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SUFC: The Future SUFC up for sale

Our hopes and visions for the rebirth of Southend United, plus any plans published by the consortium for discussion
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As much as it would hurt to see the likes of Bridge walk, I must admit I am more concerned for the poor office staff who maybe about to enter the 3rd (possibly 4th for some) month without pay. It sure put's this all in perspective doesn't it?....How many of us could survive that long without our salary and still have the ability and desire to turn up for work like they do? They are the real heroes in all of this.

So much for loving the club and group companies providing the necessary working capital. Vile, vile human being, with not a care in the world for these people who have given and been through so much. Please also remember there is one of these staff members at the other end of the Facebook and Twitter accounts. It isn't their fault, they probably want him gone even more than we do. Ranting at them is not going to help.

If any staff are on here and just need a chat, please feel free to DM any of the mods in confidence. Please don't suffer in silence 👌
As much as it would hurt to see the likes of Bridge walk, I must admit I am more concerned for the poor office staff who maybe about to enter the 3rd (possibly 4th for some) month without pay.

So much for loving the club and group companies providing the necessary working capital. Vile, vile human being, with not a care in the world for these people who have given and been through so much.

Let`s hope we get rid of him soon, and I mean 100% rid of him. No deals of him lurking around in the background. The lift the club, staff, players, supporters would get on an announcement is going to be immense 👍:LoyalSupporter::Happy:

He should be held accountable for what he has done to the club, debt wise and non-payment of staff, players, etc....

My understanding, from talking to a lawyer, is that DD won't change the agreed price. It will change the warranties built into the contract.
Which squares the circle round to who gives and underwrites those warranties. I can see that being a significant factor in the time the process is taking.
As much as it would hurt to see the likes of Bridge walk, I must admit I am more concerned for the poor office staff who maybe about to enter the 3rd (possibly 4th for some) month without pay. It sure put's this all in perspective doesn't it?....How many of us could survive that long without our salary and still have the ability and desire to turn up for work like they do? They are the real heroes in all of this.

So much for loving the club and group companies providing the necessary working capital. Vile, vile human being, with not a care in the world for these people who have given and been through so much. Please also remember there is one of these staff members at the other end of the Facebook and Twitter accounts. It isn't their fault, they probably want him gone even more than we do. Ranting at them is not going to help.

If any staff are on here and just need a chat, please feel free to DM any of the mods in confidence. Please don't suffer in silence 👌
Seconding this. The bloke has no shame and I don't know how he sleeps at night. It's one thing if you have run out of money and show genuine remorse about the awful effect that you're having on your employees living standards and mental health, but he simply doesn't give a ****.

Utterly beneath contempt. Echoing @Smiffy - if anybody affected is on SZ and would like an anonymous (or otherwise) chat with us, please do reach out.
I wasn't sure if to post this here or on the "What is Hacking you off" thread.

I turned on my computer this morning and couldn't get in to SZ. It told me the server was unavailable. "**** me", I thought, "has the deal finally been announced?"

I checked Twitter to see if CP had posted anything, but he hadn't. Then I realised I had internet connection issues!
As much as it would hurt to see the likes of Bridge walk, I must admit I am more concerned for the poor office staff who maybe about to enter the 3rd (possibly 4th for some) month without pay. It sure put's this all in perspective doesn't it?....How many of us could survive that long without our salary and still have the ability and desire to turn up for work like they do? They are the real heroes in all of this.

So much for loving the club and group companies providing the necessary working capital. Vile, vile human being, with not a care in the world for these people who have given and been through so much. Please also remember there is one of these staff members at the other end of the Facebook and Twitter accounts. It isn't their fault, they probably want him gone even more than we do. Ranting at them is not going to help.

If any staff are on here and just need a chat, please feel free to DM any of the mods in confidence. Please don't suffer in silence 👌
Agree with this 100%

This is people’s life’s being affected….food, rent, mortgages.
It would anger me, if I knew that Ron was still going out to restaurants and living it up still ,
while the SUFC staff are struggling g to put food on their tables, and starting to struggle with their MH.

It would anger me, if I knew that Ron was still going out to restaurants and living it up still ,
while the SUFC staff are struggling g to put food on their tables, and starting to struggle with their MH.

well be angry then cos he's still lording it up with the Bentley, the tennis court in his back garden and the trips to fancy restaurants.
So.. no rumblings then to make it sound like today is a possibility?... Wonder who's at training today if the takeover isn't going to be completed
So.. no rumblings then to make it sound like today is a possibility?... Wonder who's at training today if the takeover isn't going to be completed
They will all be at training today. The big question is.....Will they get paid, as it's payday?
And then of course, the fallout if not paid. Also the brilliant staff behind the scenes who are owed two months wages, and it could be three after today. So, a big day today that will definitely affect things and staff.
So.. no rumblings then to make it sound like today is a possibility?... Wonder who's at training today if the takeover isn't going to be completed
If it was today, I would have expected some kind of murmurs by now. Just little signs. But nothing. Today is a critical day with contract expiring etc. Really had hoped today was the day, but feels like its slipping away as a possibility.
If its not today, I can see it going to (or beyond 12th) as both buyers and seller playing chicken with the court hearing date.
Will Ron buckle with the prospect of selling off more assetts to pay HMRC? It was said on here that it was in Kimuras hands now, so perhaps they are running to clock down to force the deal through with Ron sweating about paying the bill. But we all know Ron won't sweat. Hes blindly optimistic when it comes to getting further ajournments.
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