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Question What is making you happy today?

The FA Cup results. Where's Toellandback (sadly missed) and Spartan (not sadly missed) when you need them. :hilarious:
Seeing Espanyol thrash a useful (and second placed) Seville side 3-1 this afternoon.:thumbsup:
Thanks to a rather questionable (at best) red card I'm the first minute! Good to see them doing so well this season though.
Supposed to have 3 meetings today, spanning from 9am to 3pm....two cancelled and I'll be done by 1pm for my usual loafing. :happy:
On my way to Macau for a day trip. Just completed 5 years in HK (2 years until permanent resident rights). Week before last fully paid business trip back to U.K. to find I'd been promoted. Celebrated by spending most of last week in the Philippines. El Nido and Coron in Palawan. Paradise on earth and neither spoiled (yet) by western influences, not a McD or Bux in sight. Electricity optional, wifi and straight data patchy at best. Get it on your bucket list before the place is developed and ruined.

2017 has started marvellously well for me.
On my way to Macau for a day trip. Just completed 5 years in HK (2 years until permanent resident rights). Week before last fully paid business trip back to U.K. to find I'd been promoted. Celebrated by spending most of last week in the Philippines. El Nido and Coron in Palawan. Paradise on earth and neither spoiled (yet) by western influences, not a McD or Bux in sight. Electricity optional, wifi and straight data patchy at best. Get it on your bucket list before the place is developed and ruined.

2017 has started marvellously well for me.

Well done, it's hard to make that step up to associate...
Reading an article about Ryan Adams being ****ed off being asked to sing Bryan Adams Summer of 69 when the article points out that they share a birthday. How odd!
picking up new car tomorrow!


Looking good mate.
Going to a wedding tomorrow where nearly a dozen Old Leigh Comm from over 40 years ago will be meeting up , thats what you call friendship .