There's a lot coming from the Kev out band. ( myself included) I would like to hear more from the 47% that want him to stay. Is it what he's done for Southend or is it another reason.
So I am still in the Maher in faction as I write & don't expect to change in the short term. However I wholly accept that there are issues that are pulling the likes of you in the opposite direction & many give compelling reasons for their view.
My story is that after many, many years as a seaso & travelling all over the country I lapsed around the early 2010's, frustrated with the games we played with HMRC resulting in what I thought at the time were poor teams & entertainment. Work changes also meant my wife & I were paying £700 between us for not many more than 20 games a season combined.
Over the intervening years I'd come to a few games a season but when Kev took over, even under The Rat, I thought we started playing some decent football. My take on it was that the players looked well coached, with a great spirit & it was only the financial issues that again & again were stopping us achieving something. They seemed, even in the times of crisis to play a very tidy passing game in midfield, with a reasonable defence keeping us relatively safe & at times enough of a goal threat to keep us competitive with most of the division. Obviously having Vilhete & Kabongolo up front at times wasn't ideal but we survived & when Justin arrived I started coming to every game again.
Based on that I decided to get a season ticket again this year, helps I'm a senior I guess, & like we all did had hoped that we'd have a good year.
Did I think we'd storm the NL? No
Did I expect us to be around the playoffs? Hell yes
Are we underachieving badly? Not 'alf
Have we got the right players? Definitely not at this stage of the season & unless we can pass better we need some pace in the side
Do I like the syle of play at the moment? Indeed "do I not like that" to coin a phrase but I wasn't a great fan of Captain Crab as a player
Am I frustrated with COSU? I am concerned that the communication seems to have dropped off however I believe but for them we'd have been watching us against Barking not Barnet last Saturday
Is this all Kev's fault? Not all but he is struggling I admit
Why am I still in the Maher in camp then? Partly loyalty as I think it's a rare commodity but mostly I go back to the last couple of seasons when I saw something in the way the team played that I thought was proper football "for the level we are at". Getting the likes of Kanu, Hayes & this year Pepple on loan seemed to suggest we were well thought of as an improvement project & there was some respect in the game for what we were doing but we couldn't make the most of this as we were constantly embargoed.
I know we can't bleat about players that have gone but that has undoubtedly affected the way we play & can play at the moment but I still believe that with a couple of additions in the right places we can get back to that style of game. We didn't have that much pace in the side even the last couple of years but we quite regularly passed it round teams making the ball do the work rather than the players having to be lightning quick. Unfortunately without that passing game we look off the pace & like most the backwards/sideways stuff in our own half frightens the hell out of me on a regular basis.
Sorry that's long but you did ask.

As I said I don't expect to come out of the Maher in camp, dons tin hat

, BUT something definitely needs to change & personally I am a tad concerned about the silence from COSU. Having said that I'm not sure the dreaded vote of confidence would help anyone much.