Another Surrey Shrimper
Life President
I think that was satire. More Malcolm Tucker than Ian Hislop though.Please tell me you're not serious?
I think that was satire. More Malcolm Tucker than Ian Hislop though.Please tell me you're not serious?
Stands to reason. Swing seat and tories in meltdown.And last!
Stands to reason. Swing seat and tories in meltdown.
Stands to reason. Swing seat and tories in meltdown.
Do you really think Farage has the pulling power to start a new party from scratch and have a big impact within the space of 3 months?Fascinating prospect. Think you're a brave man to forecast anything in this present political climate. It could depend on a number of things and that's why I said the date the by-election is called will be interesting. Imagine for a minute that Brexit is going to be May's deal, or for some reason, it comes to a halt or is delayed. Farage enters into the contest to save his Brexit........ could a joker in the pack could lead to an unpredictable result?
Archer's case was different as his lies were effectively harmful to someone else. There was a LibDem MP and his wife (names escape me) - she took his driving offence and she did time, think he did too.
Fascinating prospect. Think you're a brave man to forecast anything in this present political climate. It could depend on a number of things and that's why I said the date the by-election is called will be interesting. Imagine for a minute that Brexit is going to be May's deal, or for some reason, it comes to a halt or is delayed. Farage enters into the contest to save his Brexit........ could a joker in the pack could lead to an unpredictable result?
It's irrelevant, no one cares really its just a distraction. Anything to get to Christmas recess without have to make any decisions.
they would end up with so many exemptions it will just be a token policy on the whole and a horrendous inconvenience to many people who unjustly get caught up in it.
Am I the only one who thinks the UK's post-Brexit plans for immmigration (a minimum salary requirement of £30,000 for skilled migrants and a 1 year maximum visa for unskilled workers) are unworkable?
The fuss about whatever JC muttered was, of course, classic displacement activity.
Whilst journalists were trying to track down lip readers to give their interpretation on 'stupid woman' or 'stupid people' and for that to be a main news story for the next 12 hours, at the same time a homeless man was dying near the Houses of Parliament.
At the moment you can only read about this on the BBC if you check the local news pages.
Chris Huhne, not Hulme.Yes.Chris Hulme and his (then) wife Vicky Pryce.They both (quite rightly ) did time.
The fuss about whatever JC muttered was, of course, classic displacement activity.
Do you really think Farage has the pulling power to start a new party from scratch and have a big impact within the space of 3 months?
many other lip reading experts have concluded he said 'people' and he has stated he said 'people' so that should be the end of it. The whole world is watching our governmental meltdown over Brexit and this being front page news gives us new levels of laughingstock.Whilst I agree the actual point of whether he called her a stupid woman or not is a complete non story but there is a far bigger issue here which I'm sure hasn't passed you by.
Three independent lip reading/sync experts have said he used the words 'stupid woman' not people, or anything else for that matter and after watching it time and time again I have to agree. The bigger issue is that JC has blatantly lied about it. Why? He has made himself and his party look even more untrustworthy than they already were by doing so. He should have just admitted it, apologised for it being said in a moment of frustration brought on by the chaos caused by the ineptitude of TM and her Government and possibly by doing so actually earned himself a few brownie points where Joe public is concerned.
He really doesn't do himself or his party any favours does he.
Whilst I agree the actual point of whether he called her a stupid woman or not is a complete non story but there is a far bigger issue here which I'm sure hasn't passed you by.
Three independent lip reading/sync experts have said he used the words 'stupid woman' not people, or anything else for that matter and after watching it time and time again I have to agree. The bigger issue is that JC has blatantly lied about it. Why? He has made himself and his party look even more untrustworthy than they already were by doing so. He should have just admitted it, apologised for it being said in a moment of frustration brought on by the chaos caused by the ineptitude of TM and her Government and possibly by doing so actually earned himself a few brownie points where Joe public is concerned.
He really doesn't do himself or his party any favours does he.
it's not a question of being blinkered it's the fact that he tried and failed 7 times to become an MP which is a strong indication that he is not that popular with the public.You don’t?
Farage was one of, if not the most influential figure in landing the Brexit result.
He is a charismatic person who people will get behind & have blind faith in.
If you couple that with the current climate, where the overwhelming majority of the 17m brexiteers feel that they’ve been sold short, but have no party to turn to, it makes all the sense in the world that Farage could launch a new party, with its sole purpose of delivering Brexit, and people would certainly get behind it.
I know you detest the man, but occasionally you have to take off those lefty blinkers to see the wood for the trees.
The point is though, Farage has left UKIP, he has no party and none of the funds from EU that keep UKIP going. If you think he is going to form a new party and instantly pick up millions of votes throughout the country over the space of a couple of months then....I'm surprised.
it's not a question of being blinkered it's the fact that he tried and failed 7 times to become an MP which is a strong indication that he is not that popular with the public.
Leave won the referendum but people were voting for Leave not for Farage.
People who detest Farage could vote Leave because the agree with Bill Cash or Michael Gove or George Galloway or Kate Hoey or because there were two choices and they could pick one on the evidence without following one particular politician.
[/QUOTE]Farrage is a dick, but Cameron is a dick too - I didn't base my vote on either of them or any other politician.