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Probably...but lets throw mud a UKIP eh?

On the contrary, all the chattering classes will be talking about UKIP after the R and S by-election at the end of the month.

Hopefully then the focus will shift to Cameron and his problems rather than the media's current, biased obsession with the Labour party leadership.
On the contrary, all the chattering classes will be talking about UKIP after the R and S by-election at the end of the month.

Hopefully then the focus will shift to Camerron and his problems rather than the media's current, biased obsession with the Labour party leadership.

Indeed, it's not as though 20 shadows ministers are pressing for the Labour Leader to stand down or anything.


What on earth is all the fuss about!
The press,which is massively biased against the Labour party and its left-wing,radical leader, is deperately doing whatever it can to ensure that Labour doesn't win the next General Election.


You seriously believe that the BBC is anti-Labour? Seriously?

Notice I said press rather than media.

That was a link to your beloved Grauniad.

Since the story was originally covered in the Guardian's sister paper, the Observer, that's hardly a suprise.

As I said it's quite obvious that there is an anti-Labour bias in the press.

No sensible person thinks that there's any chance whatsoever that Labour will make a change in its leadership six months away from a General Election.

This is all media spin designed to keep the Tories in power next May.
Notice I said press rather than media.

Since the story was originally covered in the Guardian's sister paper, the Observer, that's hardly a suprise.

As I said it's quite obvious that there is an anti-Labour bias in the press.

No sensible person thinks that there's any chance whatsoever that Labour will make a change in its leadership six months away from a General Election.

This is all media spin designed to keep the Tories in power next May.

A summation of the Shadow Cabinet?
Farage has gone on record saying it is not ideal but has also stated that if he starts coming out with the same sort of stuff as his party leader then the alliance will be terminated. Would you tar the entire Labour party with the same brush if one of them started coming out with ridiculous quotes and personal thoughts?
If it was the party leader then yes.
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