If the money is not found by the 12th of july we wont have a club And if that man is to contiue to run our club into the ground .Maybe if no buyer is found maybe Adminitratin may be the only answer to get rid of him .
Many people think like I do: if the sale has not gone through, or, is very close to completion, by the 12th of July, it is hard to see how the club can continue to exist.
In the meantime logic suggests that sooner the club is sold the better the prospects will be for the forthcoming season. Once we remain unsold beyond a certain date the value of the club will be less to any perspective buyer (as long as football is their main motivation for buying).
The buyer (whoever they might be) know that Ron needs to sell, and, as is their right, might be using this to force some concessions from him.
Ron is no stranger to brinkmanship, and, might be trying to resist these tactics by holding out for as long as possible.
Of course, like 99% posting on this thread I do not know anything, and, I am just guessing. However, unlike many posting on here I freely admit I know nothing.
In the second paragraph I used the word logic so I had better post a health warning. Previous experience has shown that using logic to try to either work out or predict events at SUFC has a very poor track record.
Most of us are guessing so all we can do is wait and see how this plays out. That the buyers might be doing what they can to secure the most advantageous deal for themselves, or, that Ron might be doing the same, should come as no surprise to anyone. That is what buyers and sellers do.
In any negotiation there is always a chance of a break down, and, in this case, the pressure generated by 12th of July court date might well increase the prospects of a no deal.
However, when the buyer really wants to buy and the seller really wants to sell it agreement will be reached more often than not.
Seat belts should have been tightened a long time ago as the stakes are very high.
How will this end? On SZ only those who have a real line to those negotiating have any kind of clue. For the most part those claiming such status right now seem to be relaxed enough.
As for the rest of us: why worry about something you have no control over. If you are concerned perhaps stay away from SZ, take your better half out to dinner tonight, go for a run, or make a donation to cancer research.
I will now take the dog for a walk, and, much as I want SUFC to continue to exist, the loss of my wife to cancer on the 28th of May has confirmed my priorities. Life continues to be life while SUFC is a pleasant diversion.