The Guardian have lots of articles on clearing but never reveal how Polly Toynbee got into Oxford with one A level.
Surely that would be much more useful than comparing the relative merits of post 92 institutions.
(As I'm sure you're fully aware) unconditional offers are often made to Oxbridge candidates before their exam results come out.Not that I'm in any way condoning this practice.
(As I'm sure you're fully aware) unconditional offers are often made to Oxbridge candidates before their exam results come out.Not that I'm in any way condoning this practice.
But one A level?
Even Prince Harry has more than that.
Ho ho ho, pot kettle black.
And I'm not, it was a joke but obviously....
But one A level?
Even Prince Harry has more than that.
Really, was it?
Ha! Think Prince Charles only got one and was taken on a degree course too.As I implied, I don't approve.
I missed this at the time:
as did I, I also haven't seen any of the videos underneath, I have just spent my lunch hour and some watching Love Kurupt FM.
The new series has just started. Episode 1 is on the iPlayer.
No one else has got on their high horse. Is it raining up there?
I'm reminded now of my results day. A funny old one as of our group of four close pals, one got in to his first choice, one in to his insurance, one flunked completely and one (me) was in a bit of limbo as I got the right results but in the wrong subjects. So the mood was a bit mixed.
All ended up fine, although we went out for a very big booze up and I set a new record by still being sick at 8pm the following evening.
All good fun.
Awesome night out last night in Benfleet. Can't remember getting home. Think I was sick somewhere!
Prince Charles actually graduated.
Prince Charles doesn't write articles three times a week about how unfair the UK is.
How many kids from sink estates worked at The BBC and The Guardian with one A level?
Yeah.Degree in architecture ,wasn't it? A friend's son here was doing that until he switched to media studies.He still hasn't got a job but then he's not royalty,nor does he have a famous Dad..
As for PT she, at least, has a famous surname.As I said I don't condone the system but "enchufe" or contacts works just as well here in Barna as it does in the UK.