You don't know a crime has occurred. As someone who has had to use a baton in a serious situation, I can tell you that it is quite easy to hit the intended target (for target, don't read person, but body part, ie, arm or thigh) but that it is equally easy for accidents to occur. Yes, I will almost always stand up for the police, but I will also play devils advocate, and once skill that all people should have, but that Police have to have more of, is objectiveness. It is easy to say how something happenend, proving how and why it happened is not so easy. Yes a student got hit, but was it because of a mental copper giving it large, or because he was pushed into the path of the baton and neither could stop/ move out of the way?
Anyway,. back to the Student scum. The bottom line is the Government cannot afford to bankroll university education anymore. That is not the current government's fault. What the Government should be doing, is promoting, and offering their own, sponsorship schemes, whereby you work for the company in your time off, and after university, you work a minimum term.
If the Goverment were to back down, aside from the weakness of it, where would the money come from? Higher taxes? Less money on other education? And what would happen then.... more protesting and rioting. University education is a choice, not a god given right.