You know that Shami was Director of the protest organisation Liberty from September 2003 to March 2016 so if you have seen her on TV a lot protesting then she was clearly doing her job?
You know the Tories have been in power for 6 years and despite the promise of reducing immigration to the tens of thousands it has grown in their time and is at a higher level than under Labour?
You know that immigration from EU countries is lower than non EU counties?
You know that Farage wasn't your boy and you are claiming him in hindsight. Your boy was Godfrey Bloom - remember? He was the one who you said spoke for you, but by the time you allied yourself with him he had left UKIP but stuck with his MEP salary as an independent. He was your boy.
Bloom spoke to me ?,your mixed up as I have never met the man let alone speak to him.
Bloom was a funny guy very eccentric and clearly mad,he was the circus act,he never spoke for me at all.