Another Surrey Shrimper
Life President
to be honest that report contains a lot of info that we all know and agree on - that a no confidence vote won't pass without DUP rejecting their paymasters, and then it moves onto quotes from unnamed persons. The quotes are pretty standard and tbh I think they don't name the people not to protect them but because the reaction would be 'Chris Leslie, whatever'.Don't want to be too pedantic, I'd probably prefer to leave it that we don't exactly see eye to eye over a few things. Yet I would pick up on the vote of no confidence issue (one of the things we don't see eye to eye about!) It would appear, according to a 'skynews exclusive,' that not everyone was singing from the same song sheet on this issue.
OK, I suppose you'll say skynews is not exactly sympathetic to the Labour Party. Is it fake news or just skynews exaggerating a minor disagreement? If it is true it does rather back up what I said earlier about Corbyn being better to have done nothing and hold his fire. This way, it does unfortunately look a bit shambolic.
Did you see the footage of May when the no confidence vote was announced? She looked like she was going to cry then as soon as Corbyn had finished the announcement she stood up and walked out. Her next action was for No 10 to issue the dictate that they would not allow time for the vote to happen.
George Osborne's Evening Standard and others can try to spin it but that's not a good look for the leader of a democracy.