Massimo Giovanni
Old Timer⭐⭐🦐
This is only a trivial rant BUT i am pig sick of Adele's "hello" record already - every music radio show must play it every 30 minutes!
This is only a trivial rant BUT i am pig sick of Adele's "hello" record already - every music radio show must play it every 30 minutes!
I bet BBC6 doesn't......:whistling:
6 music does play a lot of **** though and it also has the awful Lauren Laverne
I like Lauren Laverne. But I find the station pretty tough to listen to once the Steve Pacamac show is over. All gets a little bit smart arsed after that.
What's hacking me off - people without the bloody manners to hold the door for you.
Stephen Fry and his latest revelations.
He is a total knobend.
The TV in our bedroom deciding to leap off the wall last night just after I'd fallen asleep :angry:
The TV in our bedroom deciding to leap off the wall last night just after I'd fallen asleep :angry:
Forking out £65 on a dongle for my Macbook.
Our younger daughter is laid up in bed with pneumonia in Palermo.Not a great way to start a year off.
Ugh, fireworks. Can't stand the ****ing things. TV on, volume up tonight.