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"The Guardian was the big winner in the first national newspaper ABCs of 2014 reporting a rare year-on-year rise in print circulation".


Do you think they have inherited readers from the Dandy?
Seems the UKIP defections have started going in the other direction - one of their MEP's has gone Tory....

'The Amjad Bashir suspension story is developing by the minute.

What is becoming clear is that he has/ was about about to defect to The Conservative Party and has spoke to The Daily Telegraph claiming that UKIP had become a “party of ruthless self-interest” and that UKIP was incapable of delivering a referendum on membership of the EU.

Bashir went on to describe UKIP as “pretty amateur” and condemned its “ridiculous” lack of policies, saying the party was “delusional” over its chances of winning seats in the General Election in May.

Bashir says: “After almost three years as a party member, I realise that Ukip is more concerned with furthering its own interests as a political party than delivering for the British people.

“I’ve seen Ukip both at home, and abroad, and I’m sorry to say they’re pretty amateur. In the European Parliament, some of their MEPs think it’s acceptable to shout and fool around.”

“They think they’ll sweep up dozens of seats in May, but that’s delusional. What they are in very real danger of doing, however, is making a big enough dent in the Conservative vote to let Labour in.”

It's not clear at the moment what came first, Amjad Bashir's defection or suspension.

What is clear however is that there is one fewer UKIP MEP's tonight.'
Really? According to the Times it was in December and Farage was tweeting about it today and he didn't use the 'old news' defence. Maybe this kind of thing happens so frequently even the party leader has lost track of which gaffs are new and which are old.

Yes, well in the traditions of certain people on here, reportedly isn't fact is it. And if it was a conversation down the pub then it holds even less credence.
Amusingly though a UKIP candidate is quoted in the Telegraph as saying that Farage makes policy up as he goes along and that his own misleading comments on the NHS were because he has been staying out of the pub.

'Mr Bullen apparently blamed recent "faux pas" by Mr Farage on his well-publicised decision to have a 'dry' January shortly after Boxing Day. He said: “He's got to start drinking again, I mean he's made so many faux pas since he went on orange juice.”'
Any idea what its about?
The Councillors all refused to back the official candidate for Parliament. I think there have been a few reports of local branches not liking being told what to do by the central party.

Not very exciting stuff for the casual observer by worth reporting as it's Southend and because infighting effects the chances of making ground locally. One for the predictors to take on board.
The Councillors all refused to back the official candidate for Parliament. I think there have been a few reports of local branches not liking being told what to do by the central party.

Not very exciting stuff for the casual observer by worth reporting as it's Southend and because infighting effects the chances of making ground locally. One for the predictors to take on board.

There seems to be quite a bit of this going on. Farage isn't the chosen one quite as much as he thinks he is. If he doesn't win Thanet then I think he will be gone as party leader. I'd personally back Carswell to take over who I think would be a lot more palatable to people.
There seems to be quite a bit of this going on. Farage isn't the chosen one quite as much as he thinks he is. If he doesn't win Thanet then I think he will be gone as party leader. I'd personally back Carswell to take over who I think would be a lot more palatable to people.

He's certainly more Tory than the Tories. :winking:
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