MK Shrimper
Not that different - in South Africa, I've known someone who pulled over after he saw a black man drive towards him.
Jensen Button and Lewis Hamilton? :unsure:
Not that different - in South Africa, I've known someone who pulled over after he saw a black man drive towards him.
Not that different - in South Africa, I've known someone who pulled over after he saw a black man drive towards him.
Jensen Button and Lewis Hamilton? :unsure:
Finally downloaded Red Card Roy from Amazon so going to make a start on that when I get a chance
After finishing World War Z (which I must say got a bit stupid in the middle and boring towards the end), I'm going to give Nick Cave's The Death of Bunny Munroe a read.
If you haven't read it already I highly recommend "and the *** saw the angel" by Nick Cave
After finishing World War Z (which I must say got a bit stupid in the middle and boring towards the end), I'm going to give Nick Cave's The Death of Bunny Munroe a read.