West Stand
Effectively if you exclude wages then swept up into that £2.2 million or circa £40k a week is all those costly little things that are incurred in running the business that is a football club. Don’t get confused between the club being charged for these services / supplies and them being paid for.Sounds alot, but for a business the size of SUFC it's not. More interesting is the out goings. 2 million on admin? That's the 200k per month short fall. I'm sure more qualified people on here could look at it and make sense of it!
Without even thinking too hard here’s a some items that will be in that £40k a week
Rent £9k a week
Rates £1 a week
We were told that ground up keep is £4k a week.
Water/ Electric & Gas is is going to be way over £1k a week more likely £2 k a week
Averaged out over a season would imagine that travel to away games including overnight stays feeding the squad and support staff is going to be £1 k a week.
Public Liability insurance and other insurances are going to be at least £1 k a week
Then talk about supplies be they things like printers, photo copiers paper, seed machinery hire the list goes on .
Of course there are no doubt opportunities to save but running a football club is very expensive