Rayleigh boy
He hasn't duped anyone.
Gosh -
You are, however, half right that the debt only really exists in RM's head.
ok 50% of it in his head .. and 50% ??
Because he has never actually made the club pay the rent and said he never will the item on the balance sheet doesn't really mean anything at the moment.
agreed - "it doesn't really mean anything"
However when he sells it's a different kettle of fish as the debt is there on the balance sheet and will need to be paid by any new owner because you can rest assured that Ron will charge someone else that money even if he never intends to charge it whilst he owns the club.
yeah but - no properly advised businessman will fall for RM trying to charge them for some piece of fantasy accounting
Having said that, I would imagine that any new owner will argue that with Ron, and probably come to some kind of compromise, or at least I would hope so.
this is the big true thing ... and when you are completely skint you compromise at lot ... I hope the new owners get the club for a VERY sensible price and keep the rest of their budget for the new era
Hurrah hurrah hurrah ..