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Rough woman you know you shouldnt fancy but do....

sorry Ive just got to go back to my picture, How can anyone not love that ??? look at her??

Corn Beef legs (covered up by Fake Tan)

classy Tattoos on her thigh

a Baggy ****

slutty over powering make up

and loves a game of cards
You probably think that because its a programme for girls. I love it, watch it all the time as got the boxset :)

Have you ever watched The Real Sex in the City NYC on Sky?
I never have purely as it mentions SitC but have been intrigued purely on an "I am obsessive about NYC" level!
Andy - who is that, Kat Slater? F***ing hell, she is rough as.

SJP... look, all birds love SJP, she is a bird's bird, a demigoddess for them... "a strong empowered woman" etc. (who still ends up with the bloke who refuses to commit to her for most of the programme, the loser!).

But she's really not all that to look at, is she?!

Ive only got 5 channels on terrestrial and don't miss much. :)

I guess it's maybe a case of what you don't have you don't miss?

I'm not saying I need 400 channels, most of what I watch is on probably 15-20 channels. It's also the technology where you can just set a reminder/record and not miss any of a whole series that I love!
I guess it's maybe a case of what you don't have you don't miss?

I'm not saying I need 400 channels, most of what I watch is on probably 15-20 channels. It's also the technology where you can just set a reminder/record and not miss any of a whole series that I love!

By my reckoning Channels 900 to 955 on Sky = 56 channels
I guess it's maybe a case of what you don't have you don't miss?

I'm not saying I need 400 channels, most of what I watch is on probably 15-20 channels. It's also the technology where you can just set a reminder/record and not miss any of a whole series that I love!

True. Maybe one day I'll upgrade.

I no... Im sick........ its an adolesant thing, as jesus said to the diciples at the last supper when talking about judas escariat" forgive him father for he Knows not what they do"
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I no... Im sick........ its an adolesant thing, as jesus said to the diciples at the last supper when talking about judas escariat" forgive him father for he Knows not they do"

Oh God - see my post no. 31! A nightmare has come true!
SJP... look, all birds love SJP, she is a bird's bird, a demigoddess for them... "a strong empowered woman" etc. (who still ends up with the bloke who refuses to commit to her for most of the programme, the loser!).

But she's really not all that to look at, is she?!


I think its a progression from the stereotype of little girls liking horses, they grow up and like horse-faced people instead.

ps SJP? Referring to her by her initials, in the way a bloke may refer to Shaun Wright-Phillips by his initials, is a worrying trait. Have you been reading women's magazines by any chance? Does Heat refer to her as SJP?
The Mrs hasn't bought it for 3/4 years but they certainly used to. Maybe this is where the tabloids got SWP from?

Didn't realise the tabloids refer to him as SWP as I don't read them either.

I always felt that it was appropriate to refer to SWP and JCR by a shortened version of their name as a nod towards their shortened stature.