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Bailey... Go Now!!!.. Don't hang about!!!

Ouch. I hope he doesn't read these forums. The lad doesn't deserve what he's recieved on here tonight.

He was POTY last season, and everyone was saying how awesome he is. Suddenly, he comes out and says that he wants to play on a larger scale and he's everyones target.

When Ronaldo came out and said he wanted his dream move to Real Madrid, you didn't see an uproar from there fans wanting to smash his cars up and letting him rot, did you?

Everyone who works in a company wants to work there way up to the best place they can be. If you made it publically known you wanted to move to a different company, you wouldn't expect everyone to start wishing you were dead would you? You'd expect them to be slightly pee'd off, but not to the extent of the fans on this forum.

Yes, he's gone the wrong way about it - but to wish someone to break their legs and rot isn't particularly nice, who ever it is aimed at.

Jay if he came out and said he wanted to play at a higher level, but would still give my all for Southend until that move came around, then people wouldn't be as ****ed off as they are.

But he's come out saying, this is my dream move, im not going to play because I dont want to injury myself, it wasn't choice to go on transfer list even tho I turned a contract offer.

Quite frankly he deserves all the abuse he gets.
Can anyone remember a single Southend player who has so cynically used the media to engineer a move away from Roots Hall?
Ouch. I hope he doesn't read these forums. The lad doesn't deserve what he's recieved on here tonight.

He was POTY last season, and everyone was saying how awesome he is. Suddenly, he comes out and says that he wants to play on a larger scale and he's everyones target.

When Ronaldo came out and said he wanted his dream move to Real Madrid, you didn't see an uproar from there fans wanting to smash his cars up and letting him rot, did you?

Everyone who works in a company wants to work there way up to the best place they can be. If you made it publically known you wanted to move to a different company, you wouldn't expect everyone to start wishing you were dead would you? You'd expect them to be slightly pee'd off, but not to the extent of the fans on this forum.

Yes, he's gone the wrong way about it - but to wish someone to break their legs and rot isn't particularly nice, who ever it is aimed at.

tbf mate, i think people (inc me) are just hacked off at the way he has come out and said that he wont play for the team that pays his wages because he might get injured
Let us not forget,he's still our player Jay Shrimper as we've turned down the offer that came in for him.
That's right,a Southend United player that has brazenly said it's not fair that he should be involved in the 1st game of the season incase he gets injured!

Stick him in the stiffs now Tilson,sod the money Martin.Make him the yardstick to others that this behaviour won't be tolerated.
tbf mate, i think people (inc me) are just hacked off at the way he has come out and said that he wont play for the team that pays his wages because he might get injured

Well then thats fair enough, but to come out and say:

"Normally, I think nothing is more important that a players health, but I hope the ****** breaks his leg soon and we let him rot."

just because he won't play to injure himself to get the move he wants is, in my eyes, quite frankly sickening.

If he turned round and said "Southend United is a sh*t place to be and I want to leave this sh*thole as quick as I can", then fair enough. He would justify some of the abuse he is getting.
Look, personally I'm having difficulty getting my head around all the events of the last thirty-six hours. However, perhaps people need to remember that we have a match tomorrow. Am I alone in believing that the reaction to Bailey's ill-timed and ill-thought out interview with SSN is going a bit over the top. He is one player (probably soon an ex-player)........he is not the team. Encouragement for the team tomorrow should not be overshadowed by the venom that some are threatening towards Bailey .....if he is there. If he is in the squad perhaps a better reaction when his name is called would be ..........total silence. For christ's sake those lucky enough to go tommorow .......
it's more important to get behind the team rather than on Bailey's pathetic back.
Look, personally I'm having difficulty getting my head around all the events of the last thirty-six hours. However, perhaps people need to remember that we have a match tomorrow. Am I alone in believing that the reaction to Bailey's ill-timed and ill-thought out interview with SSN is going a bit over the top. He is one player (probably soon an ex-player)........he is not the team. Encouragement for the team tomorrow should not be overshadowed by the venom that some are threatening towards Bailey .....if he is there. If he is in the squad perhaps a better reaction when his name is called would be ..........total silence. For christ's sake those lucky enough to go tommorow .......
it's more important to get behind the team rather than on Bailey's pathetic back.

Here here.
Ouch. I hope he doesn't read these forums. The lad doesn't deserve what he's recieved on here tonight.

In the main he does.

For him it's a job - for us the club is a big part of our lives.

I wouldn't wish physical harm on another person but can understand the outrage surrounding the Sky interview comments.

Can't imagine these observations of Bailey's were pure fiction.

Who needs him anyway- let's concentrate on the 3 points tomorrow & don't forget the abuse that must undoubtedly be aimed at that fat slug Fry.
As much as I like(d) Bailey, who are we to judge? This is the same situation Barnet fans found thereselves in.

Bailey is obviously an ambitious guy - and with that, a bit of a mercenery going after the dollar where it finds him.

Get him out asap and lets move on, but lets not cry 'outrage' here when we did the same thing to him to get him away from Barnet.
I find this unbelievable. Keeps quiet after being understandably put on the list because he/or agent (no he, should be man enough to speak his mind) makes unreasonable demands and then soon as the first enquiry/offer comes in he stamps his feet and says it's not fair how can I play with this on my mind, let me go etc. If, if it's true then let the b.....d go and get someone in who wants to play for us.

He needs to remember that you come down faster than you go up. He's only been in League 1 for a season ffs. One of these days it will come back and bite his bum and a club will be saying off you go Mr B, we don't need you. You can play ok but you don't have the character to play in our team. What goes around comes around.

What 2 days! one step forward and then one back.
Get him out asap and lets move on, but lets not cry 'outrage' here when we did the same thing to him to get him away from Barnet.

We got him following a very similar set of events. But no one is criticising Charlton for their role in this. They're a bigger club than we are and make a nice rung on Nicky Bailey's career ladder, the same as we did for him 14 months ago.
The comment that made my blood boil ( if true ) was ."My head just isn't right anymore".....**** me, could you imagine saying that to your boss and still want paying.
Get him out asap and lets move on, but lets not cry 'outrage' here when we did the same thing to him to get him away from Barnet.

we've had one season out of him, put him in a bigger spotlight and offered to double his wages. Yeah, there's definitely an element of hypocrisy about the reaction of the fans, but it's a fresh wound- i feel pretty ****ed off about it right now (especially coming the day before the opening game, when we finally were feeling optimistic after some signings), and i don't begrudge anyone else the right to feel the same.
As much as I like(d) Bailey, who are we to judge? This is the same situation Barnet fans found thereselves in.

Bailey is obviously an ambitious guy - and with that, a bit of a mercenery going after the dollar where it finds him.

Get him out asap and lets move on, but lets not cry 'outrage' here when we did the same thing to him to get him away from Barnet.

We are the people who pay his wages.

If he'd have put in a couple of sound, committed seasons with us before seeking a move away it would have cushioned the blow somewhat but don't agree with him looking to p!ss off to another club as the 1st offer that comes along

From a personal point of view hope he ends up in the Mark Rawle & David Lee bucket of trash along with all the other players of the same ilk who have screwed us over the years.
Ouch. I hope he doesn't read these forums. The lad doesn't deserve what he's recieved on here tonight.

He was POTY last season, and everyone was saying how awesome he is. Suddenly, he comes out and says that he wants to play on a larger scale and he's everyones target.

When Ronaldo came out and said he wanted his dream move to Real Madrid, you didn't see an uproar from there fans wanting to smash his cars up and letting him rot, did you?

Everyone who works in a company wants to work there way up to the best place they can be. If you made it publically known you wanted to move to a different company, you wouldn't expect everyone to start wishing you were dead would you? You'd expect them to be slightly pee'd off, but not to the extent of the fans on this forum.

Yes, he's gone the wrong way about it - but to wish someone to break their legs and rot isn't particularly nice, who ever it is aimed at.

He is getting exactly what he deserves. I'd give my **** and balls to play for Southend United. I'd play with a broken leg/arm/hand whatever if I could because I love this Club. I know he obviously doesn't, not many players are fans of the Club they currently play for, but we should be considered before making this sort of statements.

In the space of 2 seasons his gone from a nobody to a League One footballer who is more than likely going to end up in the Championship by the end of August. Personally, like Fergie said about Ronaldo, I'd rather him rot in the stands for a couple of years before moving on.

Actually, with Ronaldo, there was a massive uproar up North. I have a lot of family around that area, and the abuse that was being dished out to Ronaldo is much worse than what is being said by Nicky Bailey.

Comparing this to our jobs isn't right either. There are thousands and thousands of people that support Southend United, no-one supports companies that we all work for on here. Also, to my knowledge so far, no-one has wished him dead.
From hero to zero in no time at all..

Just to add another dimension to this... Has anyone thought why it might be his dream move? Is it 'his dream move' because it's the club he's longed to play at, or is it his 'dream move' to get away from this club?

Anyway, although Nicky is doing himself no favours, I would like to thank him for the year he gave us last year, and if he was to leave us, all the best. No one can take last season away from him; he was a revelation.

Every footballer wants to play at the highest possible league they can, so who can deny him that? He's just gone the completely wrong about it, which is a shame for him.

Sorry Mummy's little soldier! But if an offer comes in and you want to go have a bit of tact. If this is all true and he is publicly playing the spoilt brat and it's all someone elses fault the day before the season start then sod him that's not on. Not only is he p....ng the fans off but imagine how the players will be feeling. Shame? just a selfish boy!
When I got my mates text about this I had a slight sense of sympathy for Bailey. Having read that job application form, I'm saddened that the people of Southend will never again hold the guy in any regard whatsoever due to his stupid behaviour. A shame for all concerned, but not the end of the world. Just an odd and unfortunate start to the season... But if Grant is good enough for Tilly and Mourinho, then he's good enough for me
the problem for me is that even though his comments (if true) are out of order, he is probably the most naturally gifted player i've seen for southend (freddy included). we've got to let him go, but he'll difficult to replace, and whilst i think the management have done the right thing all through this, the biggest regret in my opinion is not getting promoted last year