Look, I won't personally be too disappointed at the prospect of a Labour government. Quite honestly, what frightens me a lot more is another five years of these present incompetent morons. You can disclaim the importance of opinion polls but for me it would be worrying, given the incompetence of the present bunch, not to have a huge lead at this moment in time. Yet there are concerns not just for the policies but the whole ambiance of the party and control within. There appear to be a number of members and MP's who feel less content than you with the present set up. Maybe you will explain that away as normal disagreements within a family or stories exaggerated by a hostile media?
Everything in your first paragraph seems very reasonable on face value and there's nothing much most people would disagee with. Everyone wants improved services and I think you would find a majority in favour of more equality. The problem I may have with you is how we try and achieve these aims, or at least make a start towards addressing the mistakes and failings of previous administrations. I would prefer a pragmatic rather than an ideological approach to these problems...........after all it was an ideological dogma that got us into this mess in the first place.
Living in a country which offers further education without charges I would accept your first point (I had an
unrepayable student grant in the seventies

) Apart from that it is questioable whether the system even works, considering the amount of likely unpaid loans. Privatisation of the railways was a disaster...........and it certainly wasn't the only one. Yet we are where we are and each privatisation would need to be considered in economic terms, to find out whether re-nationalisation is a practical solution. Yes, everyone wants improvements in services but that can only be achieved with a successful economy .....can we afford to allow borrowing spin out of control?
Isn't Rees-Mogg supporting May more out of the hope and expectation that May will (perhaps inadvertently) take us out of the EU without a deal.............he may
support her but he certainly doesn't support her deal. The Tories had the right to vote for or against their leader. It was never going to be a vote that was offered to parliament, so in the end it was, at the least, rather futile.