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Question Questions and Answers Required Please.


Zone Owner⭐⭐
Staff member
Oct 25, 2006
Hi All, This is best to have in a separate thread i think.

The below questions in no way reflect anything happening at the club atm. The staff, who are mostly working unpaid are doing everything they can under the most difficult circumstances,but of course it is made worse by having both their hands tied behind their back. I apologise to the staff at the club for not making this clear earlier.

The Zone has been asked to get 5 questions asked and answered to help some research that is taking place.

1. Would you get to Roots Hall earlier if there was a fan zone, with food and drink options for home games? Entertainment and ex players.

2. Would you sit in the North Bank if it was possible on a game by game basis depending on the away team?

3. If you have not bought a season ticket yet, would you buy one if RM is no longer involved in Southend United.

4. If one thing could be done to improve your match day experience, what could it be?

5. What could the club do, in your opinion, to be more involved in the local community.

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1 - yes
2 - yes
3 - possibly. due to work I can only attend the odd evening match
4 - safe standing / terracing
5 - I'd have to think about that more, but more interaction with the community certainly cannot be a bad thing!
1 yes
2 no but I'm sure others would
3 yes
4 learn to take a free kick or corner
5 get in touch with Hastag and learn how good they are with social media. The have already been invited to tournament in the US next summer which will please their US fans.
1. Most definitely- a marquee and some mobile food outlets in the car park to create a pre and post match atmosphere similar to Twickenham.

2. Think the North Bank should be for home fans! Not sure if the lower South offers enough seating to comply with league rules but would be ideal to house away fans there.

3. Bought 4 season tickets on hearing ‘Wallop’ as was confident this was the end of Ron Martin.

4. Improving food and drink outlets! Better beer and more options to reduce queues. See point 1.

5. make match days an afternoon experience not just a game between 3 and 4.45pm. More emphasis put on making kids attend at a very favourable rate. Having said that I am going to be disappointed if our gates don’t soar with the departure of RM and the feeling of relief we will get when this is all sorted.
Hi All, This is best to have in a separate thread i think.

The Zone has been asked to get 5 questions asked and answered to help some research that is taking place.

1. Would you get to Roots Hall earlier if there was a fan zone, with food and drink options for home games? Entertainment and ex players.
Probably not as I sit in the West stand which is cut off from the rest of the ground. I park about half a mile West of Roots Hall so to go all the way to the East and then have to come back again wouldn't make sense. A fanzone would only really benefit the people that sit in the East stand.
2. Would you sit in the North Bank if it was possible on a game by game basis depending on the away team?
3. If you have not bought a season ticket yet, would you buy one if RM is no longer involved in Southend United.
N/A, but if the question was around attendance I would say I'm currently in two minds. I just can't be arsed at the moment. It helps that I'm on holiday and will have to miss a number of matches in August anyway so I can kick that personal can down the road somewhat. If RM wasn't involved I wouldn't be having this dilema.
4. If one thing could be done to improve your match day experience, what could it be?
Leave Roots Hall. I hate the place.
5. What could the club do, in your opinion, to be more involved in the local community.
N/A. I don't live in Southend.
Hi All, This is best to have in a separate thread i think.

The Zone has been asked to get 5 questions asked and answered to help some research that is taking place.

1. Would you get to Roots Hall earlier if there was a fan zone, with food and drink options for home games? Entertainment and ex players.

2. Would you sit in the North Bank if it was possible on a game by game basis depending on the away team?

3. If you have not bought a season ticket yet, would you buy one if RM is no longer involved in Southend United.

4. If one thing could be done to improve your match day experience, what could it be?

5. What could the club do, in your opinion, to be more involved in the local community.

1 - 100% yes. The BB and the Spread are institutions for fans BUT i would love a real fans zone, decent foot and drinks, entertainment and a feeling of 'home'

2 - Yes

3 - N/A already have

4 - improved/modernised RH with better food and drinks

5 - N/A I do not live in Southend so unable to comment
Hi All, This is best to have in a separate thread i think.

The Zone has been asked to get 5 questions asked and answered to help some research that is taking place.

1. Would you get to Roots Hall earlier if there was a fan zone, with food and drink options for home games? Entertainment and ex players.

2. Would you sit in the North Bank if it was possible on a game by game basis depending on the away team?

3. If you have not bought a season ticket yet, would you buy one if RM is no longer involved in Southend United.

4. If one thing could be done to improve your match day experience, what could it be?

5. What could the club do, in your opinion, to be more involved in the local community.


1 Sometimes
2 No
3 already bought one
4 Better than 20% chance of getting a pint at half time
5 Club could be more visible generally. Better advertising in and around the city, murals of ex players eg Adam Barrett on sides of public buildings, more links with local firms, needs to be a real statement of mutual civic pride between the new city and its football club.
1 - Definitely
2 - Possibly. If safe standing more than likely.
3 - Money is burning a hole in my pocket. As soon as (if) a deal is done I'm straight down the ticket office!
4 - Safe standing
5 - TBH I'm not sure what the level of community engagement is at present but the more the better. I remember SVC saying about Everton and their amazing community programme.
Hi All, This is best to have in a separate thread i think.

The Zone has been asked to get 5 questions asked and answered to help some research that is taking place.

1. Would you get to Roots Hall earlier if there was a fan zone, with food and drink options for home games? Entertainment and ex players.
Maybe mainly depend on what time I have before the game
2. Would you sit in the North Bank if it was possible on a game by game basis depending on the away team?
No I wouldn’t, I think away fans should not be behind the goal, they should be in the corner between the north and west stands with the correct segregation. Housing away fans in the south stand would possibly create more segregation issues
3. If you have not bought a season ticket yet, would you buy one if RM is no longer involved in Southend United.
Possibly, I have said many times I will never give any money to the club while RM is still associated with it
4. If one thing could be done to improve your match day experience, what could it be?
Refurb’d stadium
5. What could the club do, in your opinion, to be more involved in the local community.
For me they need to include the local kids clubs more, rather than a competition at half time have the ball boys take part in a little game or a penalty shoot out against a youth keeper.
1 Yes
2 No I'd stay in the East stand. But I'm an old fart now
3 Already bought
4 All round fan experience. Better food and drinks. Better facilities, toilets etc.
5 More publicity for players doing good work in the community. Do players go into schools now, a few years my grandson met a player who visited his school which reinforced his attachment to the club.
Hi All, This is best to have in a separate thread i think.

The Zone has been asked to get 5 questions asked and answered to help some research that is taking place.

1. Would you get to Roots Hall earlier if there was a fan zone, with food and drink options for home games? Entertainment and ex players.

2. Would you sit in the North Bank if it was possible on a game by game basis depending on the away team?

3. If you have not bought a season ticket yet, would you buy one if RM is no longer involved in Southend United.

4. If one thing could be done to improve your match day experience, what could it be?

5. What could the club do, in your opinion, to be more involved in the local community.

1. Great idea, yes.
2. No but I think that would be a hugely popular idea with many others.
3. Already purchased mine.
4. Aside from what happens on the pitch I would say improved facilities including food and toilets. Make better use of the half time break although I’m struggling for suggestions.
5. I think they have been fairly poor at setting up summer soccer camps and getting involved with schools more. Really look to build a fan base from a younger age.
1. Yes
2. No
3. No
4. Get rid of the moany 2 blokes in s upper. Seriously, better before and after match facilities
5. Get into primary schools, offer a pe lesson and handout some free tickets.
1 - Yes
2 - Potentially but not 100%.
3 - Yes - Literally waiting for RM to **** off and I'll purchase mine
4 - Working turnstiles. :Facepalm:
5 - Need to do more to encourage kids to come back. It's very easy for them to fall into being Prem team supporters if that's what the other kids at school are doing. Make it so visiting RH is a far better experience than the likes of West Ham. (Meeting players, autographs, half time on the pitch etc.)
Hi All, This is best to have in a separate thread i think.

The Zone has been asked to get 5 questions asked and answered to help some research that is taking place.

1. Would you get to Roots Hall earlier if there was a fan zone, with food and drink options for home games? Entertainment and ex players.

2. Would you sit in the North Bank if it was possible on a game by game basis depending on the away team?

3. If you have not bought a season ticket yet, would you buy one if RM is no longer involved in Southend United.

4. If one thing could be done to improve your match day experience, what could it be?

5. What could the club do, in your opinion, to be more involved in the local community.

1, absolutely- presently it is quite a depressing, smelly place and borderline unhealthy / unsafe
2. Yes - one of the first thing the new owners is move the away fans to the South - safe standing in lower tier and seats above. Reconfigure the North to 100% safe standing / rail seating.
3. Yes
4. Improve the catering and overall facilities
5. We should be trying to engage via social media more - look at the success of the YouTube channels of Wrexham and Dorking.
1 Probably Not
2 No
3 Already bought my ST - despite Ron
4 Cant think of anything TBH ,
5 Summer football days for the kids , attending primary schools maybe to take a PE session . Primary schools should be the focus imho , their minds are pretty much made up (and are far more cynical) by the time they are in secondary
1 - Yes to better food and drink options. No to fire-eaters or The Cheeky Girls
2 - No
3 - Yes
4 - More incentives to get kids through the gate. Kids for a quid, big pushes for free tickets for schools; gte the stadium packed out. Get the women's team on before occasionally (might not be possible due to warm ups). Girls are really getting in to football and we need to draw them in.
5 - Trial days at schools. Local ex-players to talk to them about Southend United and it's rich history.
1. Yes.
2. No.
3. Already bought ours x 3
4. The fanzone/better food and beverage offering. Designated 'kid for a quid' or subsidised matches - the Bromley 'pay a fiver' game(s) boosted crowds and made for a cracking atmosphere.
5. Just generally be more visible; use local businesses and produce for the fanzone idea above; summer soccer schools; partnering with local charities (bucket collections at home games etc.), I am sure there are elements of this going on already, but not sure we hear as much about it as we should (or at least I don't).
With the caveat and understanding I get to games for a couple of months every few years of course. But -

1. Would you get to Roots Hall earlier if there was a fan zone, with food and drink options for home games? Entertainment and ex players.

Absolutely. Would love to give the club my money for drinks and food if the opportunity is there.

2. Would you sit in the North Bank if it was possible on a game by game basis depending on the away team?

If it was part of a wider plan to get a good group of noisy fans under that roof to help the team then yes.

3. If you have not bought a season ticket yet, would you buy one if RM is no longer involved in Southend United.

Not in a position to buy a season ticket (bit of a trek from here) but would buy a streaming subscription.

4. If one thing could be done to improve your match day experience, what could it be?

My matchday experience is via the online streaming platform. This is not a priority (get things fixed for match going fans first) but some sort of pre/half time/post match analysis on there with maybe an ex player involved would be great…other clubs in lower leagues/National League do just that so sure we could.

5. What could the club do, in your opinion, to be more involved in the local community.

I think we do a lot of great stuff in the local community on a shoestring already DESPITE the current ownership. So ask those people already doing great things what support they’d need to do more. Bringing the Women’s team closer into the fold at the club would be a fantastic start however.
1. Yes, defo
2. Yes, and I would prefer to stand
3. Yes
4. Better organisation of the food and drinks outlets, to cater for the pre match and HT peeks
5. The community workers need something to sell. At the moment it looks like a derelict stadium with hardly any players. A good matchday experience would be easy to sell.