-EU ((just not a fan of the Troika under Germany's leadership) 2..As his recent book on Capitalism shows he's a lefty ·.3.As his many TV appearences show he thinks Brexit is a bad idea for the UK.

And what cause would that be senoir?

I too am pro EU, just not in its present or past corrupt and anti democratic form and we all know 'it' will never change or reform.

Left or right. Makes no difference to me. As I've said before I hold no political or ideological allegiance to one or the other. My post was about his views on the EU as a corrupt institution, one I happen to agree with.

His views on Brexit have nothing to do with my post. Why you thought it relevant I have no idea.

To quote him
"My message is simple yet rich: those of us who disdain the democratic deficit in Brussels, those of us who detest the authoritarianism of a technocracy which is incompetent and contemptuous of democracy, those of us who are most critical of Europe have a moral duty to stay in Europe, fight for it, and democratise it"

I agree with all of that, except the last part. I believe it's beyond reform and democratisation.

I see the number of Brits.appling for an Irish passport has doubled to record numbers since the Brexit process began.Anecdotal I know. but I know 3 long term residents here (all born in in the UK) who've taken out Irish citizenship in the last 12 months or so.Frankly if I had any Irish parents or grandparents I'd do the same myself.

Excellent news. If only every single one of you would do the same. We would save £Billions on the NHS and welfare from the 1000s of you who blow your retirement nest egg in the sunshine and then creep back here to milk the system in your 80's...…..Like elephants who are going to die.
Excellent news. If only every single one of you would do the same. We would save £Billions on the NHS and welfare from the 1000s of you who blow your retirement nest egg in the sunshine and then creep back here to milk the system in your 80's...…..Like elephants who are going to die.
Offensive nonsense to say people in ther 80s milk the system. It's entitlement because of many years of contributions. What part of that don't you understand?
Offensive nonsense to say people in ther 80s milk the system. It's entitlement because of many years of contributions. What part of that don't you understand?

Who did I learn that from?

People who have lived here and like my parents both worked into their 70's and have spent their retirement money wisely should get priority....But of course they don't.

No someone who has blown all their money in the sunshine and contributed nothing to our economy for the last 20 years can come back and get their care for free. Some even rent out their overseas property whilst claiming they have no assets.....Fact

If your out of the country for 10 years then you should have to take out insurance. As should any visitor to the UK
I've said this before but it's worth repeating. So what? They don't want to live here then fine. I think we as a country will survive.

It's not so much that they don't want to live in the UK,it's more that they don't want a UK passport, which might well make it more difficult to live elsewhere in the EU.Incidentally,they're all highly talented,professional people with skills that are in demand around the world.
Why not Spainish, seeing as you live there, or French due to your wife?

I could certainly apply for Spanish citizenship,having lived in the country for more than the minimum ten years.I could also apply for French citizenship,as you say,on the basis of my wife's nationality.I don't particularly want to do either but let's just say I'm monitoring the situation,carefully. :Winking:
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And what cause would that be senoir?

I too am pro EU, just not in its present or past corrupt and anti democratic form and we all know 'it' will never change or reform.

Left or right. Makes no difference to me. As I've said before I hold no political or ideological allegiance to one or the other. My post was about his views on the EU as a corrupt institution, one I happen to agree with.

His views on Brexit have nothing to do with my post. Why you thought it relevant I have no idea.

To quote him
"My message is simple yet rich: those of us who disdain the democratic deficit in Brussels, those of us who detest the authoritarianism of a technocracy which is incompetent and contemptuous of democracy, those of us who are most critical of Europe have a moral duty to stay in Europe, fight for it, and democratise it"

I agree with all of that, except the last part. I believe it's beyond reform and democratisation.

You've got a funny way of showing that you're pro-EU.

I imagine you've noticed that this is a Brexit thread?

I agree with all the statements in YV's post that you quote.There's no question that there is a "democratic deficit" in Brussels,nor that Greece got shafted by the Troika.The EU is, however, the only club in town.Sooner or later (probably sooner) we'll certainly regret leaving it.
Excellent news. If only every single one of you would do the same. We would save £Billions on the NHS and welfare from the 1000s of you who blow your retirement nest egg in the sunshine and then creep back here to milk the system in your 80's...…..Like elephants who are going to die.

Sorry but as I already receive a Spanish state pension,a top up English one and a (private) French one, I currently have no intention of returning to the UK permanently anytime soon.Indeed, as someone who benefits from the excellent Catalan/Spanish health system (as a Type 2 diabetic) I doubt if I'll be needing to avail myself of the NHS's services anytime in the future ,either.Though of course, as a UK passport holder, I'd be fully entitled to do so, if I chose to. :Moon:
Sorry but as I already receive a Spanish state pension,a top up English one and a (private) French one, I currently have no intention of returning to the UK permanently anytime soon.Indeed, as someone who benefits from the excellent Catalan/Spanish health system (as a Type 2 diabetic) I doubt if I'll be needing to avail myself of the NHS's services anytime in the future ,either.Though of course, as a UK passport holder, I'd be fully entitled to do so if I chose to. :Moon:

I don't suppose for one second you would be one of the **** takers I am talking about. You have your family etc, so a very good reason not to return.

But at least admit there are plenty of Brits in the Costas who have not learned the language and don't have their kids or grandchildren out there. When they get older they decide to return, especially if there on there own. At an age when they become very expensive to the NHS and other state benefits.

As you know the NHS is not free, someone has to pay for every bit of treatment. As I have personally witnessed over the recent years the system is failing badly, despite its £200b per year cost...….Just like the EU its needs reform or it will be gone and no, the answer isn't just more money more debt

You love a quote. So tell me who said "The problem with socialism is eventually you run out of other peoples money."
I don't suppose for one second you would be one of the **** takers I am talking about. You have your family etc, so a very good reason not to return.

But at least admit there are plenty of Brits in the Costas who have not learned the language and don't have their kids or grandchildren out there. When they get older they decide to return, especially if there on there own. At an age when they become very expensive to the NHS and other state benefits.

As you know the NHS is not free, someone has to pay for every bit of treatment. As I have personally witnessed over the recent years the system is failing badly, despite its £200b per year cost...….Just like the EU its needs reform or it will be gone and no, the answer isn't just more money more debt

You love a quote. So tell me who said "The problem with socialism is eventually you run out of other peoples money."

That,of course,was your political heroine,Maggie Thatcher.Easily the most divisive politician of my lifetime and the reason why so many Brits. of a certain political persuasion (like me) decided to up sticks and leave the country of their birth,

PS.I'm glad you don't include me as one of the **** takers you're talking about .I'm not,.

PPS,Like your parents who you speak of admiringly,I intend to keep working PT until I'm nearly 70.
If your out of the country for 10 years then you should have to take out insurance. As should any visitor to the UK

Personally,I hope 2019 is the year when the 15 year rule is relaxed and I can vote again in any future UK general elections or referenda.I have no problem with taking out private insurance (if necessary) but for the moment I'm quite happy with my (free) EU Health Insurance card.

I see the number of Brits.appling for an Irish passport has doubled to record numbers since the Brexit process began.Anecdotal I know. but I know 3 long term residents here (all born in in the UK) who've taken out Irish citizenship in the last 12 months or so.Frankly if I had any Irish parents or grandparents I'd do the same myself.

When they get their Irish passport do they give up their British one or are they becoming dual nationality citizens.
When they get their Irish passport do they give up their British one or are they becoming dual nationality citizens.

Spain doesn't recognise dual nationality but the UK does,so must Brits (including my friends) will just hang onto their UK passports (as one friend already has) when they get their Irish ones.
Personally,I hope 2019 is the year when the 15 year rule is relaxed and I can vote again in any future UK general elections or referenda.I have no problem with taking out private insurance (if necessary) but for the moment I'm quite happy with my (free) EU Health Insurance card.

After seeing how selfish the ex-pats are on this thread ( I may have to use a different queue to my wife in passport control}……. I hope they relax that 15 year rule as well. 5 years would be long enough.

Don't take this to personally but you genuinelty believe you should get a vote in a British election ? including our future in the EU when you have not lived here for decades and have no intention to do so...…..Do you have any idea how you sound?

You made your choice, which means you don't get one when it comes to British Elections. You knew the (generous) time limit...….Then again this whole thread is for people who cant accept the rules or the democratic result.
After seeing how selfish the ex-pats are on this thread ( I may have to use a different queue to my wife in passport control}……. I hope they relax that 15 year rule as well. 5 years would be long enough.

Don't take this to personally but you genuinelty believe you should get a vote in a British election ? including our future in the EU when you have not lived here for decades and have no intention to do so...…..Do you have any idea how you sound?

You made your choice, which means you don't get one when it comes to British Elections. You knew the (generous) time limit...….Then again this whole thread is for people who cant accept the rules or the democratic result.

I imagine you're aware that there are other EU countries (like France) which give votes for life to their citizens ,wherever they reside?

FYI,the 15 year rule used to be a 20 year one.

I could, of course,vote in national elections, if I took out Spanish or French citizenship but why should I ? I'm British by birth and proud of it.
I imagine you're aware that there are other EU countries (like France) which give votes for life to their citizens ,wherever they reside?

FYI,the 15 year rule used to be a 20 year one.

I could, of course,vote in national elections, if I took out Spanish or French citizenship but why should I ? I'm British by birth and proud of it.

French people tend to do what's best for France, you may have noticed lately.

If your so proud of Britain why have you dedicated your life to slagging every aspect of our culture that doesn't fit with your dated and failed Marxist views....…...Including your support for the IRA...…