Well done to all those making the effort to help out today 

Sorry to tell you, you've been gazumped. Somebody's just put a bid in of £1.50.Great spirit around the place this morning.....pocked up season tickets too. Well done to all involved. Rather symbolic we found a pound coin outside the west.....buys the club apparently
The pitch looks fine, There are a couple of things that will not be open if the game goes ahead next week.That is the small bar above the family enclosure and the mens toilets behind W block although there will be porta loos installed.What’s the pitching looking like?
Assume there are still risk areas for the safety certificate?
Not sure why Anna tagged shrimpers forums. just after she posted it, as i was next to her at the time she said Ops, should of been Shrimperzone.
You and Tony did a great job Jacks. I must say though the East stand team leader was magnificent.Quite an enjoyable morning and good to see so many turn up and working hard.