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Question What is making you happy today?

Despite the football being cancelled, a good mate kindly drove down to Southend and back so we met up with other mates and had a lovely curry, drinks and dancing in a very dodgy club. A good night.

PS: Hello Wayne. :smile:
Despite the football being cancelled, a good mate kindly drove down to Southend and back so we met up with other mates and had a lovely curry, drinks and dancing in a very dodgy club. A good night.

PS: Hello Wayne. :smile:
You weren't back at the Brush were you?! :winking:
Washing Machine kept filling up with water after washes and then came up with an error. Panic set in thinking I'm going to have to call out an engineer and it will cost a fortune or buy a new one.

So I gave it a whirl and troubleshooted the issue and when I removed the sump pipe that leads into the waste pipe I found a sock wedged into it. How it got there is beyond me but it's now working again and has saved me a small fortune. I was very close to just ordering a new one too!
Ha ha, the inside is a dump! I'd hate to see it before the renovation.
Glad to hear it. Really don't like this trend of curry houses done up like Ikea showrooms. When I go out for a ruby I want the establishment to look like the one you'd occasionally see Del Boy frequenting in early episodes of OFAH.
Washing Machine kept filling up with water after washes and then came up with an error. Panic set in thinking I'm going to have to call out an engineer and it will cost a fortune or buy a new one.

So I gave it a whirl and troubleshooted the issue and when I removed the sump pipe that leads into the waste pipe I found a sock wedged into it. How it got there is beyond me but it's now working again and has saved me a small fortune. I was very close to just ordering a new one too!

Socks are not that expensive, you know.
Mu son has just bought a car. I got the insurance down from £2200 for 6 months, to £605 for a year . all with the sme company (Admiral). Bearing in mind he is 18 I am VERY happy.
Mu son has just bought a car. I got the insurance down from £2200 for 6 months, to £605 for a year . all with the sme company (Admiral). Bearing in mind he is 18 I am VERY happy.

I did similar with our health insurance. For the family we were paying about £600 a month. By moving myself, and the two boys to a different provider I saved about £275 a month. The new provider wouldn't take my wife given her back history, and the fact that she's waiting on another operation.

To put that into perspective, that will more than pay for both our holidays next August.