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Question What is making you happy today?

Becoming a great uncle again to a little girl. My niece's boyfriend had to deliver the baby in the bathroom :stunned:
Not sure whether this is making me happy or mad actually, holiday weekend at Center Parcs this weekend. 24 of the family together for the weekend, celebrating a 70th, a 60th, a 50th, a 40th and two 21sts! I am just going to drink and hopefully the whole weekend will pass me by.

"Eat, drink, and be merry, for though we something something something, we will in fact be blind, drunk" the order of the day then?
What type of fish?

I have always wanted a Bond Villain type aquarium.

I've got Cardinal Tetras, Bleeding Heart tetras, guppies and panda Cory's. It's a beginner tank if I get on alright I will eventually buy a bigger tank and move onto marine.
I've got Cardinal Tetras, Bleeding Heart tetras, guppies and panda Cory's. It's a beginner tank if I get on alright I will eventually buy a bigger tank and move onto marine.

Prepare for Guppy armageddon. They don't seem to last very long.
If you get shrimp, they shed their shells. Co-worker of mine found that out after thinking hers had kicked it.
Be prepared for your house to stink and guests to be too polite to mention it.

What's making me happy - colleagues leaving do tonight, a few ales in a sunny sheffield beer garden.
Did you put the tank on top of the fridge?

Nope, pride of place in the lounge. Every other type of fish seems to last - my Angel fish is about 5 years old now. :raspberry:

Oh and Ricey - get some fresh water shrimps - they help clean the tank by eating the fish poo, and some catfish clean the limescale.
10k run round Whipsnade Zoo, catching a brief glimpse of some of the animals, then walking the course again with the kids and taking the time to see them properly. Elephants are just amazing aren't they?
Worked like a mo-fo this weekend and flexed the plastic but the garden is now looking lovely. :thumbsup: