yogi bear up the cagire
Life President⭐
Most, you said it yourself. Not all. it certainly hasn't worked for the UK in certain respects. And France? Are you serious. Have you not seen the problems unfettered mass migration has caused there. Oh wait, silly me. You have. You just choose to ignore it. Much like you do many other things that don't fit into your myopic and idealistic political views.
France is on the cusp of national turmoil due to the rise of the far right. Much of which can be attributed on the unhindered migration and failed social integration of peoples from all nations, especially sub Saharan Africa.
I get it. I really do. I get why your all butt hurt at the rise of your political anathema throughout Europe but seriously, just try and take a step back and see why. What we're seeing now is a culmination of over 40 years political ineptitude and shortsightedness in believing that cultures and peoples can happily co-exist and integrate on a mass scale. The writing has been on the wall for a generation now only a very few could see it and when they did dare to voice a concern they were forever labelled as racist and bigoted.
What is happening in France at the moment is deeply worrying and complex. IMO its origins (les gilets jaune) have as much to do with the 2008 financial crash as the problem of mass immigration. It's always been, for historical reasons, the tendence for french people to take their protests and grievences out onto the street. What started as a simple protest against rising petrol/diesel taxes has morphed into a multi-headed protest movement, whose demands, from some sectors, now extend to what amounts to insurrection. The situation has been seized upon by factions of the extreme left and particularly the extreme right to serve their own agendas. What worries me in particular is the maintained support for this movement with the general public, in spite of tha terrible events of the weekend. For me there needs to be a clear differentiation between those who wish to protest peacefully in airing their grievences and those who wish to undermine and destroy the very values of the Republique.
Apparently communication between the government and pacific organisers of the gilets jaune have been hampered by death threats to the latter by the extreme elements. Maybe the focus of the security services have been so focussed on muslim extremists that they have paid less attention to the poisonous threat which is far closer to home. The enemy within always presents a larger and more profound danger than any external menace. The government appears seriously rattled and have the extremely difficult task of dealing with a very serious situation without wanting to over react.