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Paris terrorist attacks

I do hope this debate isn't going to degenerate further and get locked. I sense we are not far from that which would be a shame.

It probably needs its own thread. It is a wider issue than the horrible scenes we saw in Paris,
You have condemmed those who in your view lacked respect,then you add the above,makes no sense to me!

I was, (I think), clearly being facetious.Sorry.

A more measured answer to Pubey's quesion, would be that I was struck by the contrast between GHG's dignified response to what was a barbaric attack on Paris and that of others on this thread, (including yourself), who've used it solely to peddle party political propaganda.

On a personal note, I was deeply moved going in to work yesterday,to see all the floral tributes and notes etc left by the kids at the LFB here. http://www.lfb.es/
I was, (I think), clearly being facetious.Sorry.

A more measured answer to Pubey's quesion, would be that I was struck by the contrast between GHG's dignified response to what was a barbaric attack on Paris and that of others on this thread, (including yourself), who've used it solely to peddle party political propaganda.

On a personal note, I was deeply moved going in to work yesterday,to see all the floral tributes and notes etc left by the kids at the LFB here. http://www.lfb.es/

I am am able to make my own mind up without anybody else pointing me in any direction,I don't need any help from any political party to draw my own conclusion.

Put it another way,

If 10,000 skinheads were marching up the seafront,the old bill would be out in force whilst many folk would steer well clear of the mob.

Yet in Europe 200,000 young fit blokes are on the march and they get applauded by some and welcomed by many.

Strange world.
I am am able to make my own mind up without anybody else pointing me in any direction,I don't need any help from any political party to draw my own conclusion.

Put it another way,

If 10,000 skinheads were marching up the seafront,the old bill would be out in force whilst many folk would steer well clear of the mob.

Yet in Europe 200,000 young fit blokes are on the march and they get applauded by some and welcomed by many.

Strange world.

Not really. The 200,000 "fit young blokes" are running for their very lives, along with the same amount of non young & non fit men, women (no doubt some fit/some not so) & kids.

You know, I've been thinking what would be the ultimate **** you to ISIS from Europe - not bombs, bullets or boots on the ground, or any anti-Muslim protests. Double the amount of refugees allowed into Europe. Fight back with love, they'd ****ing hate that. Bombing them just justifies their existence, and like Mickey's broom in Fantasia, you kill one you get two more.
Not really. The 200,000 fit young blokes are running for their very lives, along with the same amount of women & kids.

Every bit of footage I have seen clearly shows the vast majority are young blokes,true there are females and kids but if they numbered 10% of the total I would be surprised.
Every bit of footage I have seen clearly shows the vast majority are young blokes,true there are females and kids but if they numbered 10% of the total I would be surprised.

There's more to the Internet than The Daily Mail website & the jolly old Britain First group on Facebook.
Not really. The 200,000 "fit young blokes" are running for their very lives, along with the same amount of non young & non fit men, women (no doubt some fit/some not so) & kids.

You know, I've been thinking what would be the ultimate **** you to ISIS from Europe - not bombs, bullets or boots on the ground, or any anti-Muslim protests. Double the amount of refugees allowed into Europe. Fight back with love, they'd ****ing hate that. Bombing them just justifies their existence, and like Mickey's broom in Fantasia, you kill one you get two more.

In an ideal world yes you are IMO correct regarding stuffing IS.
I'll only speak once.

I watched the carnage unveil itself on friday night in stunned silence. The death toll slowly rising as the night went on. On Saturday morning, over 100 and still raising, the whole grusome story becoming more horrific by the hour. Becoming clear that once more, a European city has had to pay the price.

First the shock on Shrimperzone but only for a page. Then the blame in the name of futile debate, it's the refugee's, they were home grown as more die of their wounds. It's incompetant police, the muslims, watch list and boat people, a few more die.

Then we infight, accusations of disinformation, bile and vile words while surgeons operate on the real victims and families hunt the streets of Paris hoping against hope of finding the loved ones who they can't make contact with. One asks to mourn, to mourn strangers he neither knows or names but checked the fridge to toast the death of an old woman.

Divert to border controls, immigration and free movement on a thread about innocent people watching a band, eating a meal or having drink and never being able to do such a thing again. While our so called leaders pat each other on the back in Turkey but not too hard as litle backbone tends to snap.

So we will observe a minutes silence and I will put my faith in a man who might rather the one who wont, and I'll watch those families bury sons and daughters,mothers and fathers and the left and right blame each other and await the next time.

I'll say no more.

Has someone hacked your account?

As I understand it so far .

Russia are bombing IS(slightly) but their main targets are Assad's enemies.
America,France and Britain are bombing IS but want to bomb Assad
Saudi are bombing a completely different tribe

Then on the ground we have various sides fighting each other.

What a mess.
I am am able to make my own mind up without anybody else pointing me in any direction,I don't need any help from any political party to draw my own conclusion.

Put it another way,

If 10,000 skinheads were marching up the seafront,the old bill would be out in force whilst many folk would steer well clear of the mob.

Yet in Europe 200,000 young fit blokes are on the march and they get applauded by some and welcomed by many.

Strange world.

No,No,No mrsblue when will you ever learn. There is no point in extra police or more control because a determined skinhead can never be stopped. Why are you stereotyping bald white men, you have no proof that any of them are skinheads. If you stop Skinheads marching they will just find an alternative activity. They could easily go for a light stroll.

The events in Paris are horrific and its not a time for political point scoring. So you may think the lefties on here are naïve but I for one have truly learnt something from them in the last few days. I use to be security conscious of a night but now I sleep much better with the front door wide open, after all you cant stop a determined burglar.

Now lets finish with a smug, moral high ground, self serving comment like......In this country we value our freedom and rights and I welcome the valuable contribution and diversity that multiculturalism brings ( then skip the uncomfortable truth that to maintain all what I value we have to use force now and again).
As I understand it so far .

Russia are bombing IS(slightly) but their main targets are Assad's enemies.
America,France and Britain are bombing IS but want to bomb Assad
Saudi are bombing a completely different tribe

Then on the ground we have various sides fighting each other.

What a mess.

Hmmm. I haven't commented yet. But I just wanted to point out Russia are bombing the hell out of ISIS - cruise missiles, the lot. The rest of the world are waiting for France to ask for the UN to get involved before they attack properly.
It probably needs its own thread. It is a wider issue than the horrible scenes we saw in Paris,

Never was a truer word posted Beefy. The thread is now so far off topic that the original sentiment is long forgotten sadly.
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This might have been posted here but I've been reading a fascinating (and very long) article about ISIS, who they are, their objectives and what they've done in their short life span.


I don't know much about The Atlantic as a publication but the article seems fairly neutral to me.

Frightening read, Beefy. But worth it just to try and get a little in to the heads of these low lifes and their grubby beliefs.
No,No,No mrsblue when will you ever learn. There is no point in extra police or more control because a determined skinhead can never be stopped. Why are you stereotyping bald white men, you have no proof that any of them are skinheads. If you stop Skinheads marching they will just find an alternative activity. They could easily go for a light stroll.

The events in Paris are horrific and its not a time for political point scoring. So you may think the lefties on here are naïve but I for one have truly learnt something from them in the last few days. I use to be security conscious of a night but now I sleep much better with the front door wide open, after all you cant stop a determined burglar.

Now lets finish with a smug, moral high ground, self serving comment like......In this country we value our freedom and rights and I welcome the valuable contribution and diversity that multiculturalism brings ( then skip the uncomfortable truth that to maintain all what I value we have to use force now and again).

If a bunch of skinheads were arrested for marching peacefully there would be a lot of people complaining.
Not really. The 200,000 "fit young blokes" are running for their very lives, along with the same amount of non young & non fit men, women (no doubt some fit/some not so) & kids.

You know, I've been thinking what would be the ultimate **** you to ISIS from Europe - not bombs, bullets or boots on the ground, or any anti-Muslim protests. Double the amount of refugees allowed into Europe. Fight back with love, they'd ****ing hate that. Bombing them just justifies their existence, and like Mickey's broom in Fantasia, you kill one you get two more.

Totally, cut off the source of radicals by treating everyone as fellow human beings gaining and giving sufficient trust to allow for any clerics preaching hate to be dismissed by the community was opposed to tolerated.
Give them the opportunity to embrace the European Cultures rather than driving them to fight for their own by alienating them.
unfortunately we are unlikely to see anything remotely resembling this whilst there are those who choose to openly abuse fellow human beings because they have a different complexion or choose to believe a slightly different fairy stories morale tale.