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Rough woman you know you shouldnt fancy but do....

Bjork, Wanamaker, Mel C and Lorraine Kelly would all get it, for sure.

Osborne / Emin - I wouldn't touch with the proverbial bargepole.

If we're confessing all to Archdeacon DtS in the "I know I shouldn't have" stakes, then I must confess that, occasionally, the fat ginner on Hollyoaks used to give the old man a wee twitch now and then...


Bjork, Wanamaker, Mel C and Lorraine Kelly would all get it, for sure.

Osborne / Emin - I wouldn't touch with the proverbial bargepole.

If we're confessing all to Archdeacon DtS in the "I know I shouldn't have" stakes, then I must confess that, occasionally, the fat ginner on Hollyoaks used to give the old man a wee twitch now and then...



Yeah but aside from the chubbyness and 6ft , shes actually quite pretty (well in that photo). Were talking really strange ones here arnt we
(Gwen from Torchwood being one) sorry MK ;)
How did I know you'd be interested....?!

Mikyla Dodd

She's 6ft tall, 15.5 st and a size 18.... that's a lot of ginner, even for you, Rich!


I am not just saying this MtS she is without doubt the roughest woman ever to appear on TV. A total pig. I think this thread should be closed for the sake of the children......AAhhhhhhhh
I would..


But I would close my eyes and remember her like this....

Seriously Matt, you are in no position to defend yourself. She wasn't called Moose for any positive reasons.

Ah well, I always did like a bit of meat on the bone. And on a Sunday morning as a single man, even the smell of croissants would get my mojo flowing, as it were...

:minger: :hilarious:
Quote "Gwen from Torchwood being one"

I have felt like beating the meat to her a few times. Just couldnt quite get my missus to go to bed early enough LOL.
How about this one:

Amy Winehouse. Would ride her like Seabiscuit. I am so wrong.
Ok.... Sarah Jessica Parker.... A RIGHT horsey bint IMHO. Sex In The City? Only if I can put a bag over your horse face Shergar :D