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Bailey... Go Now!!!.. Don't hang about!!!

When I got my mates text about this I had a slight sense of sympathy for Bailey. Having read that job application form, I'm saddened that the people of Southend will never again hold the guy in any regard whatsoever due to his stupid behaviour. A shame for all concerned, but not the end of the world. Just an odd and unfortunate start to the season... But if Grant is good enough for Tilly and Mourinho, then he's good enough for me

Thats the thing, before the Summer, Bailey was fast becoming a Southend United Legend, and there are numerous posts and threads on here with people talking him up.

His ruined it all with him spitting his dummy out, like a few people predicted. RM pointed out that he, and Tilson, only want players that are 100% commited to Southend, like the players brought in over the last couple of days.

Like I said earlier, if Bailey hadn't said this, he could have left during the Summer or January or next Summer and been held in high regard by the vast majority of us. Instead, his ruined that. I hope he never pulls on a Southend United shirt because its unfair on him and he may get injured.
We got him following a very similar set of events. But no one is criticising Charlton for their role in this. They're a bigger club than we are and make a nice rung on Nicky Bailey's career ladder, the same as we did for him 14 months ago.

agreed, i don't think its neccesarily that people begrudge Bailey the move; I don't for one. What's annoyed people, as you mentioned, is the cynicism, the use of the media, and the lack of professionalism and respect for the people who pay his wages. If he did the same thing at Barnet (i confess to not being up on the details) then I have sympathy for them, but that's Bailey's failing rather than Southend United's.
ooh Nicky Bailey you tried to rip us off
ooh Nicky Bailey you can **** right off
ooh Nicky Bailey trust in me when we say.....

oooh Nicky Bailey ect ect
the problem for me is that even though his comments (if true) are out of order, he is probably the most naturally gifted player i've seen for southend (freddy included). we've got to let him go, but he'll difficult to replace, and whilst i think the management have done the right thing all through this, the biggest regret in my opinion is not getting promoted last year

Sorry mate, but I've never had Bailey down for being a particularly skillfull player. Yes he works hard, scores goals but I don't remember those killer passes or sublime touches.

I think if he goes he'll be found out in the CCC unless he's prepared to work on his game, in particular his passing.
Sorry mate, but I've never had Bailey down for being a particularly skillfull player. Yes he works hard, scores goals but I don't remember those killer passes or sublime touches.

I think if he goes he'll be found out in the CCC unless he's prepared to work on his game, in particular his passing.

I agree that passing is probably the weakest part nd his game, but his positioning, tackling, defensive play and finishing is both well above league 1 standard, and years ahead of his age. i think real 'box to box' midfielders like bailey are a rare commodity and he often looks more like an experienced player than a 23yo. he really is a class act and he'll go far. i'll be sorry to see him go, even tho he's been a right d*ck over leaving
the problem for me is that even though his comments (if true) are out of order, he is probably the most naturally gifted player i've seen for southend (freddy included). we've got to let him go, but he'll difficult to replace, and whilst i think the management have done the right thing all through this, the biggest regret in my opinion is not getting promoted last year

Can't agree - Baily is a talented player - an V.V good player in fact who could probally do well for a Championship club....

....but to suggest he's more gifted than Freddy is ridiculus. Have you really forgotten how exceptionally talented Freddy was? - Some of his skill was utterly sublime - Baily doesn't come close.

I would rate Gower's natural talent over Baily's as well.

....and Moussa as a matter of fact! - give that boy time, he could be an excellent player.
the problem for me is that even though his comments (if true) are out of order, he is probably the most naturally gifted player i've seen for southend (freddy included). we've got to let him go, but he'll difficult to replace, and whilst i think the management have done the right thing all through this, the biggest regret in my opinion is not getting promoted last year

Sorry I can't agree with that.

Bailey had the best footballing brain I've ever seen in a Southend United shirt, but players like Gower, Eastwood and Maher where/are better technically gifted players.
natural ability can be both technical skill and a 'football brain', freddy and even gower both are much superior technically, but i think bailey still has all the natural attributes to go further than both of them
natural ability can be both technical skill and a 'football brain', freddy and even gower both are much superior technically, but i think bailey still has all the natural attributes to go further than both of them

Who cares what he has if his character is weak and he's just a selfish individual.
If Bailey is on the bench or even starting tomorrow, can we do this? :D

"I also really wouldn't want to let the lads down - so I just don't think it is right that I am involved"

"Now I am expected to play and I just don't think it is fair on me, my team-mates or the club"

What about the fans eh?? Is it fair on us!?

We made him our player of the season and this is how he acts because a club made a little bid for him!

You're still a southend united player m8! Sort yourself out!

Even Ronaldo didn't come out with quotes like this...
I doubt these quotes are true. The last time Sky Sports put an article up about him, he denied the quotes listed, and said he was very disappointed to be conveyed to the fans in such a manner.

Never know though...but i might turn a blind eye to this one.
I doubt these quotes are true. The last time Sky Sports put an article up about him, he denied the quotes listed, and said he was very disappointed to be conveyed to the fans in such a manner.

Never know though...but i might turn a blind eye to this one.

Id of thought if these were genuine quotes they would of been on the OS first. :unsure:
Id of thought if these were genuine quotes they would of been on the OS first. :unsure:

Players go to the press and tell them their thoughts before the tell them to the club or the fans ALL the time. Why would Bailey be any different? Let's face it, a lot of forwards are cowardly and hide behind the press, not having the guts to speak directly to the club or the fans.
This is why I'm doubting there genuine, Would Bailey honestly come out and say that ?

He dosent strike me as being very intelligent off the pitch.

You don't have to be a genius to try using the sporting press to engineer a move away from a club. Don't forget he has his agents 'advice' too.
You don't have to be a genius to try using the sporting press to engineer a move away from a club. Don't forget he has his agents 'advice' too.

I think agents take advantage of players who maybe can't think of things for themselves. I dont doubt that Bailey genuinely wanted to stay when he was listed but his agent has now pushed him to go to the Championship.

He has to think for himself over the move though, Is he going to be first choice at Charlton ?